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Created December 12, 2019 14:45
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Dynamic unowned generic value
internal final class Unowned<Wrapped> {
private let wrapper: Wrapper
fileprivate init(wrapper: Wrapper) {
self.wrapper = wrapper
internal var wrappedValue: Wrapped {
get { wrapper.get() }
set { wrapper.set(newValue) }
fileprivate struct Wrapper {
fileprivate var get: () -> Wrapped
fileprivate var set: (Wrapped) -> Void
extension Unowned where Wrapped: AnyObject {
internal convenience init(wrappedValue: Wrapped) {
self.init(wrapper: fromClass(wrappedValue))
extension Unowned {
internal convenience init(wrappedValue: Wrapped) {
self.init(wrapper: from(wrappedValue))
fileprivate func fromClass<T: AnyObject>(_ value: T) -> Unowned<T>.Wrapper {
let container = ReferenceContainer<T>(value: value)
return .init(
get: { container.value },
set: { container.value = $0 }
fileprivate func from<T: Any>(_ value: T) -> Unowned<T>.Wrapper {
let container = ValueContainer<T>(value: value)
return .init(
get: { container.value },
set: { container.value = $0 }
private final class ReferenceContainer<Value: AnyObject> {
unowned var value: Value
init(value: Value) {
self.value = value
private final class ValueContainer<Value> {
var value: Value
init(value: Value) {
self.value = value
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KaQuMiQ commented Dec 12, 2019


class ClassToTest { init() {} }
struct StructToTest { init() {} }
struct TestUnowned {
  @Unowned var unownedClass: ClassToTest = ClassToTest()
  @Unowned var unownedStruct: StructToTest = StructToTest()
_ = TestUnowned().unownedStruct // ok
_ = TestUnowned().unownedClass // crash - unowned deallocated

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