Hey there. During the time of bot development, I've learnt a lot, there are several things which I wish I could change and several things which I'm glad I did. I'd like to share my experience which may help some beginners or even some experts.
Before you reach verification, you must transfer your bot to a team and include a secured alt in the team. Many developers regret not doing it before their application reaches verification. This essentially provides a ray of hope of not losing your bot if you ever lose your main account. Side note (31 October 2024 🎃): Discord has made it compulsory to have 2FA to do almost anything in the developer portal. You'll have to enable 2fa in your alt.
An epic centre is the core of your bot, your bot could be known for it. Take Dyno for example, we all know it for it's moderation capabilities. In a similar way, your bot must be known for something. You need to avoid being a sheep in the flock.