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Last active October 23, 2024 02:49
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Script to mount & umount encrypted image to android filesystem
# Script to mount & umount encrypted image to android filesystem
# You can install the dependencies by:
# pkg install root-repo # Enables the root-repository
# pkg install tsu cryptsetup mount-utils util-linux
# You have to create an empty container before using this script
# sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/path/to/your/file.img bs=1M count=4096
# OR:
# fallocate -l 4G file.img
# Please configure the IMG_PATH to be the location of the image file you created
# and MNT_PATH to be the mount point of your decrypted partition
#OPT: Path to the existing container file
#OPT: Path to the mount point
#OPT: Default filesystem for the block: ext4, exfat, ext3
# - More filesystems could be supported depending on your system
#OPT: PBKDF algorithm to be used: pbkdf2, argon2id, argon2i
#OPT: Type of device metadata: luks1, luks2, plain, loopaes, tcrypt
#OPT: Default name of the LUKS device for the mapper, (can be anything)
#OPT: Default package/app's mount namespace to be used, it should be running prior to this script.
NAME_SPACE="init" # This is the default namespace for android system
#OPT: Shred the old data after copying to encrypted container
#OPT: Folders to look for app data and their custom names in the encrypted image
# Validate if everything is set correctly
function check_dependency(){
# Check if all dependencies are installed.
depends="cryptsetup losetup nsenter mount sudo"
err_msg="You can install the dependencies by:\n pkg install root-repo #Enable root repo\n pkg install tsu cryptsetup mount-utils util-linux"
for cmd in $depends; do
if ! command -v "$cmd" &>/dev/null; then
echo "ERROR: $cmd not found on path."
echo -e "$err_msg"
exit 12
# Fetch the full path of given files, validate their existence
IMG_PATH=$(readlink -fve "$IMG_PATH");file1=$?
MNT_PATH=$(readlink -fve "$MNT_PATH");file2=$?
if [[ $file1 -ne 0 || $file2 -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "ERROR: The mount folder or the container file is not configured / doesn't exist / bad permissions."
echo "Please configure them by editing the IMG_PATH and MNT_PATH in script."
exit 1
ns_pid=$(sudo pidof "$NAME_SPACE") || { echo "ERROR: Couldn't find pid of $NAME_SPACE, is it running?"; exit 13; }
ns_pid=$(echo $ns_pid | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -n | head -n 1)
# Function that: Binds loopback & Formats & Encrypts & Mkfs & Mounts if necessary.
function load_luks(){
# Check if loopback device for container file already exist, create if doesn't.
lo_res=$(sudo losetup -a | grep "$IMG_PATH")
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
lo=$(awk -F ':' '{print $1}' <<< $lo_res)
echo " - Loopback found at: $lo"
lo=$(sudo losetup -f --show "$IMG_PATH") || {
echo "ERROR: Binding loopback failed."; exit 1
echo " - Loopback created at: $lo"
# Check if the lo is already a valid LUKS device, format if it's not.
if ! sudo cryptsetup isLuks $lo; then
reset -w &>/dev/null # Some old SU binaries corrupt the width, fix for the next stdin.
read -p "!) The block doesn't look like it's LUKS formatted, do it now? (y/n) " answer
[[ $answer != "y" && $answer != "Y" ]] && { echo "Then please format it manually before mounting it."; exit 2; }
sudo cryptsetup luksFormat --type $TYPE --pbkdf $PBKDF "$lo" || { echo "ERROR: Something went wrong with formatting"; exit 3; }
echo " - Successfully formatted the block as LUKS device."
echo " - Validated LUKS device."
# Open the luks if not already opened.
if ! sudo ls "/dev/mapper/$MAP_NAME" &>/dev/null; then
echo -n " - "
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen $lo $MAP_NAME || { echo "ERROR: Couldn't open the luks device."; exit 4; }
echo " - Successfully opened the LUKS device at: /dev/mapper/$MAP_NAME"
echo " - Found the mapper at /dev/mapper/$MAP_NAME"
# Build a valid filesystem / partition at the container
if [[ "$isFormatted" == "1" ]]; then
sudo mkfs -t $FORMAT_FS /dev/mapper/$MAP_NAME || { echo "ERROR: Couldn't create filesystem."; exit 5; }
echo " - Created $FORMAT_FS file system."
# Mount the mapper device if not already mounted.
touch $MNT_PATH/.insecure # If this file still present after mount, then mount failed.
if ! mount | grep /dev/mapper/$MAP_NAME; then
#sudo mount /dev/mapper/$MAP_NAME $MNT_PATH || { # Mount only for termux namespace
sudo nsenter -t $ns_pid -m mount /dev/mapper/$MAP_NAME $MNT_PATH || { # Make mount available to all namespaces
echo "ERROR: Couldn't mount the mapper."; exit 6; }
if [[ -f $MNT_PATH/insecure ]]; then
echo "WARNING: Mount success, but only visible to root namespace."
echo "This happens because of your SU binary or android system, reports are appreciated."
echo "You can still edit the NAME_SPACE variable in the script to make it visible to your app."
echo " - Successfully mounted the $MAP_NAME at $MNT_PATH"
echo " - Device already mounted at above locations"
# Function that: unmounts, closes the LUKS, removes loopback
function eject_luks(){
set -o pipefail
# Unmount all mount points from pid 1 namespace
while : ; do
mounts=$(sudo nsenter -t $ns_pid -m mount | grep /dev/mapper/$MAP_NAME ) || break
mnt=$(awk -F ' on ' '{print $2}' <<< $mounts | awk -F ' type ' '{print $1}' | head -n 1)
sudo nsenter -t $ns_pid -m umount "$mnt" || { echo "ERROR: Couldn't unmount $mnt , program exiting."; exit 7; }
echo " - Unmounted: $mnt"
# Unmount all mount points from termux namespace
pid=$(sudo pidof com.termux)
while : ; do
mounts=$(sudo nsenter -t $pid -m mount | grep /dev/mapper/$MAP_NAME ) || break
mnt=$(awk -F ' on ' '{print $2}' <<< $mounts | awk -F ' type ' '{print $1}' | head -n 1)
sudo nsenter -t $pid -m umount "$mnt" || { echo "ERROR: Couldn't unmount $mnt , program exiting."; exit 8; }
echo " - Unmounted: $mnt"
# Close the LUKS device
if sudo ls "/dev/mapper/$MAP_NAME" &>/dev/null; then
sudo cryptsetup luksClose $MAP_NAME || { echo "ERROR: Couldn't close $MAP_NAME."; exit 9; }
echo " - Successfully closed $MAP_NAME."
# Remove the loopback device
lo_res=$(sudo losetup -a | grep "$IMG_PATH") || { echo "ERROR: Couldn't find the loopback"; exit 10; }
lo=$(awk -F ':' '{print $1}' <<< $lo_res)
sudo losetup -d $lo || { echo "ERROR: Couldn't release the loopback device"; exit 11; }
echo " - Successfully released loopback device."
# Shred the old data after copied to encrypted image.
function shred_old_data(){
if [[ $(su -c "getenforce") == "Enforcing" ]]; then
su -c "setenforce 0"
sudo find $1 -mindepth 1 -exec shred -vun 3 "{}" \; 1>/dev/null
sudo find $1 -mindepth 1 -exec rmdir -rf "{}" \; 1>/dev/null
[[ "$disabled_selinux" == "true" ]] && su -c "setenforce 1"
# Move an application to the encrypted image
function encrypt_app(){
# Kill if application is running.
pid=$(sudo pidof $PKG) && {
sudo kill -s9 $pid
echo " - Killed the running $PKG"
# Check if application really exist.
if ! sudo ls "/data/data/$PKG" &>/dev/null; then
echo "ERROR: Couldn't find $1 at /data/data/, incorrect pkg name?"
exit 12;
# Copy folder to encrypted image with correct user, permissions & security context.
function copy_to_crypt(){
lsout=$(su -c "ls -lZd $SRC")
read owner security <<< $(awk '{print $3":"$4" "$5}' <<< $lsout)
perm=$(sudo stat -c "%a" $SRC)
sudo mkdir -p "$DEST"
sudo cp -r $SRC/. "$DEST" || { echo "ERROR: Couldn't copy data to $DEST"; exit 13; }
sudo chown -R $owner "$DEST"
sudo chmod -R $perm "$DEST"
sudo chcon $security "$DEST"
if [[ $(su -c "getenforce") == "Enforcing" ]]; then
sudo setenforce 0
sudo mkdir -p "$MNT_PATH/apps/$PKG"
# Copy the app data to the encrypted image & shred the old data if enabled.
for line in $ENC_PATHS;do
[[ "$line" == "" ]] && continue
IFS=";" read path name <<< $( sed "s/<pkg>/$PKG/g" <<< $line)
! sudo ls "$path" &>/dev/null && continue
copy_to_crypt "$path" "$MNT_PATH/apps/$PKG/$name"
echo " - Moved to encrypted \`$name\`"
[[ "$SHRED_OLD" == "true" ]] && {
shred_old_data "$path"
echo " - Shredded old \`$path\`"
[[ "$disabled_selinux" == "true" ]] && su -c "setenforce 1"
echo -e "\n - Successfully moved $PKG to encrypted image!\n"
echo "WARNING: There could be more data in other locations, such as Downloads/??? Pictures/??? etc."
echo -e "You can move them manually to the encrypted image by:\n $0 enc_extra $PKG <PATH_TO_FOLDER>"
# Move an extra folder to the encrypted image
function encrypt_extra_folder(){
[[ ! -d "$folder" ]] && { echo "ERROR: Couldn't find the folder at $folder"; exit 14; }
sudo mkdir -p "$MNT_PATH/apps/$pkg/extra"
sudo cp -r $folder "$MNT_PATH/apps/$pkg/" || { echo "ERROR: Couldn't copy data to $MNT_PATH/apps/$pkg/extra"; exit 15; }
echo " - Successfully moved $folder to encrypted image!"
[[ "$SHRED_OLD" == "true" ]] && shred_old_data "$folder"
echo " - Shredded the old $folder"
echo "$folder" >> "$MNT_PATH/apps/$pkg/extra/mountpoints.list"
# Mount all folders of an application from the encrypted image to the android filesystem
function load_app(){
[[ ! -d "$MNT_PATH/apps/$PKG" ]] && { echo "ERROR: Couldn't find the app at $MNT_PATH/apps/$PKG"; exit 16; }
for line in $ENC_PATHS;do
[[ "$line" == "" ]] && continue
IFS=";" read path name <<< $( sed "s/<pkg>/$PKG/g" <<< $line)
[[ ! -d "$MNT_PATH/apps/$PKG/$name" ]] && continue
sudo nsenter -t 1 -m mount --bind "$MNT_PATH/apps/$PKG/$name" "$path" || { echo "ERROR: Couldn't mount $name"; exit 17; }
echo " - Mounted $name to $path"
# Mount extra folders if available
if [[ -f "$MNT_PATH/apps/$PKG/extra/mountpoints.list" ]]; then
while IFS= read -r folder; do
name=$(basename $folder)
sudo nsenter -t 1 -m mount --bind "$MNT_PATH/apps/$PKG/extra/$name" "$folder" || { echo "ERROR: Couldn't mount $folder"; exit 18; }
echo " - Mounted $folder"
done < "$MNT_PATH/apps/$PKG/extra/mountpoints.list"
help_text="USAGE: $0 [load|eject|enc_app|enc_extra|load_app] [pkg_name|pkg_name folder_path]\n\n\
load: Mount the encrypted image to the android filesystem\n\
eject: Unmount the encrypted image\n\
enc_app <package>: Move an app to the encrypted image\n\
enc_extra <package> <path>: Move an extra folder of app to the image\n\
load_app <package: Mount all folders from encrypted image to android fs\n\n\n\
Example: $0 enc_app org.telegram.messenger\n\
$0 enc_extra org.telegram.messenger /sdcard/Telegram\n\n\
Don't forget to configure the IMG_PATH and MNT_PATH in the script if you haven't already.\n\n"
if [[ "$1" == "load" ]];then
elif [[ "$1" == "eject" ]];then
elif [[ "$1" == "enc_app" && "$2" != "" ]];then
encrypt_app $2
elif [[ "$1" == "enc_extra" && "$3" != "" ]];then
encrypt_extra_folder $2 $3
elif [[ "$1" == "load_app" && "$2" != "" ]];then
load_app $2
printf "$help_text"
exit 127
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