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Forked from zbyte64/
Created February 5, 2019 13:21
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Asyncio Views With Django

The code in this method is intended for Django 1.9

Two things needs to happen in order to enable using aysncio coroutines as views. First you need to have a wsgi worker that accepts coroutines and runs its own asyncio loop. Second the django application needs to understand how to handle coroutines views.

Gunicorn ships with a wsgi worker that can handle a coroutine wsgi app:

For getting django to understand async views see and use that as your wsgi app.

Lastly if you are using this with an API framework you want to take special care that it won't wrap your coroutine inside an http response. Instead it should first check if the response is a coroutine and then yield from to retrieve the full response.

import asyncio
from django import http
from django.core.urlresolvers import set_script_prefix
from django.utils.encoding import force_str
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import get_script_name
from django_wsgi.handler import DjangoApplication
import logging
import logging
import sys
import types
import warnings
from django.conf import settings
from django.core import signals, urlresolvers
from django.core.exceptions import (
MiddlewareNotUsed, PermissionDenied, SuspiciousOperation,
from django.db import connections, transaction
from django.http.multipartparser import MultiPartParserError
from django.utils import six
from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango20Warning
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from django.views import debug
logger = logging.getLogger('django.request')
#must be ran with a server handler that understands asyncio.future
class AsyncDjangoApplication(DjangoApplication):
#this would work in django 1.10 but this method doesn't exist in 1.9
def _get_response(self, request):
response = super(AsyncDjangoApplication, self)._get_response()
if asyncio.iscoroutine(response):
response = yield from response
return response
#so instead for django 1.9 we have to reimplement this big method just to change two lines
def get_response(self, request):
"Returns an HttpResponse object for the given HttpRequest"
# Setup default url resolver for this thread, this code is outside
# the try/except so we don't get a spurious "unbound local
# variable" exception in the event an exception is raised before
# resolver is set
urlconf = settings.ROOT_URLCONF
resolver = urlresolvers.get_resolver(urlconf)
# Use a flag to check if the response was rendered to prevent
# multiple renderings or to force rendering if necessary.
response_is_rendered = False
response = None
# Apply request middleware
for middleware_method in self._request_middleware:
response = middleware_method(request)
if response:
if response is None:
if hasattr(request, 'urlconf'):
# Reset url resolver with a custom URLconf.
urlconf = request.urlconf
resolver = urlresolvers.get_resolver(urlconf)
resolver_match = resolver.resolve(request.path_info)
callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs = resolver_match
request.resolver_match = resolver_match
# Apply view middleware
for middleware_method in self._view_middleware:
response = middleware_method(request, callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs)
if response:
if response is None:
wrapped_callback = self.make_view_atomic(callback)
response = wrapped_callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
#check if view returned a coroutine and get the async result
if asyncio.iscoroutine(response):
response = yield from response
except Exception as e:
response = self.process_exception_by_middleware(e, request)
# Complain if the view returned None (a common error).
if response is None:
if isinstance(callback, types.FunctionType): # FBV
view_name = callback.__name__
else: # CBV
view_name = callback.__class__.__name__ + '.__call__'
raise ValueError("The view %s.%s didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead."
% (callback.__module__, view_name))
# If the response supports deferred rendering, apply template
# response middleware and then render the response
if hasattr(response, 'render') and callable(response.render):
for middleware_method in self._template_response_middleware:
response = middleware_method(request, response)
# Complain if the template response middleware returned None (a common error).
if response is None:
raise ValueError(
"%s.process_template_response didn't return an "
"HttpResponse object. It returned None instead."
% (middleware_method.__self__.__class__.__name__))
response = response.render()
except Exception as e:
response = self.process_exception_by_middleware(e, request)
response_is_rendered = True
except http.Http404 as exc:
logger.warning('Not Found: %s', request.path,
'status_code': 404,
'request': request
if settings.DEBUG:
response = debug.technical_404_response(request, exc)
response = self.get_exception_response(request, resolver, 404, exc)
except PermissionDenied as exc:
'Forbidden (Permission denied): %s', request.path,
'status_code': 403,
'request': request
response = self.get_exception_response(request, resolver, 403, exc)
except MultiPartParserError as exc:
'Bad request (Unable to parse request body): %s', request.path,
'status_code': 400,
'request': request
response = self.get_exception_response(request, resolver, 400, exc)
except SuspiciousOperation as exc:
# The request logger receives events for any problematic request
# The security logger receives events for all SuspiciousOperations
security_logger = logging.getLogger('' %
'status_code': 400,
'request': request
if settings.DEBUG:
return debug.technical_500_response(request, *sys.exc_info(), status_code=400)
response = self.get_exception_response(request, resolver, 400, exc)
except SystemExit:
# Allow sys.exit() to actually exit. See tickets #1023 and #4701
except: # Handle everything else.
# Get the exception info now, in case another exception is thrown later.
signals.got_request_exception.send(sender=self.__class__, request=request)
response = self.handle_uncaught_exception(request, resolver, sys.exc_info())
# Apply response middleware, regardless of the response
for middleware_method in self._response_middleware:
response = middleware_method(request, response)
# Complain if the response middleware returned None (a common error).
if response is None:
raise ValueError(
"%s.process_response didn't return an "
"HttpResponse object. It returned None instead."
% (middleware_method.__self__.__class__.__name__))
response = self.apply_response_fixes(request, response)
except: # Any exception should be gathered and handled
signals.got_request_exception.send(sender=self.__class__, request=request)
response = self.handle_uncaught_exception(request, resolver, sys.exc_info())
# If the exception handler returns a TemplateResponse that has not
# been rendered, force it to be rendered.
if not response_is_rendered and callable(getattr(response, 'render', None)):
response = response.render()
return response
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
# Set up middleware if needed. We couldn't do this earlier, because
# settings weren't available.
if self._request_middleware is None:
with self.initLock:
# Check that middleware is still uninitialized.
if self._request_middleware is None:
# Unload whatever middleware we got
self._request_middleware = None
signals.request_started.send(sender=self.__class__, environ=environ)
request = self.request_class(environ)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
'Bad Request (UnicodeDecodeError)',
'status_code': 400,
response = http.HttpResponseBadRequest()
response = self.get_response(request)
if asyncio.iscoroutine(response):
response = yield from response
response._handler_class = self.__class__
status = '%d %s' % (response.status_code, response.reason_phrase)
logger.debug('Response: {0} {1}'.format(status, environ['PATH_INFO']))
response_headers = [(str(k), str(v)) for k, v in response.items()]
for c in response.cookies.values():
response_headers.append((str('Set-Cookie'), str(c.output(header=''))))
start_response(force_str(status), response_headers)
if getattr(response, 'file_to_stream', None) is not None and environ.get('wsgi.file_wrapper'):
response = environ['wsgi.file_wrapper'](response.file_to_stream)
return response
worker_class = 'gaiohttp'
import asyncio
from django.http import HttpResponse
def hello_world(request):
yield from asyncio.sleep(1)
return HttpResponse("Hello world!")
WSGI config for montage project.
It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``.
For more information on this file, see
import os
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "montage.settings")
import django
from .async_app import AsyncDjangoApplication
application = AsyncDjangoApplication()
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