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Created February 9, 2023 01:14
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MCStacker Fixes userscript
// ==UserScript==
// @name MCStacker Fixes
// @namespace mcstacker-fixes
// @author Katie Frogs
// @description Adds a few small features to the MCStacker website and changes its look
// @match
// @grant none
// @version 2023.2.9
// ==/UserScript==
// ==UserScript==
// @name MCStacker Fixes
// @namespace mcstacker-fixes
// @author Katie Frogs
// @description Adds a few small features to the MCStacker website and changes its look
// @match
// @grant none
// @version 2023.2.9
// ==/UserScript==
var settingValue = false
var uuidInvalid = /[^\da-f]/ig
var uuidNumBlock = /.{8}/g
var uuidHexBlock = /^.{8}|.{12}$|.{4}/g
function uuidToNumber(input){
return ["", "", "", ""]
return input.replace(uuidInvalid, "").padStart(32, 0).match(uuidNumBlock).map(hex => {
var integer = parseInt(hex, 16)
if(integer & 0x80000000){
integer -= 0x100000000
return integer
function numberToUuid(input){
if(input[0] === "" && input[1] === "" && input[2] === "" && input[3] === ""){
return ""
return "{" + => {
integer = parseInt(integer, 10) || 0
if(integer < 0){
return (integer + 0x100000000).toString(16).padStart(8, 0)
return integer.toString(16).padStart(8, 0)
}).join("").toUpperCase().match(uuidHexBlock).join("-") + "}"
function elInsertBefore(newElement, targetElement){
return targetElement.parentNode.insertBefore(newElement, targetElement)
function insertAfter(newElement, targetElement){
var nextSibling = targetElement.nextSibling
return elInsertBefore(newElement, nextSibling)
return targetElement.parentNode.appendChild(newElement)
var uuidIds = [
].map(id => {
return "#commandForm input[id" + (id === "UUID" ? "*" : "^") + "=" + id + "]:not(.replaced)"
new MutationObserver(mutations => {
var uuids = document.querySelectorAll(uuidIds)
for(var i = 0; i < uuids.length; i++){
let index = i
let a = uuids[i]
let b = uuids[i + 1]
let c = uuids[i + 2]
let d = uuids[i + 3]
if(a.nextSibling === b && b.nextSibling === c && c.nextSibling === d){
let uuidText = document.createElement("input")
uuidText.type = "text"
uuidText.value = numberToUuid([a.value, b.value, c.value, d.value])
uuidText.addEventListener("input", event => {
var uuidNum = uuidToNumber(uuidText.value)
settingValue = true
for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++){
uuids[index + j].value = uuidNum[j]
uuids[index + j].dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keyup"))
settingValue = false
insertAfter(uuidText, d)
var abcd = [a, b, c, d]
for(var j = i; j < i + 4; j++){
uuids[j].style.display = "none"
uuids[j]._value = uuids[j].value
let descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.getPrototypeOf(uuids[j]), "value")
Object.defineProperty(uuids[j], "value", {
get: function(){
set: function(val){
var output =, val)
uuidText.value = numberToUuid([a.value, b.value, c.value, d.value])
return output
i += 3
}).observe(document.documentElement, {
childList: true,
subtree: true
function strFromFunc(func){
var output = func.toString()
return output.slice(output.indexOf("{") + 1, output.lastIndexOf("}"))
function insertBefore(input, insertedText, searchString){
var index = input.indexOf(searchString)
if(index === -1){
throw new Error("searchString not found: " + searchString)
return input.slice(0, index) + insertedText + input.slice(index)
function strReplace(input, searchString, insertedText){
var index = input.indexOf(searchString)
if(index === -1){
throw new Error("searchString not found: " + searchString)
return input.slice(0, index) + insertedText + input.slice(index + searchString.length)
Support importing short tellraw strings
(0, eval)(`Section = class {
constructor(e) { = void 0 == e ? {
text: "",
font: "",
color: "unset",
bold: "unset",
italic: "unset",
underlined: "unset",
strikethrough: "unset",
obfuscated: "unset"
} : typeof e === "string" ? {
text: e,
font: "",
color: "unset",
bold: "unset",
italic: "unset",
underlined: "unset",
strikethrough: "unset",
obfuscated: "unset"
} : e
Export short tellraw strings
(0, eval)(`removeUnsetFromJSON = function(e) {
var t = replaceAll(',"color":"unset"', "", e);
t = replaceAll(',"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":[{"text":""}]}', "", t = replaceAll(':"false"', ":false", t = replaceAll(':"true"', ":true", t = replaceAll(',"obfuscated":"unset"', "", t = replaceAll(',"strikethrough":"unset"', "", t = replaceAll(',"underlined":"unset"', "", t = replaceAll(',"italic":"unset"', "", t = replaceAll(',"bold":"unset"', "", t = replaceAll(',"font":""', "", t)))))))))
var parsed = JSON.parse(t)
var keys = Object.keys(parsed)
if(keys.length === 1 && keys[0] === "text"){
return '"' + parsed.text + '"'
return t
Support importing items with nbt without the give command
var nbtParser = parseNBT.toString()
nbtParser = insertBefore(nbtParser, `
t = "give @s " + t
`, "null==e&&new CMDParser(t).parseTheCommand(t)");
(0, eval)(nbtParser)
Hide the target selector and change it to @s
var targetSelectors = loadTargetSelectors.toString()
targetSelectors = strReplace(targetSelectors, `["@p","nearest player"],["@r","random player"],["@a","all players"],["@s","the entity executing the command"]`, `["@s","the entity executing the command"],["@p","nearest player"],["@r","random player"],["@a","all players"]`)
targetSelectors = targetSelectors.slice(0, -1) + `;showHide(i + "TSPane", "TSPaneSH")}`;
(0, eval)(targetSelectors)
No trailing 1 in the give command
var getItemNbt = getItemNBTForGive1p13.toString()
getItemNbt = strReplace(getItemNbt,
`try{0<$("#"+t+"Count").val().length?(a+=" "+$("#"+t+"Count").val(),e=",Count:"+$("#"+t+"Count").val()):a+=" 1"}catch(e){a+=" 1"}`,`try{$("#"+e+"Count").val().length>0&&$("#"+e+"Count").val()!=1?(t+=" "+$("#"+e+"Count").val(),n=",Count:"+$("#"+e+"Count").val()):t+=""}catch(e){t+=""}`);
(0, eval)(getItemNbt)
Support importing empty CustomName
var loadValue = strFromFunc(Entity.prototype.loadValue)
loadValue = insertBefore(loadValue, `a===""?"":`, `JSON.parse(JSON.parse('"'+a.replace(/"/g,'\\\\"').replace(/\\\\'/g,"'")+'"'))`);
Entity.prototype.loadValue = Function("e", "t", "a", "o", loadValue)
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