#!/bin/bash |
# Set up the output file |
INVENTORY_FILE="$PWD/inventory" |
PASSWORDLESS_SUDO_USER_ADDING_PLAYBOOK_FILE="$PWD/1.add-passwordless-sudo-user.yaml" |
# Function to ask for confirmation |
confirm() { |
while true; do |
read -p "Use the previous configuration (y/n): " choice |
case "$choice" in |
y|Y ) return 1 ;; # Confirmed, return success |
n|N ) return 0 ;; # Not confirmed, return failure |
* ) echo "Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'." ;; |
esac |
done |
else |
return 0 # If files do not exist, return failure immediately |
fi |
} |
if confirm; then |
echo "You chose NO, proceeding with new configuration.." |
echo "Running the task..." |
# Ask for the new user infos: |
read -p "Enter new machine user's name: " new_ssh_user |
read -sp "Enter new user's password: " new_ssh_pass |
echo "" > $PASSWORDLESS_SUDO_USER_ADDING_PLAYBOOK_FILE # Clear any previous content in the file |
# Generate inventory dynamically |
--- |
- name: Add user and configure passwordless sudo |
hosts: all |
become: yes # Ensure tasks are executed with root privileges |
tasks: |
- name: Ensure user '$new_ssh_user' exists |
user: |
name: $new_ssh_user |
password: "{{ '$new_ssh_pass' | password_hash('sha512') }}" |
state: present |
shell: /bin/bash |
- name: Add '$new_ssh_user' to sudoers with passwordless sudo |
lineinfile: |
path: /etc/sudoers |
regexp: '^$new_ssh_user' |
line: '$new_ssh_user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' |
validate: '/usr/sbin/visudo -cf %s' |
- name: Enable ssh authentication with passowrd - Remove ``KbdInteractiveAuthentication no`` config(for EC2 Ubuntu 22.04) |
# This task removes 'KbdInteractiveAuthentication no' from the sshd_config to avoid issues. |
lineinfile: |
path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config |
regexp: '^KbdInteractiveAuthentication no' |
state: absent |
when: ec2ssh is defined |
- name: Enable ssh authentication with password(for EC2 Ubuntu 22.04) |
# This task adds 'KbdInteractiveAuthentication yes' and 'PasswordAuthentication yes' to enable password auth. |
blockinfile: |
path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config |
marker: "# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK" |
block: | |
KbdInteractiveAuthentication yes |
PasswordAuthentication yes |
insertbefore: EOF |
create: yes |
when: ec2ssh is defined |
- name: Restart sshd service to apply changes |
systemd: |
name: sshd |
state: restarted |
enabled: yes |
when: ec2ssh is defined |
echo |
echo "Playbook generation complete. File saved at $PASSWORDLESS_SUDO_USER_ADDING_PLAYBOOK_FILE" |
echo |
echo |
echo |
echo "Prompting inventory machine infos..." |
echo "" > $INVENTORY_FILE # Clear any previous content in the file |
# Loop to collect IPs, usernames, and passwords |
while true; do |
# Prompt for IP address |
read -p "Enter IP address (or type 'done' to finish): " ip_address |
if [[ "$ip_address" == "done" ]]; then |
break |
fi |
if [[ -z "$ip_address" ]];then |
continue |
fi |
# Prompt for username |
read -p "Enter SSH username for \`$ip_address\`(or type 'done' to finish): " ssh_user |
if [[ "$ssh_user" == "done" ]]; then |
break |
fi |
ansibe_ssh_user_part="" |
if [[ -n "$ip_address" ]]; then |
ansibe_ssh_user_part="ansible_ssh_user=$ssh_user" |
fi |
# Prompt for password |
read -sp "Enter SSH password for \`$ip_address\`(or type 'done' to finish): " ssh_pass |
echo # Print a new line for better readability after password input |
if [[ "$ssh_pass" == "done" ]]; then |
break |
fi |
ansibe_ssh_pass_part="" |
if [[ -n "$ssh_pass" ]]; then |
ansibe_ssh_pass_part="ansible_ssh_pass=$ssh_pass" |
fi |
# Prompt for become password (sudo password) |
read -sp "Enter become password (sudo password) for \`$ip_address\`: " become_pass |
echo # Print a new line for better readability after password input |
ansibe_ssh_become_pass_part="" |
if [[ -n "$become_pass" ]]; then |
ansibe_ssh_become_pass_part="ansible_become_password=$become_pass" |
fi |
# Prompt for key file |
read -p "Enter key file path for \`$ip_address\`: " keyfile |
echo # Print a new line for better readability after password input |
keyfile=$(echo "$keyfile" | sed 's|^~|'$HOME'|') |
ansibe_ssh_keyfile_part="" |
if [[ -n "$keyfile" ]]; then |
# Loop to ensure the file exists |
while [[ ! -f "$keyfile" ]]; do |
echo "The provided SSH key file does not exist: $keyfile" |
read -p "Enter a valid key file path for $ip_address: " keyfile |
keyfile=$(echo "$keyfile" | sed 's|^~|'$HOME'|') |
done |
ansibe_ssh_keyfile_part="ansible_ssh_private_key_file=$keyfile" |
fi |
echo |
# Write the gathered information into the inventory file |
echo "$ip_address $ansibe_ssh_user_part $ansibe_ssh_pass_part $ansibe_ssh_become_pass_part $ansibe_ssh_keyfile_part" >> $INVENTORY_FILE |
echo "Added $ip_address to inventory." |
read -p "Add another machine to ansible inventory? (y/n): " inventory_ending_choice |
inventory_ending_choice=$(echo "$inventory_ending_choice" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') |
if [[ "$inventory_ending_choice" == "n" ]]; then |
break |
fi |
done |
echo "Inventory generation complete. File saved at $INVENTORY_FILE." |
fi |
# Check if ansible and passlib are installed using pip list |
check_package_installed() { |
package=$1 |
# Check if the package is installed using pip show |
pip show "$package" > /dev/null 2>&1 |
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then |
echo "$package is installed." |
else |
echo "$package is NOT installed." |
echo "install $package with this command: 'pip install ansible passlib'" |
exit 1 |
fi |
} |
# Check if ansible and passlib are installed |
check_package_installed "ansible" |
check_package_installed "passlib" |
echo |
echo |
echo |
echo "RUN ANSIBLE COMMAND: pinging machine written in inventory file" |
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible -i inventory all -m ping |
# Check the exit code of the Ansible command |
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
echo "Ansible ping failed. See the command output above for details." |
exit 1 |
else |
echo "Ansible ping succeeded." |
fi |
read -p "Continue running the ansible playbook? (y/n): " choice |
# Convert input to lowercase for consistency |
choice=$(echo "$choice" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') |
# Check if the user responded with 'y' |
if [[ "$choice" == "y" ]]; then |
echo "You chose Yes, running the command..." |
read -p "[ONLY FOR EC2 Ubuntu] Enable password login for ssh (y/n): " choice2 |
# Convert input to lowercase for consistency |
choice=$(echo "$choice2" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') |
[ "$choice" == "y" ] && ec2sshansiblevar="-e ec2ssh=y" || ec2sshansiblevar="" |
else |
echo "You did not press 'Y', exiting..." |
echo "You can manually run via this command: 'ansible-playbook -i $INVENTORY_FILE $PASSWORDLESS_SUDO_USER_ADDING_PLAYBOOK_FILE -vvvv'" |
exit 1 |
fi |