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Created May 25, 2016 05:40
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A simple little tool for the CLI to lookup the model for a Dell system based on its service tag
# A simple command line tool to
# look the system model for a Dell
# service tag
# Usage:
# getModelFromServiceTag SERVICE_TAG
# Author: Liam Haworth <[email protected]>
# Copyright (c) Tesserent Ltd, 2016.
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
echo "Parameter 1 must be set!"
echo "Usage:"
echo -e "\tgetModelFromServiceTag SERVICE_TAG"
echo -e "\tSERVICE_TAG - The service tag for the system to get the model of"
exit 1
model=$(curl -sL${1} | grep -o "<h3 id=\"ProductName\" class=\"no-margin\">.*</h3>" | sed 's/\(<h3 id="ProductName" class="no-margin">\|<\/h3>\)//g')
if [ -z "${model}" ]; then
echo "Failed to get a model for the service tag: ${1}"
echo "Dell says that ${1} is a \"${model}\""
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