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Last active April 26, 2024 04:48
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<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<div class="controls">
<div class="left">
<div id="playButton" class="button">
▶️ play
<div class="right">
<span>Volume: </span>
<input type="range" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.01"
value="0.8" name="volume" id="volumeControl">
// LICENSE: MIT/Apache-2.0
class Note {
constructor(step, octave, duration) {
const noteTable = {
"C" : -9,
"C#": -8, "Cs": -8, "Df": -8,
"D" : -7,
"D#": -6, "Ds": -6, "Ef": -6,
"E" : -5,
"F" : -4,
"F#": -3, "Fs": -3, "Gf": -3,
"G" : -2,
"G#": -1, "Gs": -1, "Af": -1,
"A" : 0,
"A#": 1, "As": 1, "Bf": 1,
"B" : 2
this.detune = noteTable[step] * 100 + (octave - 4) * 1200;
this.duration = duration;
realDuration(bpm) {
bpm = bpm || 60;
return 1 * (60 / bpm) / this.duration * 4;
class Tone {
class SimpleTone extends Tone {
type = 'sine';
constructor(type) {
this.type = type;
this.osc = null;
play(detune, start, duration, output) {
const osc = this.ctx.createOscillator();
osc.type = this.type;
osc.frequency.value = this.concertPitch;
osc.detune.value = detune;
osc.onended = function() {
osc.stop(start + duration * 0.9);
return osc;
class PianoTone extends Tone {
createOsc(detune, gain, start, duration, output) {
const attack = 0.2;
const decay = 0.1;
const sustain = gain * 0.7;
const release = 0.3;
const osc = this.ctx.createOscillator();
osc.frequency.value = this.concertPitch;
osc.detune.value = detune;
osc.type = 'sine';
const gainNode = this.ctx.createGain();
const t0 = start;
const t1 = t0 + attack;
const t2 = t1 + decay;
const t3 = t0 + duration;
const t4 = t3 + release;
gainNode.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(gain, t1);
gainNode.gain.setTargetAtTime(sustain, t1, decay)
gainNode.gain.setTargetAtTime(0, t3, release);
osc.onended = function() {
return osc;
play(detune, start, duration, output) {
let o1 = this.createOsc(detune - 3600, 0.512, start, duration * 0.064, output);
let o2 = this.createOsc(detune - 2400, 0.64 , start, duration * 0.16 , output);
let o3 = this.createOsc(detune - 1200, 0.8 , start, duration * 0.4 , output);
let o4 = this.createOsc(detune , 1 , start, duration , output);
let o5 = this.createOsc(detune + 1200, 0.4 , start, duration * 0.8 , output);
let o6 = this.createOsc(detune + 2400, 0.16 , start, duration * 0.64 , output);
let o7 = this.createOsc(detune + 3600, 0.064, start, duration * 0.512, output);
return {
oscs: [o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7],
stop: function(when) {
for(let osc of this.oscs) {
class Music {
constructor(notes) {
this.notes = notes;
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this.notes[Symbol.iterator]();
static parse(input) {
const notes = [];
let octave = 4;
let duration = 4;
for(let c of input.split(' ')) {
if (c === '|' || c === "" || c === "\n" ) {
let ret = c.match(/([A-G][#sf]?)([-+]*)(16|8|4|2|1)?/);
if (ret) {
let step = ret[1];
for(let o of ret[2]) {
switch (o) {
case "+": octave++;
case "-": octave--;
if(ret[3]) {
duration = parseInt(ret[3]);
notes.push(new Note(step, octave, duration));
} else {
throw "parse error";
return new this(notes);
class Player {
constructor(bpm, tone, concertPitch) {
this.ctx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
const gain = this.ctx.createConstantSource();
const gainNode = this.ctx.createGain();
gainNode.gain.value = 0.025;
gain.offset.value = 0.25;
this.output = gainNode;
this._gain = gain;
this.bpm = bpm;
this.tone = tone || new SimpleTone('square');
this.tone.ctx = this.ctx;
this.tone.concertPitch = concertPitch || 440;
this.playingNotes = [];
this.isPlaying = false;
get gain() {
set gain(gain) {
this._gain.offset.value = gain;
playNote(note, at) {
at = at || 0;
const duration = note.realDuration(this.bpm);
let playingNote =, at, duration, this.output);
return playingNote;
playMusic(music) {
this.isPlaying = true;
let start = this.ctx.currentTime;
for (let note of music) {
let playingNote = this.playNote(note, start);
start += note.realDuration(this.bpm);
cancel() {
this.isPlaying = false;
for(let note of this.playingNotes) {
// create Oscillator node
function setup() {
const music = Music.parse("\
C C G G | A A G2 |\
F4 F E E | D D C2 |\
G4 G F F | E E D2 |\
G4 G F F | E E D2 |\
C4 C G G | A A G2 |\
F4 F E E | D D C2 |");
const player = new Player(90, new PianoTone());
function togglePlay(event) {
if (player.isPlaying) {
playButton.innerHTML = "▶️ play";
} else {
playButton.innerHTML = "◼ cancel";
function changeVolume(event) {
player.gain = volumeControl.value;
const playButton = document.querySelector("#playButton");
const volumeControl = document.querySelector("#volumeControl");
volumeControl.value = player.gain;
playButton.addEventListener("click", togglePlay, false);
volumeControl.addEventListener("input", changeVolume, false);
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