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Created May 27, 2019 02:24
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Attempt at tectonic plate based terrain generation
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FlowTest
class Program
// Currently Z axis is in kilometers, X and Y are in pixels (arbitrary)
const int WIDTH = 200;
const int HEIGHT = 200;
const int NUMBER_OF_PLATES = 32;
const double MANTLE_DENSITY = 3.3; // kg/m^3
const double OCEANIC_CRUST_START_THICKNESS = 6; // km
const double OCEANIC_CRUST_START_DENSITY = 3; // kg/m^3
const double OCEANIC_CRUST_START_TOP = 1; // km
const double EROSION_AMOUNT_ROCK = 0.0049846;
const double EROSION_AMOUNT_SEDIMENT = 0.0103156;
const double EROSION_DEPOSIT_SEDIMENT = 0.00332105;
static Random rand = new Random();
static List<Vector2> hotspots = new List<Vector2>();
static Vector2[] plateForces = new Vector2[NUMBER_OF_PLATES];
static Vector2[] oldPlateForces = new Vector2[NUMBER_OF_PLATES];
static double[] plateMass = new double[NUMBER_OF_PLATES];
static int frame = 0;
static double waterLevel = 3;
private static int CountNorth = 0;
private static int CountEast = 0;
private static int CountSouth = 0;
private static int CountWest = 0;
static void Main(string[] args)
double[,] mantleHeat = new double[HEIGHT, WIDTH];
double[,] mantleHeatVelocity = new double[HEIGHT, WIDTH];
Vector2[,] tectonicForces = new Vector2[HEIGHT, WIDTH];
Crust[,] crust = new Crust[HEIGHT, WIDTH];
double[,] crustShifts = new double[HEIGHT, WIDTH];
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
mantleHeat.Do((m, y, x) => m[y, x] = Math.Sin(x / 15.234) + Math.Cos(y / 13.645));
mantleHeatVelocity.Do((m, y, x) => m[y, x] = 0);
// Mantle bootstrap
Console.WriteLine("Bootstrapping the mantle...");
for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
UpdateMantleHeat(ref mantleHeat, ref mantleHeatVelocity);
DrawMantleHeat(b, mantleHeat);
// Form a crust
Console.WriteLine("Forming a crust...");
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
var averageHeat = GetAverageOfCross(mantleHeat, x, y);
c[y, x].Thickness = OCEANIC_CRUST_START_THICKNESS + 3 * averageHeat;
c[y, x].Density = OCEANIC_CRUST_START_DENSITY - averageHeat / 10;
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++)
UpdateMantleHeat(ref mantleHeat, ref mantleHeatVelocity);
DrawMantleHeat(b, mantleHeat);
if (frame < 320)
UpdateTectonicForces(tectonicForces, mantleHeat);
tectonicForces.Do((t, y, x) => { t[y, x] = Vector2.Zero; });
UpdateCrust(crust, tectonicForces, mantleHeat, crustShifts);
DrawCrust(b, crust);
DrawCrustForce(b, crust);
WriteStats(crust, tectonicForces, mantleHeat);
DrawHeightmap(b, crust);
private static void WriteStats(Crust[,] crust, Vector2[,] tectonicForces, double[,] mantleHeat)
var count = 0;
var minThickness = double.PositiveInfinity;
var sumThickness = 0.0;
var maxThickness = double.NegativeInfinity;
var minDensity = double.PositiveInfinity;
var sumDensity = 0.0;
var maxDensity = double.NegativeInfinity;
var minTop = double.PositiveInfinity;
var sumTop = 0.0;
var maxTop = double.NegativeInfinity;
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
var cr = c[y, x];
sumThickness += cr.Thickness;
sumDensity += cr.Density;
sumTop += cr.Top;
if (cr.Thickness > maxThickness) maxThickness = cr.Thickness;
if (cr.Thickness < minThickness) minThickness = cr.Thickness;
if (cr.Density > maxDensity) maxDensity = cr.Density;
if (cr.Density < minDensity) minDensity = cr.Density;
if (cr.Top > maxTop) maxTop = cr.Top;
if (cr.Top < minTop) minTop = cr.Top;
Console.WriteLine($"Thickness: ({minThickness} | {sumThickness / count} | {maxThickness})");
Console.WriteLine($"Density: ({minDensity} | {sumDensity / count} | {maxDensity})");
Console.WriteLine($"Top: ({minTop} | {sumTop / count} | {maxTop})");
Console.WriteLine($"Water level: {waterLevel}");
Console.WriteLine($"{CountNorth} {CountEast} {CountSouth} {CountWest}");
private static void SplitCrustIntoPlates(Crust[,] crust)
Console.WriteLine("Splitting into plates...");
List<Point> plateSeeds = new List<Point>();
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PLATES; i++)
plateSeeds.Add(new Point(rand.Next(HEIGHT), rand.Next(WIDTH)));
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
var minDist = double.PositiveInfinity;
var id = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PLATES; i++)
var dist = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - plateSeeds[i].X, 2) + Math.Pow(y - plateSeeds[i].Y, 2));
if (dist < minDist)
minDist = dist;
id = i;
crust[y, x].PlateId = id;
private static void UpdateWeather(Crust[,] crust)
// Recalculate water. Try to balance it out to a set volume by adjusting water level.
var totalVolume = 0.0;
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
totalVolume += Math.Max(0, waterLevel - c[y, x].Top);
if (totalVolume > TOTAL_WATER_VOLUME)
waterLevel -= 0.0625;
if (totalVolume < TOTAL_WATER_VOLUME)
waterLevel += 0.0625;
// TODO: Wind calculation
// Erosion and sediment redistribution
for (int i = 0; i < EROSION_WALKS_PER_ITERATION; i++)
var x = rand.Next(WIDTH);
var y = rand.Next(HEIGHT);
ErosionWalk(crust, y, x);
private static void ErosionWalk(Crust[,] crust, int y, int x)
var currentSediment = 0.0;
var maxWalk = 50;
while (maxWalk > 0)
var aboveWater = crust[y, x].TotalTop() > waterLevel - 0.125;
// Only pick up sediment above water
if (aboveWater)
// Pick up some sediment
var sedimentAmount = Math.Min(crust[y, x].Sediment, rand.NextDouble() * EROSION_AMOUNT_SEDIMENT);
crust[y, x].Sediment -= sedimentAmount;
currentSediment += sedimentAmount;
// Deposit some sediment
var depositAmount = Math.Min(currentSediment, rand.NextDouble() * EROSION_DEPOSIT_SEDIMENT);
currentSediment -= depositAmount;
// Erode some rock if it is on the surface
if (crust[y, x].Sediment < EROSION_AMOUNT_SEDIMENT && crust[y, x].Thickness > 1)
var erodeAmount = rand.NextDouble() * EROSION_AMOUNT_ROCK;
crust[y, x].Thickness -= erodeAmount;
currentSediment += erodeAmount;
// Deposit after rock erosion. Give rock erosion a chance.
crust[y, x].Sediment += depositAmount;
// Just deposit a bunch of sediment
var depositAmount = Math.Min(currentSediment, EROSION_DEPOSIT_SEDIMENT_UNDERWATER);
crust[y, x].Sediment += depositAmount;
currentSediment -= depositAmount;
// If we run out then we can stop
if (currentSediment <= 0) return;
var north = y > 0 && crust[y - 1, x].TotalTop() < crust[y, x].TotalTop();
var east = x < WIDTH - 1 && crust[y, x + 1].TotalTop() < crust[y, x].TotalTop();
var south = y < HEIGHT - 1 && crust[y + 1, x].TotalTop() < crust[y, x].TotalTop();
var west = x > 0 && crust[y, x - 1].TotalTop() < crust[y, x].TotalTop();
if (!(north || east || south || west))
crust[y, x].Sediment += currentSediment;
var found = false;
while (!found)
switch (rand.Next(4))
case 0:
if (north) { y -= 1; found = true; CountNorth++; }
case 1:
if (east) { x += 1; found = true; CountEast++; }
case 2:
if (south) { y += 1; found = true; CountSouth++; }
case 3:
if (west) { x -= 1; found = true; CountWest++; }
private static void UpdateCrust(Crust[,] crust, Vector2[,] tectonicForces, double[,] mantleHeat, double[,] crustShifts)
// Undensify (totally a word) by fractional differentiation of heavier elements
// Also standardise the thickness
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
var densityChange = (2.4 - c[y, x].Density) * (mantleHeat[y, x] / 50);
ChangeDensity(c, y, x, densityChange);
//c[y, x].Thickness -= (c[y, x].Thickness - 15 + rand.NextDouble() * 15) / 5000;
if (c[y, x].Top < 0.2) c[y, x].Top = 0.2;
// Move crust based on isostasy
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
var idealHeight = (1 - crust[y, x].Density / 3.3) * crust[y, x].Thickness;
crust[y, x].Force.Z += (float)(idealHeight - crust[y, x].Top) / 4;
// Apply tectonic forces from convection (super hack)
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
var v = tectonicForces[y, x];
c[y, x].Force.X += v.X;
c[y, x].Force.Y += v.Y;
// Distribute forces
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
DistributeForce(c, y, x);
var temp = oldPlateForces;
oldPlateForces = plateForces;
plateForces = temp;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PLATES; i++)
plateMass[i] = 0;
plateForces[i] = default(Vector2);
// Resolve forces
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
var upForce = c[y, x].Force.Z;
c[y, x].Top += upForce;
c[y, x].Force.Z -= upForce;
Vector2 lateralForce = new Vector2(c[y, x].Force.X, c[y, x].Force.Y);
plateForces[c[y, x].PlateId] += lateralForce;
plateMass[c[y, x].PlateId] += 1;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PLATES; i++)
plateForces[i] = plateForces[i] / (float)plateMass[i] + oldPlateForces[i];
bool doing = true;
while (doing)
doing = false;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_PLATES; i++)
if (plateForces[i].X >= 1)
ShiftPlate(crust, i, 1, 0);
plateForces[i].X -= 1;
doing = true;
if (plateForces[i].X <= -1)
ShiftPlate(crust, i, -1, 0);
plateForces[i].X += 1;
doing = true;
if (plateForces[i].Y >= 1)
ShiftPlate(crust, i, 0, 1);
plateForces[i].Y -= 1;
doing = true;
if (plateForces[i].Y <= -1)
ShiftPlate(crust, i, 0, -1);
plateForces[i].Y += 1;
doing = true;
// TODO: Calculate plate splits
// Smooth out the tops
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
crustShifts[y, x] = crust[y, x].Top;
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
crust[y, x].Top += (GetAverageOfCross(crustShifts, x, y) - crust[y, x].Top) / 100;
private static void ChangeDensity(Crust[,] c, int y, int x, double densityChange)
c[y, x].Thickness = (c[y, x].Thickness * c[y, x].Density) / (c[y, x].Density + densityChange);
c[y, x].Density += densityChange;
private static void ShiftPlate(Crust[,] crust, int plateId, int xOff, int yOff)
// Stops continents going "off screen"
var fuckoff = false;
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
if (c[y, x].PlateId == plateId && (
y + yOff < 0 || y + yOff >= WIDTH ||
x + xOff < 0 || x + xOff >= HEIGHT)
fuckoff = true;
if (fuckoff) return;
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
if (c[y, x].PlateId == plateId)
var donorX = x - xOff;
var donorY = y - yOff;
if (donorX >= 0 && donorX < WIDTH && donorY >= 0 && donorY < HEIGHT && crust[donorY, donorX].PlateId == crust[y, x].PlateId)
var toX = x + xOff;
var toY = y + yOff;
// Subduct the lower crust more often
var p = Math.Pow((Math.Tanh(c[toY, toX].Top - c[y, x].Top) + 1) / 2, 5);
if (rand.NextDouble() < p)
Subduct(c, toY, toX, c[y, x]);
var temp = c[toY, toX];
c[toY, toX] = c[y, x];
Subduct(c, toY, toX, temp);
crust[y, x] = crust[donorY, donorX];
// Spawn new oceanic crust
crust[y, x] = new Crust()
PlateId = crust[y, x].PlateId
}, xOff > 0 || yOff > 0); // Go backwards if we are shifting x or y forwards
private static void Subduct(Crust[,] c, int y, int x, Crust crust)
// Give the crust being subducted under a bit of a bump
c[y, x].Thickness += crust.Top / 100;
// And give it a bit of lower density magma
var densityChange = (2.4 - c[y, x].Density) / 50;
ChangeDensity(c, y, x, densityChange);
private static void DistributeForce(Crust[,] crust, int y, int x)
var plateId = crust[y, x].PlateId;
var north = y > 0;// && crust[y - 1, x].PlateId == plateId;
var east = x < WIDTH - 1;// && crust[y, x + 1].PlateId == plateId;
var south = y < HEIGHT - 1;// && crust[y + 1, x].PlateId == plateId;
var west = x > 0;// && crust[y, x - 1].PlateId == plateId;
if (!(north || east || south || west))
// Let's distribute half the force because why not.
var excess = crust[y, x].Force / 2;
crust[y, x].Force -= excess;
var splitAmount = (excess / 4);
if (north) crust[y - 1, x].Force += splitAmount;
if (east) crust[y, x + 1].Force += splitAmount;
if (south) crust[y + 1, x].Force += splitAmount;
if (west) crust[y, x - 1].Force += splitAmount;
private static double GetAverageOfCross(double[,] m, int x, int y)
return ((y > 0 ? m[y - 1, x] : m[y, x]) +
(y < HEIGHT - 1 ? m[y + 1, x] : m[y, x]) +
(x > 0 ? m[y, x - 1] : m[y, x]) +
(x < WIDTH - 1 ? m[y, x + 1] : m[y, x]) +
m[y, x]) / 5;
private static void UpdateTectonicForces(Vector2[,] tectonicForces, double[,] mantleHeat)
mantleHeat.Map(tectonicForces, (m, y, x) =>
// Hot flows towards cold.
var xForce = (m[y, x] - (x > 0 ? m[y, x - 1] : m[y, x])) +
((x < WIDTH - 1 ? m[y, x + 1] : m[y, x]) - m[y, x]) * 100;
var yForce = (m[y, x] - (y > 0 ? m[y - 1, x] : m[y, x])) +
((y < HEIGHT - 1 ? m[y + 1, x] : m[y, x]) - m[y, x]) * 100;
return new Vector2((float)xForce, (float)yForce);
static void UpdateMantleHeat(ref double[,] mantleHeat, ref double[,] velocity)
var vel = velocity;
var mhe = mantleHeat;
// Randomly add and remove hotspots. These act kind of like mantle plumes. Which totally might not be a real thing.
if (rand.NextDouble() > 0.85 + 0.01 * hotspots.Count)
hotspots.Add(new Vector2(rand.Next(WIDTH), rand.Next(HEIGHT)));
if (rand.NextDouble() > 0.85 && hotspots.Count > 3)
// What's that? Heat doesn't travel in waves? Screw you, if I say it travels in waves then it travels in waves!
foreach (Vector2 hotspot in hotspots)
vel[(int)hotspot.Y, (int)hotspot.X] += 1;
mantleHeat.Do((m, y, x) =>
vel[y, x] +=
(((y > 0 ? m[y - 1, x] : m[y, x]) +
(y < HEIGHT - 1 ? m[y + 1, x] : m[y, x]) +
(x > 0 ? m[y, x - 1] : m[y, x]) +
(x < WIDTH - 1 ? m[y, x + 1] : m[y, x])) / 4
- m[y, x]);
vel[y, x] *= 0.9999;
velocity.Do((v, y, x) =>
mhe[y, x] += v[y, x];
//Normalise the energy in the system to prevent it growing or shrinking
var totalEnergy = 0.0;
mhe.Do((m, y, x) => { totalEnergy += Math.Abs(m[y, x]); });
var adjust = (WIDTH * HEIGHT / 4) / totalEnergy;
mhe.Do((m, y, x) => { m[y, x] = m[y, x] * adjust; });
private static void DrawMantleHeat(Bitmap bitmap, double[,] mantleHeat)
var data = bitmap.LockBits(Rectify(bitmap.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
byte* start = (byte*)data.Scan0;
mantleHeat.Do((m, y, x) =>
var val = m[y, x];
byte r = 0;
byte g = 0;
byte b = 0;
if (val < 0)
r = 0;
b = (byte)(-val * 100);
b = 0;
r = (byte)(val * 100);
if (val > 3) g = 255;
*(start) = b;
*(start + 1) = g;
*(start + 2) = r;
start += 3;
bitmap.Save("mantle" + frame + ".png");
private static void DrawHeightmap(Bitmap bitmap, Crust[,] crust)
var data = bitmap.LockBits(Rectify(bitmap.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
var maxTop = 3.0;
crust.Do((c, y, x) =>
if (c[y,x].TotalTop() > maxTop)
maxTop = c[y,x].TotalTop();
byte* start = (byte*)data.Scan0;
crust.Do((m, y, x) =>
var c = m[y, x];
byte r = 0;
byte g = 0;
byte b = 0;
r = b = g = (byte)((c.TotalTop() / maxTop) * 255);
*(start) = b;
*(start + 1) = g;
*(start + 2) = r;
start += 3;
bitmap.Save("crust" + frame + ".png");
private static void DrawCrust(Bitmap bitmap, Crust[,] crust)
var data = bitmap.LockBits(Rectify(bitmap.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
var maxTop = 3.0;
var maxDepth = 3.0;
var maxSediment = 1.0;
crust.Do((m, y, x) =>
var c = m[y, x];
if (waterLevel - c.TotalTop() > maxDepth)
maxDepth = waterLevel - c.TotalTop();
if (c.Top > maxTop)
maxTop = c.Top;
if (c.Sediment > maxSediment)
maxSediment = c.Sediment;
byte* start = (byte*)data.Scan0;
crust.Do((m, y, x) =>
var c = m[y, x];
byte r = 0;
byte g = 0;
byte b = 0;
//r = b = g = (byte)(50 + (c.TotalTop() / maxTop) * 120);
r = c.TotalTop() >= waterLevel ? (byte)(50 + (c.Top / maxTop) * 120) : (byte)0;
var water = waterLevel - c.TotalTop();
b = water > 0 ? (byte)(128 - (water / maxDepth) * 120) : (byte)0;
g = (byte)((c.Sediment / maxSediment) * 250);
*(start) = b;
*(start + 1) = g;
*(start + 2) = r;
start += 3;
bitmap.Save("crust" + frame + ".png");
private static void DrawCrustForce(Bitmap bitmap, Crust[,] crust)
var data = bitmap.LockBits(Rectify(bitmap.Size), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
var maxForce = 0.1f;
crust.Do((m, y, x) =>
var d = crust[y, x].Force.Length();
if (d > maxForce)
maxForce = d;
maxForce = Math.Max(maxForce, 1);
byte* start = (byte*)data.Scan0;
crust.Do((m, y, x) =>
var c = m[y, x];
var force = c.Force.Length();
*(start) = (byte)((force / maxForce) * 250);
*(start + 1) = (byte)((force / maxForce) * 250);
*(start + 2) = (byte)((force / maxForce) * 250);
start += 3;
bitmap.Save("crustForces" + frame + ".png");
private static Rectangle Rectify(Size size)
return new Rectangle(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);
private static void Swap(ref double[,] mantleHeat, ref double[,] temp)
var swap = temp;
temp = mantleHeat;
mantleHeat = swap;
static void Display(double[,] array)
array.Do((m, y, x) =>
if (y < 20 && x < 20)
Console.SetCursorPosition(x * 4, y);
if (m[y, x] > 0) Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
if (m[y, x] == 0) Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
if (m[y, x] < 0) Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
Console.Write((int)m[y, x] + (x == WIDTH - 1 ? "\n" : ""));
internal class CrustPointComparer : IComparer<Point>
private Crust[,] crust;
public CrustPointComparer(Crust[,] crust)
this.crust = crust;
public int Compare(Point a, Point b)
return crust[a.Y, a.X].CompareTo(crust[b.Y, b.X]);
internal struct Crust : IComparable<Crust>
// Most of these are in kilometer units
public double Top; // Height of the top of solid matter of this block (without sediment) above mantle equilibrium point
public double Density; // Density of the solid matter in this
public double Thickness; // Height of solid matter in this block
public double Sediment; // The amount of sediment on top of this block
public Vector3 Force; // Direction and magnitude of force being applied to this section of crust
public int PlateId;
public override string ToString()
return $"Density (g/cm^3): {Density} Thickness (km): {Thickness} PlateId: {PlateId}";
public int CompareTo(Crust other)
return (Top).CompareTo(other.Top);
public double TotalTop()
return Top + Sediment;
static class Extensions
public static void Map<T, TOut>(this T[,] array, TOut[,] outArray, Func<T[,], int, int, TOut> action)
for (int y = 0; y < array.GetLength(0); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < array.GetLength(1); x++)
outArray[y, x] = action(array, y, x);
public static void Do<T>(this T[,] array, Action<T[,], int, int> action)
Do(array, action, false);
public static void Do<T>(this T[,] array, Action<T[,], int, int> action, bool backwards)
if (backwards)
for (int y = array.GetLength(0) - 1; y >= 0; y--)
for (int x = array.GetLength(1) - 1; x >= 0; x--)
action(array, y, x);
for (int y = 0; y < array.GetLength(0); y++)
for (int x = 0; x < array.GetLength(1); x++)
action(array, y, x);
public static double XYSum(this Vector3 me)
return me.X + me.Y;
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