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Created March 3, 2018 07:16
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Dummy json generator
'repeat(30, 60)': {
"model": "common.job",
"pk": '{{index()}}',
"fields": {
"title": '{{lorem(1, "words")}}',
"company_id": '{{integer()}}',
"level": '{{random("beginner", "intermediate", "expert")}}',
"location": "{{country()}}",
"address": '{{integer(100, 999)}} {{street()}}, {{city()}}, {{state()}}, {{integer(100, 10000)}}',
"employment_type": '{{random("contract","freelance","fulltime","parttime")}}',
"experience": '{{integer()}}',
"role": '{{random("Technical", "Management", "Administration", "Architecture", "Executive", "Other")}}',
"job_description": '{{lorem(1, "paragraphs")}}',
"education": '{{random("BE", "MBA", "B.Sc", "M.Sc", "ME", "M.Tech", "B.Tech", "Phd", "", "BBA", "MCA", "BL", "", "SSLC", "HSC")}}',
"ctc": '{{integer(150000, 6000000)}}',
"openings": '{{integer()}}',
"expires_on": '{{moment( Date(), new Date(2019, 0, 1) )).format("YYYY-MM-DD")}}',
"contact": "[{\"name\": \"{{firstName()}}\", \"email\":\"{{surname().toLowerCase()}}@{{company().toLowerCase()}}{{domainZone()}}\", \"phone\": \"+1 {{phone()}}\"}]",
"is_active": '{{bool()}}',
"is_published": '{{bool()}}',
"created_at": '{{moment( Date(2016, 0, 1), new Date())).format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]")}}',
"updated_at": '{{moment( Date(2016, 0, 1), new Date())).format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]")}}',
"deleted_at": null
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