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Created February 12, 2012 11:42
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Save KamilaBorowska/1808128 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# IRC client implementation for YIBot 2.0. Technically, it's main part of
# program, but YIBot now supports not only IRC :).
{Server} = require '../server'
# Class IRC itself
class exports.IRC extends Server
constructor: (@name, @config) ->
unless @config.Host?
throw new Error "Server #{@name} doesn't have specified server!"
# Usual IRC port
@config.Port ?= 6667
# Constructors are SUPER. Well, actually it activates original
# constructor which makes various initialization.
# Sends raw command to the server. Don't use it unless you can confirm
# using @config.Type that you're talking with "IRC".
raw: (msg) =>
@log msg, 'write'
@client.write "#{msg}\r\n"
connect: =>
net = require('net')
@client = net.connect(@config.Port, @config.Host)
# This code is likely to fail. If this happens, catch exception and stop
# trying to parse the message (but avoid useless crashes which may
# happen sadly).
@client.on 'data', (data) =>
@onData data
catch exception
@log exception.message, 'error'
@client.on 'end', (data) =>
# Make reconnection
@raw "NICK #{@config.Nick}"
@raw "USER #{@config.User} place holder :#{@config.Realname}"
@nick = @config.Nick
join: (channel) =>
# Channels are case insensitive. This is attempt to fix this.
channel = channel.toLowerCase()
if @channels[channel]?
throw new Error 'Bot has tried to join channel which already exists.'
@channels[channel] = [@nick]
@raw "JOIN #{channel}"
part: (channel) =>
# Channels are case insensitive. This is attempt to fix this.
channel = channel.toLowerCase()
if not @channels[channel]?
throw new Error "#{channel} already is left."
@raw "PART #{channel}"
delete @channels[channel]
nick: (nick) ->
[@oldnick, @nick] = [@nick, nick]
@raw "NICK #{nick}"
onData: (data) =>
# Sometimes servers split messages using \r. Node expects \n instead.
# This call should fix it.
data = data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '').split("\r")
if (data.length > 1)
for line in data
@onData line
data = data[0]
# If data is empty, it's probably a bug. Ignore it.
return if data is ''
@log data
# Some servers seem to insert ":" at beginning for some reason. This
# function will fix those cases.
data = data.replace(/^:/, '')
data = data.split(' ')
for value, i in data
break if /^:/.test(value)
# Complex call which sets data to the array of values before ":" has
# showed in query and joined with spaces string after ":" character.
data = [data[0...i]..., data[i..].join(' ').replace(/^:/, '')]
if (data[0] is 'PING')
@raw "PONG :#{data[1]}"
@message = {}
user = /(.*)!((.*)@(.*))/.exec(data[0])
if user?
# Set variables for regular expressions parts
] = user
# Check if user is owner
@isOwner = @config.Owner.test(
@message.type = data[1].toLowerCase()
switch @message.type
# When '001' is received you're free to join any channel
when '001'
for channel in @config.Channels
@join channel
# Nickname in use or unknown nick
when '432', '433'
@nick = @oldnick
# List of users in this channel
when '353'
channel = data[4].toLowerCase()
nicks = data[5].split(' ')
for nick in nicks
nick = nick.replace(/^[^A-}]+/, '')
# Ignore my bot name
continue if nick is @nick
# Remove modes at beginning. Those characters aren't allowed in
# IRC nicknames anyway, so there is no danger in removing those.
when 'part' = data[2].toLowerCase()
when 'join'
break if @message.nick is @nick = data[2].toLowerCase()
when 'quit'
for channel of @channels
when 'privmsg' = data[2].toLowerCase()
@message.text = data[3]
if[0] is '#'
@message.type = 'message'
@message.type = 'private'
when 'invite' = data[3].toLowerCase()
if @config.ReactOnInvite
if typeof @config.ReactOnInvite is 'string'
message = @config.ReactOnInvite.replace('%s', @message.nick)
@send message,
# In case of setTimeout attack (not really)
@message = {}
respond: (msg) =>
@send msg,
throw new Error 'You cannot respond to this message.'
# This is rather tricky version of send, needed because of IRC specifics.
send: (message, channel) =>
if message instanceof Array
for msg in message
@send msg, channel
# Make nice message split.
message = message.split(/\r?\n|\r/)
for msg, i in message
line = msg.match(/.{1,400}(\s|$)|.{400}|.+$/g)
for text in line
continue if text is ''
@raw "PRIVMSG #{channel} :#{text}"
# This true will return "true" which in plugin will stop execution.
# In case of IRC, it's alias, but it's not always the case.
pm: (message, channel) => @send message, channel
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