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Created December 11, 2024 15:55
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Brighter Shores AMA


Playing brighter shores on steam link is great. Is there an ETA on a mobile version of the game or will that come after full release?


The mobile version will probably launch after we come out of early access. We don't want to launch on mobile TOO soon because the update process on mobile is a lot more onerous and requires a rather slow approval process from the mobile platform. This won't work well whilst we are pushing out updates so frequently. So we want to wait until we are into more a regular update cadence first.

~ Andrew


Hey Fenresearch team! Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA - super excited to be here.

I’ve got two questions about Fenforge and one about Brighter Shores:

When do you plan to release the Fenforge engine?
Does the Fenforge programming language have a name?
And for the fun one: What’s your favorite mob, and why is it Mawchest?


Yes we still plan to eventually release FenForge although this won't be anytime soon.

FenForge is three things in one:

  1. Game Engine
  2. A new 'games focused' programming language
  3. A games focused IDE

Brighter Shores is written in the FenForge language.

If you know Java you wouldn't have any problem picking up FenForge.

~ Andrew


1. Noted items/Buying in bulk: Is this something you'd be willing to let us do? Having to run back and forth only carrying 24 at a time feels like a massive chore and sucks the fun out of skilling. It will also dampen any enjoyment of p2p trading if we we can't trade in bulk.

2. Player Housing: Is this coming with the builder skill? As someone who plans on maining blacksmith, I fantasize about building my own forge, along with anything else neat we might be able to do with it. It would also be cool if we could hire players through some kind of contract system to come to our plots and build it for us.

3. Enchanter: The npc is adamant about not enchanting our tools of war, does this hint at the possibility of players getting it as a future skill? I could see a lot of extra interaction between players, and I would personally love playing the role of a magic blacksmith. Would be the dream profession of mine in any game.

Thank you for your time, passion, and dedication. I enjoyed beginning my journey through your world 20 years ago, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how this new one unfolds over 20 more.


  1. We are not planning on doing noted items, but we are planning on allowing p2p trading directly to/from your banks if you are trading in the marketplace area.
  2. Sorry the builder profession is not a player housing related profession. We might well do player housing one day, but it's not part of builder, or any time soon.
  3. We plan on doing a whole variety of ways of 'buffing' weapons/armor in the future. Although this isn't designed in any detail yet

~ Andrew


1.) I'll start with the elephant in the room: Your past work on Runescape. What, if anything, are you doing differently this time around on Brighter Shores? One of the biggest issues with modern day RS is the years and years of spaghetti code that seemingly makes it hard to update the game. Are you doing anything differently now to avoid those problems in the future? Do you expect Brighter Shores will be easier to develop new content for than RS?

2.) I am currently climbing the ranks thru the Minefighter profession, and cant help but wonder what comes next? Is there a plan for the combat? Will we get bosses for each episode so we can put our skills to the test? Or is PvP going to be more of the endgame focus, sort of like Albion? And if the latter is the case, can we expect to see pvp in each episode? Or will we be leveling up a new combat profession specifically for pvp?

3.) What is the biggest challenge you are facing right now? Are there any specific content updates or fix requests that are particularly challenging to implement?


  1. In terms of combat, we had a big long discussion yesterday about best to improve it. We know that a separate combat profession per episode isn't popular, and think we have now come up with a way of avoiding needing a separate combat profession per episode AND avoiding the problems I described which caused us to implement it this way in the first place. And also how we can migrate existing save games without anyone losing any progress. I don't want to go into too much details yet as still designing it, but I am very excited about my new idea for how combat progression should work. It will be a fairly time consuming update to produce but is a very high priority. We also want to make combat cater to more play styles. So you can play it MORE afk if you want, or LESS afk if you want, or just like it is currently if you want. (depending on which monster you fight, or which episode you are in probably)

PvP is planned to be enjoyable at any combat level via a 'leagues' system. If you want to be in the top league it will be end game content for sure, but we plan to make it so you can enjoy PvP (and not lose all the time), without having to get level 500 first.

  1. The biggest challenge we are facing right now is the huge number of ideas and improvements we want to make, and which ones to prioritize first! There is so much we can make better, and so much content we want to add. I can see we will be improving this game for many years, and making it better and better, but the sheer number of things we want to do is very daunting!

~ Andrew


Just wanted to say you guys have created an absolutely cozy one-of-a-kind game and I am loving it so far. Is there plans to have end game group content like raids?


Yes, there are plans for end-game content, including raids :)

~ Samuel


In Game Name: Lucinda

Hey guys thank you very much for hosting an AMA it is most appreciated, I'm currently one of the top woodcutters in the game and I'd like to ask a few questions!!!

My first question would be for Ms. Nicole Bates & Mr. Greg Brown our artists (great work by the way).... Do you think there is any plans to release additional cosmetic options for our profession tools that could provide more aesthetically pleasing appearances to our tools or perhaps even offer additional experience bonuses, that could be earned by completing tasks or challenges within the game? I am positive you could come up with some incredible designs!

Secondly.. As I am currently focusing on the woodcutting profession socializing becomes quite difficult it's a little lonely out there!!! Is there any plans to implement the creation of a in game clan system as well as a chat interface where we could speak amongst each other regardless of where we are in the world?

Lastly I would love to know if it is possible if there is anything in works for additional Co-Op skilling methods and/or possible events akin to Shooting Stars or Evil trees(Runescape skilling events) within the game? I believe these would greatly benefit communication amongst players and bring us together!!!!

Thank you very kindly for your time and I cannot wait to continue playing this game with everyone!!!!

Sincerely yours -Lucinda.


  1. Yes, we plan on adding many more transmogs!

  2. We are wondering about maybe making it so you can chat with people who are in the same room, but not the same INSTANCE of the room, so there is more chat. Of course you wouldn't be able to see some of the people talking if we do this. What do ppl think about this idea? Another idea would be to have 'profession' channels, such as a woodcutting channel

  3. We definetely want to do more co-op levelling methods. Events are likely to be relatively small affairs (like the christmas event was) for now as we are only a small team so don't want to focus too much of our efforts on things which won't stay in the game

~ Greg, Nic & Andrew


For the Artists. Love the art work / aesthetic in the game. Are the 3D models made in proprietary Fenforge software or something like blender? Either way what’s the benefit of that approach?

For developers, was it challenging to learn the custom scripting language used to create content for the game?


  1. Thanks for the nice comments, glad you're loving our art work! The 3D models are made in zbrush and Maya.

~ Greg & Nic

  1. Our scripting language has bunch of great tools for making it easy to navigate, and it's pretty powerful and flexible. It helps to have the people who wrote the scripting language on hand to answer questions too. Learning a scripting language while it's still being developed is an experience with different challenges to normal. Things can change while you're part way through using it and you suddenly need to develop new habits.

~ Paul

  1. The in-house language, FenForge, is a full programming language. It would feel very familiar to anyone experienced with other java-like languages, but has some unique features that speed up multiplayer games development. (I wrote a multiplayer lunar lander style game within my first few days at fen to get to grips with the language.)

The Brighter Shores engine is written in our in-house language and includes its own set of libraries, JORS, which are designed to support faster development of content for that game.

~ Ian


These are questions for: Andrew.

  1. Are there any current plans that some future episode combat professions would differ significantly from the current melee-based combat e.g. magic based combat or something else that would have new wholly different sets of weapons and armor that require new skills to craft?

  2. While most current resources / mobs get replaced by higher tier equivalents as we level up, leading to the skill locations eventually starting to "loop" as we progress, merchant stalls and crime dens keep adding new available node locations / shortcuts far into skill progression. Will there be more skills like this in the future with similar design?

  3. Which feedback / request from the community so far has been most unexpected for you, either in themselves or in how passionately the community feels about them?


  1. As I mentioned earlier, we are thinking of rethinking combat professions quite dramatically, to not have a separate combat profession per episode. More on this will be revealed once the designs in my head are turned into something more concrete!

  2. Would be interested to know if people would prefer the skill locations to loop, or would prefer the map to be bigger so its a new location more often as you level up. We were trying to keep the map compact so there is less walking, and so you get to revisit areas. Less looping would mean a bigger (and more repetitive as a consequence) map which I am wondering about, but am not sure!

  3. I didn't expect the community to care so much about reducing how many times they need to click the mouse, even for relatively infrequent actions. However I have now heard loud and clear that streamlining the numbers of click is very important.

~ Andrew


  1. Will there be future episodes where we have the opportunity to use our skills from previous episodes - Or, will they always be 'region' specific? 

  2. What was the theory behind having such small armour/weapon bank spaces? 

  3. Are we going to have mobs with unique drops and if so, how far off the implementation roadmap is that? 

  • JJL


  1. I will probably put in minigame/raid style content in future episodes (and existing ones) which uses professions from 'other' episodes. The quests will probably remain region specific in their profession requirements

  2. Not taking up too much storage space in our database :) Also adding more space is a good reward to be able to give for future quests / content

~ Andrew


1. Will the chat filter system be reworked? Currently it's way too strict for many of us, a lot of silly things are getting blocked. Can we have some form of opt-out for chat filtering?

2. Is there any work going on to tackle bots in the game? There's been several bots that players have spotted in the game, which unfortunately is inevitable in this style of game. But it would be good for us to know if you're working / planning to work on ways to detect them.

3. Do you plan to offer any public APIs? I was planning to build a xp/level tracker, but you've put the leaderboards in the game so I can't really do that without building something that interacts with the in-game leaderboards. It'd be amazing if this is something you could offer, as i'm sure many of us would be happy to build external resources that help improve the ecosystem.


  1. Yes we are wokring on ways to detect bots. We have already collected the data we need to do so, we now just need to write the logic to process that data and identify the bots

  2. Eventually yes, but again we have to focus developer resources where there is most demand, I could be wrong but I suspect most ppl would consider more content to be more urgent first

~ Andrew


Thanks in advance for reading!

  1. TRANSMOGS: The recent addition of the transmog feature has been fantastic. Are there any plans to expand on this system outside of holiday or event items, such as profession-related transmogs?

  2. CAPES: Are there plans to add more completionist capes? Such as per episode, base 50s/100s/200s, etc.?

  3. POTION STORAGE: Are there plans to expand the potion belt to include things like xp or fear potions?


  1. Probably yes

  2. Yes

~ Andrew


Question 1:
With the skills out as they stand, I feel they lack a certain interconnectiveness. Will you consider adding further perks and unlocks for leveling these, which will enhance the experience of training other skills without being mandatory? An example of this would be the shortcuts that Detective provide for Merchant and general QoL navigating throughout the city, or the armory space increase from Brannof's Inheritance. These give players a reason to train skills that aren't a direct gathering->production pipeline.

Question 2:

There is much discussion surrounding the rankings of the leaderboards, especially for the higher ranks, about people opting-out temporarily to gain a competitive advantage. These players only opt back in once they've passed the competition or reached 500 as a kind of informational warfare rather than an actual concern for privacy. Will you consider changing this so that people who opt out are shown as Anonymous Player with their level instead, like they are in the "Nearby Players" tab? That way we can maintain the privacy of the people involved, while also maintaining the integrity of the leaderboards and the fun of climbing the ranks.

Question 3:
Will there be any procedurally generated content in the future, like a multi-room dungeon that's different every time you enter? This could be a fun way to train skills in an alternative way and give people more reason to train them. Something like a big tower where you can select the episodes whose skills you want included. And the more skills you select the better the rewards.


  1. Yes we agree the professions need to be more interconnected. We also need more content (such as raids, repeatable boss monsters, mini games etc...) which utilises multiple professions at once and so make them feel more interconnected

  2. Based on player feedback we are planning on changing the leaderboards, so whilst it doesn't show Anonymous Players it DOES show your true rank. So if you were at rank 37 and you can see the person above you is at rank 34 you will know there is 2 anonymous players between you.

  3. Yes I want to do a lot more mini-game / repeatable raid style content, (see answer above), and this is the sort of place where procedurally generated content would work well

~ Andrew


  1. Will there be full loot / inventory drop in PVP?

  2. Will there be a PVP area with contested resources such as the wilderness? will it be full loot/inventory drop/ no loot drop?

  3. What is the vision for PVP, will it be an aspect of the game people can do like a minigame or it will be incorporated more heavily in the game such as pvp zones, rewards, etc?



  1. PVP will probably be a 'stake' based system rather than a full inventory drop, so you can control how much you want to risk

  2. The plan is PVP is game wide, (not a specific area), but is opt in. (you have to pay the stake to opt in)

~ Andrew


  1. for Andrew, do you plan to hire more devs in 2025?


Depends on how many people subscribe :) For now I am planning on reinvesting all subscription revenue back into improving the game, but I also want to run the game in a sustainable way so I can keep running it regardless of player numbers

~ Andrew


Hi guys, great work on the game so far. I'm loving it!!

  1. Is there an ETA on Episode 5?
  2. How many episodes do you plan on releasing before you exit your "early access"?
  3. What does the game look like after you exit "early access"

Thanks again and keep up the good work!


  1. Most of the mapping and quests for episode 5 are done. The professions still need work. If I dropped everything and focussed all my effort on episode 5 today I reckon it would be 2 or 3 months. However I think I want to focus on things like improving combat, and adding trading and PvP first

  2. Probably just episode 5. Plus adding lots more to the existing episodes too

  3. It looks the same :)

~ Andrew


Question 1: How will we find out about new big content updates such as new episodes, will it be an announement a month before the update or will it just randomly drop, pretty much just asking how can we expect to find out about big new updates coming soon?

Question 2: Similar to question 1 but will we see a more consistant update schedule like every monday is update day at a certain time or will it be whenever they're ready?

Question 3: Will we ever see region total capes?



  1. We will definetely leave some content updates as a surprise. Others we will want feedback from the community first so will discuss beforehand. Others I will probably leak on my twitter :P

  2. Eventually I would like to settle into a weekly update cadence, preferably with a nice new piece of content each week. The game will need to grow a bit to allow for more staff first though

  3. Probably. Maybe.

~ Andrew


For Greg and Nicole: What would you describe Brighter Shore's art style youve created as?


The brief we were given for the art style was stylised, hand drawn and clean, so every in game object you see has hand drawn textures that we painted digitally using graphics tablets

~ Greg


I have only 1 question for roleplaying purposes, could we carry a tool in our hand as a cosmetic? I want to run around Crenopolis with my magnifying glass when doing investigations.


Sorry :( but that's a bit difficult to work with other animations and graphics

~ Nic


  1. Is there going to be social hubs just for guild/clan's, central banking/trading, housing, minigames?

  2. Are we going to be able to cast spells with a book/wand/staff etc

  3. Is there going to be rideable mounts?


  1. Spells are either 'utility' spells when outside of combat, or will be tied to a weapon (as a special attack on the weapon) when cast during combat. Combat spells don't exist yet, but are coming and will be tied to the weapon you are using, giving many more options for unique and varied weapons

  2. There probably will not be rideable mounts as the game has not been designed with them in mind, so it would be quite hard to add them

~ Andrew


Question(s) for Samuel or Andrew:

1: Is there going to be any changes to the profanity filter and how automotive is behaving with some words and phrases? We understand that the game allows 13+ but some of the words and phrases are being restrictive to full communication during an activity and require people to seek outside chat (discord).

2: Based on the answer to the first, is there going to be Player Moderators in Brighter Shores? That way specific people who are being toxic can be muted or actioned upon beyond just reporting them. Some players are rather toxic and try and bait others at times, and want to provide some possibility of active actions applied.


  1. We are monitoring the automated system, and will remove words that for some reason have made it through into the blocked list. We do want to keep our game a safe environment however, so words we deem inappropriate will be removed

  2. Nothing has been mentioned regarding Player Moderators, but if we decide to do so, we will likely do it silently.

~ Samuel


Hi team all the way from New Zealand (its 3am here lol) :) Firstly a massive thank-you to you Andrew for all the memories from your award winning game. You've been a huge part of my life, and I hope you realise the impact you've had on hundreds of millions of people! I would love to buy you a beer one day haha.

My first question is for Andrew: Have you considered a centralised feedback system where we could possibly vote on player / developer ideas to be implemented for that week / fortnight? I feel like all our great ideas are all over the place, but if we come together, we could push awesome ideas and grow this game collectively :)

My second question is for Andrew too: Do you envisage the nature of MMOs evolving from grindfests to more afk as our lives get busier? It is quite tiring wanting to level at the moment (currently grinding 500 combat), but if we could AFK more in game with marginal inputs, we could possibly level and access higher level content faster, and retain more players?

My third question is for Andrew too lol: Do you see co-op and/or party systems being a big part of training professions in the future? This is what initially hooked me into the game, but it feels like the experience right now is very single-player mode. I've made great friends, and I think a co-op opportunity for each profession that generates marginally better XP per hour will make the game more fun.

Thank-you again for this wonderful opportunity and I hope you do this more often (weekly / fortnightly basis) as I think it will help make the game standout from the rest. Wishing you all the best for the future of Brighter Shores and always know there will be a community here ready to support you no matter what happens. Have a great rest of your year, and Merry Xmas!


  1. We don't have our own polling system yet, and there is probably more urgent thing firsts, but I will from time to time do polls on X (formerly twitter) especially when I am undecided, or want to get an idea of which things are most wanted first
  2. I have tried to make this game appeal to both people who want to level up whilst afk (via the passive activities), AND by playing actively. However I have realised I ALSO need to cater for the middle ground of people who want to play in a 'semi-AFK' way, where they are still at their computer (so not strictly afk), but are interacting with the game less frequently. (a bit like how crime dens already provide, but in more places and more professions)
  3. Yes we have a party system planned. We originally wanted it for launch, but it wasn't ready in time. It is very much planned still. And yes we definitely want more co-op activities to go alongside a party system)

~ Andrew


1: When PVE bossing arrives they'll offer good rewards such as gear, if this gear is better than crafted gear the crafting professions will become worthless. Will boss drop items be items that need to be crafted to keep crafting professions important or straight gear drops?

2: can we get 4 star gear named legendary instead of epics?

3: Will we be able to fuse crafted gear into untuned epics we can trade?


  1. We will be very careful to make sure the crafting profession don't become worthless. Even if we added a unique drop you could only get from a boss we would still do something like making it so crafting can be used to further enhance the item

  2. I prefer the word 'epic'. It seems more epic to me :)

~ Andrew


Hi there! I am one of the people who have finished the Monument. I just want to say I love the game and it's direction and can't wait to see what's in store! Here are my questions:

1: Do the team have a reward in mind already for the Monument?

2: Is there a chance that I, or the community can participate in the creative process for what the monument will do?

3: Is it possible for you to add in-game community support features? Such as for bug reports, queries or player reporting?

Thank you very much in advance! I would love to see more updates where the community work alongside the developers (not specifically for the monument but on a much broader range of things), so that both you as the developers can fulfill the true vision of the game with the community being a part of that development process!


  1. Yes

  2. Yes over time we will add more in game ways of doing bug reports and queries, but using email is working ok for now, so it's probably not the best use of our development resources just yet

~ Andrew


  1. This is a question for: Andrew. Are you aware of the rumors of third party utilities being in development, such as a Brighter Shores Runelite equivalent, and do you intend to fully crack down on cheat utilities like those?

  2. This is a question for: Andrew. What is your attitude towards the community finding and leveraging unintended behavior/bugs to play "efficiently?" Examples are the animation cancel bug combat had for a little while, and tick manipulation in RS. Personally, I feel like these things should be bannable and have absolutely no place in Brighter Shores, but I'm interested in your perspective.

Context for next question: Tick manipulation is a concept in RuneScape where the delay clocks between actions or events are manipulated by substituting them for shorter clocks in order to train quicker. For example: starting to chop a tree, and then getting in combat with an NPC that attacks every tick to reset the skill clock every tick, effectively letting you roll for a log every tick.

  1. This is a question for: Andrew. If something like RuneScape's tick manipulation were discovered in Brighter Shores and became widely abused, how would you handle that situation?


  1. Yes we will crack down on cheat utilities

  2. It depends on the exact nature of the unintended behavior. If it's only a very slight advantage we might accept it as a emergent gameplay but more often that not I expect we would fix it. If it is gives resources vastly faster than you would normally get them then using it deliberately/repeatedly is obviously bug abuse and would result in penalties

~ Andrew


Hi Samuel,

First of all - congratulations and welcome the Fen Research team!

I wanted to ask you about Fen Research's interest in building a content creator program?

A creator program could allow you to leverage creators' reach to the community to announce new things ahead of time, first looks at content, and build excitement for the game. We are also quite in tune with the player base in terms of sentiment and what their biggest desires and griefs are, so a direct line of communication might help with getting feedback amongst the noise.

Because of the size of the game at the moment, we have built a small community of YouTube and Twitch creators where everybody knows each other. I'm personally hosting a video podcast with a rotating list of creators where we discuss game updates and celebrate achievements in the community such as world firsts, and I know many others are working on all sorts of content for the community.

It appears a lot of the larger channels such as OSRS creators aren't doing anything more than a first look video because their viewer base aren't quite interested in the game at the moment, so a lot of us are starting 'fresh' as it were.

I am all-in with the game and building a positive community around it and I know many other creators are too, and we are excited at the opportunity to work with the Fen Research team, so I'm definitely curious to know any, if at all, plans in that regard.


Teloril / Tel's Tales



~ Andrew


Will skills in previous episodes get changed/updated for more interconnectivity as more episodes come out or are they going to remain mostly self-contained?


In the long run we will probably avoid changing professions in already released episodes to much, although we may insert some extra activities in gaps which relates to other episodes, and some of the professions you will notice already link to other episodes.

~ Andrew


Let me start out by saying I'm grateful to the whole team for creating such an amazing game and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the future!

Now for the questions.

I feel like one of the most fun and important content are the quests. They introduce you to important and often fun new characters while telling you stories about this mysterious world. I do however feel like the quests that are in the game lack character. They experience of doing quests mainly consists of long levelling grinds and pretty forgettable NPC’s that I feel like lack some character. This is a real missed opportunity in my opinion as these characters could really make us feel connected to this world.

What are your plans regarding the future of quests?


I’m also curious what future multiplayer elements will be added to the game since right now most content is done solo. I see great potential in the game for multiplayer combat and skilling methods.

What are your plans regarding multiplayer content?


Lastly I’m very curious how the community will be involved in future decision making. With Andrew’s vision of creating a game that people actually enjoy, instead of making it a money grab, I feel like community input is crucial.

How does the team plan to involve the community with future development choices?


  1. Lots more side quests per episode. Both higher level ones so there is a reason for higher levels, but also ones to fill in the gaps in the difficulty so its not so many levels between quests. Going forward quests are likely to be a mix of big 'show piece' quests with lots of graphics resources like most of them are currently, but also simpler slightly lower budget quests as well
  2. We aren't planning on polling every change we make, but discussing with the community about changes (like we already are, and probably quite a bit more, now Samuel is on board), will certainly be a thing

~ Andrew

  1. I have got some quests which have had a reasonable amount of development done for when episode 5 comes out, including the next part of the main story. Now I am in the early stages of designing a new Episode 1 quest.

~ Paul

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