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Created November 10, 2016 17:27
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// Trying to find the best solution to the following problem:
// Display a large number with a small space in between steps of thousand.
// Thus => Convert a number to an array of max. three digits
// E.g.
// Input: 10 Output: [10]
// Input: 1234 Output: [1, 234]
// Input: 24521280 Output: [23, 521, 280]
// Here are my attempts (all working solutions)
// The first "make it work without thinking much"-version
const numberToThreeDigitArray = (number) => {
const numberStr = number.toString();
let threeDigitSequences = [];
let threeDigits = [];
for (let i = numberStr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
threeDigits = [numberStr[i]].concat(threeDigits);
if ((numberStr.length - i) % 3 === 0) {
threeDigitSequences = [threeDigits.join('')].concat(threeDigitSequences)
threeDigits = [];
// Final push
if (i === 0 && threeDigits.length > 0)
threeDigitSequences = [threeDigits.join('')].concat(threeDigitSequences)
return threeDigitSequences;
// The "think a little before doing"-version
const numberToThreeDigitArray = (number) => {
if (number / 1000 < 1) return [number];
return [
...numberToThreeDigitArray(Math.floor(number / 1000)),
number % 1000
// The third "why don't we do string iteration"-version
const numberToThreeDigitArray = (number) => {
return number.toString().split('').reverse().map((char, i) => {
return i !== 0 && i % 3 === 0
? ' ' + char
: char;
}).join('').split('').reverse().join('').split(' ');
// => Not really happy with either solution yet, but so far I prefer solution 2
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