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Created February 8, 2022 12:46
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simple hangman
Hungary | Budapest
Switzerland | Bern
Germany | Berlin
Austria | Vienna
England | London
Scotland | Edinborough
import random
# intro
print("Welcome to Hangman")
# select difficulty
while True:
print("Please choose a difficulty level:")
print("[1] Easy - 5 ♥")
print("[2] Medium - 4 ♥")
print("[3] Hard - 3 ♥")
difficulty = input()
# validate difficulty and set lives
if difficulty == "1":
print("You've chosen the easy level, you start with 5 ♥!")
lives = 5
elif difficulty == "2":
print("You've chosen the medium level, you start with 4 ♥!")
lives = 4
elif difficulty == "3":
print("You've chosen the hard level, you start with 3 ♥!")
lives = 3
print(f"'{difficulty}' is not a valid difficulty level!")
# read in guess word pool
with open("hangman-words.txt", "r") as hangman_fp:
capitals = []
for line in hangman_fp:
capital = line.split("|")[1].strip()
# randomly pick a word to guess
word_to_guess = random.choice(capitals)
# start the guess loop
already_guessed_letters = [" "]
while True:
# display the word to guess in masked form
for letter in word_to_guess:
if letter.lower() in already_guessed_letters:
print(f"{letter} ", end="")
print("_ ", end="")
print(word_to_guess, end="")
# read in and validate the guessed letter
guess = input("Guess a letter: ").lower()
if guess == "quit":
print("Thanks for playing! Quitting...")
if not guess.isalpha() or len(guess) != 1:
print(f"'{guess}' is not a valid guess. Please type a single letter only!")
if guess in already_guessed_letters:
print(f"'{guess}' was already guessed before!")
# check if the letter is in the word
if guess not in word_to_guess.lower():
lives = lives - 1
print(f"Wrong guess! You have {lives} ♥ left!")
if lives == 0:
print("You lose!")
# add the letter to the already guessed list
# check if the word is guessed
letters_found = 0
for letter in word_to_guess:
if letter.lower() in already_guessed_letters:
letters_found = letters_found + 1
if len(word_to_guess) == letters_found:
print(f"Congratulations! You guessed '{word_to_guess}' with {lives} ♥ left!")
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