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Created May 4, 2018 15:58
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create function dbo.udf_OSGrid_WGS84 (@east int, @north int)
returns geography
-- reference implementation:
if @east is null
or @north is null
return null
declare @π float = pi()
declare @a float = 6377563.396,
@b float = 6356256.910,
@f float = 1 / 299.3249646 -- Airy 1830 major & minor semi-axes. and flattening
declare @F0 float = 0.9996012717 -- NatGrid scale factor on central meridian
declare @φ0 float = 49 * @π / 180,
@λ0 float = -2 * @π / 180 -- NatGrid true origin is 49°N,2°W
declare @N0 int = -100000,
@E0 int = 400000 -- northing & easting of true origin, metres
declare @e2 float = 1 - (@b * @b) / (@a * @a) -- eccentricity squared
declare @n float = (@a - @b) / (@a + @b)
declare @n2 float = @n * @n
declare @n3 float = @n * @n * @n
declare @φ float = @φ0,
@M float = 0
while (@north - @N0 - @M >= 0.00001) -- ie until < 0.01mm
set @φ = (@north - @N0 - @M) / (@a * @F0) + @φ
declare @Ma float = (1 + @n + (5 / 4) * @n2 + (5 / 4) * @n3) * (@φ - @φ0)
declare @Mb float = (3 * @n + 3 * @n * @n + (21 / 8) * @n3) * sin(@φ - @φ0) * cos(@φ + @φ0)
declare @Mc float = ((15 / 8) * @n2 + (15 / 8) * @n3) * sin(2 * (@φ - @φ0)) * cos(2 * (@φ + @φ0))
declare @Md float = (35 / 24) * @n3 * sin(3 * (@φ - @φ0)) * cos(3 * (@φ + @φ0))
-- meridional arc
set @M = @b * @F0 * (@Ma - @Mb + @Mc - @Md)
declare @cosφ float = cos(@φ),
@sinφ float = sin(@φ)
declare @nu float = @a * @F0 / sqrt(1 - @e2 * @sinφ * @sinφ) -- nu = transverse radius of curvature
declare @ρ float = @a * @F0 * (1 - @e2) / power(1 - @e2 * @sinφ * @sinφ, 1.5) -- rho = meridional radius of curvature
declare @η2 float = @nu / @ρ - 1
declare @tanφ float = tan(@φ)
declare @tan2φ float = @tanφ * @tanφ
declare @tan4φ float = @tan2φ * @tan2φ
declare @tan6φ float = @tan4φ * @tan2φ
declare @secφ float = 1 / @cosφ
declare @nu3 float = @nu * @nu * @nu
declare @nu5 float = @nu3 * @nu * @nu
declare @nu7 float = @nu5 * @nu * @nu
declare @VII float = @tanφ / (2 * @ρ * @nu)
declare @VIII float = @tanφ / (24 * @ρ * @nu3) * (5 + 3 * @tan2φ + @η2 - 9 * @tan2φ * @η2)
declare @IX float = @tanφ / (720 * @ρ * @nu5) * (61 + 90 * @tan2φ + 45 * @tan4φ)
declare @X float = @secφ / @nu
declare @XI float = @secφ / (6 * @nu3) * (@nu / @ρ + 2 * @tan2φ)
declare @XII float = @secφ / (120 * @nu5) * (5 + 28 * @tan2φ + 24 * @tan4φ)
declare @XIIA float = @secφ / (5040 * @nu7) * (61 + 662 * @tan2φ + 1320 * @tan4φ + 720 * @tan6φ)
declare @dE float = (@east - @E0)
declare @dE2 float = @dE * @dE
declare @dE3 float = @dE2 * @dE
declare @dE4 float = @dE2 * @dE2
declare @dE5 float = @dE3 * @dE2
declare @dE6 float = @dE4 * @dE2
declare @dE7 float = @dE5 * @dE2
set @φ = @φ - @VII * @dE2 + @VIII * @dE4 - @IX * @dE6
declare @λ float = @λ0 + @x * @dE - @XI * @dE3 + @XII * @dE5 - @XIIA * @dE7
-- Convert polar geodetic to cartesian geocentric
declare @c_sinφ float = sin(@φ),
@c_cosφ float = cos(@φ)
declare @c_sinλ float = sin(@λ),
@c_cosλ float = cos(@λ)
declare @eSq float = 2 * @f - @f * @f -- 1st eccentricity squared ≡ (a²-b²)/a²
declare @ν float = @a / sqrt(1 - @eSq * @c_sinφ * @c_sinφ) -- radius of curvature in prime vertical
declare @os_x float = @ν * @c_cosφ * @c_cosλ
declare @os_y float = @ν * @c_cosφ * @c_sinλ
declare @os_z float = @ν * (1 - @eSq) * @c_sinφ
-- This is the lat/long in OSGB36
-- We need it in WGS84
declare @tx float = 446.448, -- x-shift
@ty float = -125.157, -- y-shift
@tz float = 542.060, -- z-shift
@s float = -20.4894 / 1e6 + 1, -- scale: normalise parts-per-million to (s+1)
@rx float = radians(0.1502 / 3600), -- x-rotation: normalise arcseconds to radians
@ry float = radians(0.2470 / 3600), -- y-rotation: normalise arcseconds to radians
@rz float = radians(0.8421 / 3600) -- z-rotation: normalise arcseconds to radians
-- Apply Helmert transform
declare @x2 float = @tx + @os_x * @s - @os_y * @rz + @os_z * @ry
declare @y2 float = @ty + @os_x * @rz + @os_y * @s - @os_z * @rx
declare @z2 float = @tz - @os_x * @ry + @os_y * @rx + @os_z * @s
-- WGS84 major axis (a), minor axis (b), and flattening (f) for the ellipsoid
declare @wgs84_a float = 6378137,
@wgs84_b float = 6356752.314245,
@wgs84_f float = 1 / 298.257223563
declare @wgs84_e2 float = 2 * @wgs84_f - @wgs84_f * @wgs84_f -- 1st eccentricity squared ≡ (a²-b²)/a²
declare @ε2 float = @wgs84_e2 / (1 - @wgs84_e2) -- 2nd eccentricity squared ≡ (a²-b²)/b²
declare @p float = sqrt(@x2 * @x2 + @y2 * @y2); -- distance from minor axis
declare @R float = sqrt(@p * @p + @z2 * @z2); -- polar radius
-- parametric latitude (Bowring eqn 17, replacing tanβ = z·a / p·b)
declare @tanβ float = (@wgs84_b * @z2) / (@wgs84_a * @p) * (1 + @ε2 * @wgs84_b / @R)
declare @sinβ float = @tanβ / sqrt(1 + @tanβ * @tanβ)
declare @cosβ float = @sinβ / @tanβ
-- geodetic latitude (Bowring eqn 18: tanφ = z+ε²bsin³β / p−e²cos³β)
declare @wgs84_φ float = atn2(@z2 + @ε2 * @wgs84_b * @sinβ * @sinβ * @sinβ, @p - @wgs84_e2 * @wgs84_a * @cosβ * @cosβ * @cosβ)
-- longitude
declare @wgs84_λ float = atn2(@y2, @x2)
-- Return
return geography::Point(degrees(@wgs84_φ), degrees(@wgs84_λ), 4326)
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