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Last active October 20, 2022 15:07
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  • Save KZeni/0411c7cdc6c4e05afb7bc8f4ecfbed0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KZeni/0411c7cdc6c4e05afb7bc8f4ecfbed0c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Fancybox Lightbox
//$('a[href^="#"][href$="-bio"]').attr('data-fancybox', '').attr('data-selectable', 'true').attr('data-type', 'inline');
$('a[href*=""],a[href*=""]').attr('data-fancybox', '').attr('data-width', '1280').attr('data-height', '720'); // Catch links to YouTube videos, but don't catch normal links (links to channel, etc.) Give them a width & height (720p) (while it's then mobile-responsive & also doesn't take up the whole screen [offering its own fullscreen option if they want to see it bigger.])
//$('.event-bio').attr('data-selectable', 'true');
// $('a[href*=".pdf"],a.pdf,.pdf a').each(function () {
// // Make PDFs scrollable on mobile devices via PDF.js
// if (location.hostname === this.hostname || !this.hostname.length) {
// // Make sure the file is being served from an external site (avoid origin issues from trying to load that content via JS)
// $(this)
// .attr('href', '/wp-content/themes/brit/pdfjs/web/viewer.html?file=' + $(this).attr('href'))
// .attr('data-fancybox', '')
// .attr('data-type', 'iframe')
// .attr('data-selectable', 'true');
// }
// });
$('[data-fancybox][data-type="iframe"]').attr('data-fancybox', '').attr('data-selectable', 'true');
$('a[href*=".jpg"],a[href*=".jpeg"],a[href*=".png"],a[href*=".gif"],a[href*=".webp"],a[href*=".heic"],a[href*=".heif"],a[href*=".avif"],a[href*="?gf-signature="]').attr('data-fancybox', 'gallery');
var imageTitle, imageAlt;
$('a[href*=".jpg"],a[href*=".jpeg"],a[href*=".png"],a[href*=".gif"],a[href*=".webp"],a[href*=".heic"],a[href*=".heif"],a[href*=".avif"],a[data-fancybox]').each(function () {
imageTitle = '';
imageAlt = '';
imageTitle = $(this).find('img').attr('title');
imageAlt = $(this).find('img').attr('alt');
if ($(this).attr('data-caption') === '') {
// Don't replace existing captions
if (typeof imageTitle !== 'undefined' && imageTitle !== '') {
$(this).attr('data-caption', imageTitle);
} else if (typeof imageAlt !== 'undefined' && imageAlt !== '') {
$(this).attr('data-caption', imageAlt);
$.fancybox.defaults.loop = true;
$.fancybox.defaults.animationEffect = 'zoom';
$.fancybox.defaults.transitionEffect = 'tube';
$.fancybox.defaults.buttons = ['zoom', 'share', 'slideShow', 'fullScreen', 'download', 'thumbs', 'close'];
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