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Last active April 11, 2018 17:37
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  • Save KeithHenry/796627eba2278b1b613f4ee6c1cd0799 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KeithHenry/796627eba2278b1b613f4ee6c1cd0799 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SQL UDF to create an XML intermediate step to convert the '(A or B) and (C or D)' style complex searches
create function dbo.searchToXml(@input varchar(max)) returns xml
set @input = ltrim(rtrim(@input))
-- Mismatched ( and ) means we can't parse with this method
if len(replace(@input, '(', '')) <> len(replace(@input, ')', ''))
return null;
set @input = replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(
char(13), ''), -- Replace newlines and tabs
char(10), ''),
char(9), ''),
'&', '&amp;'), -- Replace special chars XML doesn't like
'’', '&#39;'),
'<', '&lt;'),
'>', '&gt;')
declare @x xml,
@current varchar(max),
@logicIndex int,
@subclause varchar(8000),
@logic varchar(3)
-- Even number of " means quoted strings
if (len(replace(@input, '"', '')) - len(@input)) % 2 = 0
set @input = replace(@input, '"', '<word>')
declare @nextWord int = -1;
declare @ord int = 0;
while @nextWord < len(@input) and @nextWord <> 0
set @nextWord = charindex('<word>', @input, @nextWord+1)
-- If found and odd then make <word> into closing </word>
if(@nextWord > 0 and @ord % 2 = 1)
set @input = stuff(@input, @nextWord+1, 0, '/')
set @ord = @ord + 1
-- Replace brackets with XML nodes we can parse
set @x = cast('<clause>' +
'(', '<clause>'), -- Replace () with <clause> node
')', '</clause>') +
'</clause>' as xml)
-- Give each node an ID
declare @id int = 1
while @x.exist('//clause[not(@id)]') = 1
set @x.modify('insert (attribute id {sql:variable("@id")}) as first into (//clause[not(@id)])[1]')
set @id = @id + 1
-- If they contant an AND set that as the logic
while @x.exist('//clause[not(@logic)][text()[contains(.," AND ")]]') = 1
set @x.modify('insert (attribute logic {"and"}) as first into (//clause[not(@logic)][text()[contains(.," AND ")]])[1]')
-- If they contant an OR set that as the logic
while @x.exist('//clause[not(@logic)][text()[contains(.," OR ")]]') = 1
set @x.modify('insert (attribute logic {"or"}) as first into (//clause[not(@logic)][text()[contains(.," OR ")]])[1]')
-- Repeat for lowercase and/or because XPath is case sensitive and applying translate() is awful
while @x.exist('//clause[not(@logic)][text()[contains(.," and ")]]') = 1
set @x.modify('insert (attribute logic {"and"}) as first into (//clause[not(@logic)][text()[contains(.," and ")]])[1]')
while @x.exist('//clause[not(@logic)][text()[contains(.," or ")]]') = 1
set @x.modify('insert (attribute logic {"or"}) as first into (//clause[not(@logic)][text()[contains(.," or ")]])[1]')
-- Loop the IDs
while @id > 0
-- Get the current logic, then clear the text nodes
set @logic = @x.value('(//clause[@id=sql:variable("@id")]/@logic)[1]', 'varchar(3)')
set @current =
@x.value('(//clause[@id=sql:variable("@id")]/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(4000)') +
isnull(@x.value('(//clause[@id=sql:variable("@id")]/text())[2]', 'nvarchar(4000)'), '') +
isnull(@x.value('(//clause[@id=sql:variable("@id")]/text())[3]', 'nvarchar(4000)'), '') +
isnull(@x.value('(//clause[@id=sql:variable("@id")]/text())[4]', 'nvarchar(4000)'), '') +
isnull(@x.value('(//clause[@id=sql:variable("@id")]/text())[5]', 'nvarchar(4000)'), '') -- Should loop really
set @x.modify('delete //clause[@id=sql:variable("@id")]/text()')
-- Split the string by the logic keyword, and add each substring as a <word>
set @logicIndex = charindex(' ' + @logic + ' ', @current, 0)
while @logicIndex > 0
set @subclause = rtrim(ltrim(
left(@current, @logicIndex-1),
'“', ''), '”', ''), '"', ''), '(', ''), ')', '')
if len(@subclause) > 0
set @x.modify('insert <word>{ xs:string(sql:variable("@subclause")) }</word> as last into (//clause[@id=sql:variable("@id")])[1]')
set @current = stuff(@current, 1, @logicIndex + len(' ' + @logic + ' '), '')
set @logicIndex = charindex(' ' + @logic + ' ', @current, 0)
-- Add the tail, too
set @current = rtrim(ltrim(
'“', ''), '”', ''), '"', ''), '(', ''), ')', '')
if len(@current) > 0
set @x.modify('insert <word>{ xs:string(sql:variable("@current")) }</word> as last into (//clause[@id=sql:variable("@id")])[1]')
set @id = @id - 1
-- remove <word><clause>...</clause></word> nested clauses as we can't handle them - probably due to backets inside delimited words
set @x.modify('delete //word/clause')
-- Find <clause><clause>...</clause></clause> nested clauses and promote the inner
declare @promote xml = @x.query('clause[count(clause)=1][count(word)=0]/clause')
while @promote.exist('*') = 1
set @x = @promote
set @promote = @promote.query('clause[count(clause)=1][count(word)=0]/clause')
return @x
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This is designed to turn a boolean search string into XML that we can handle in a structured way.

For instance (A or B) and (C or D or "E and F") should become:

<clause id="1" logic="and">
  <clause id="2" logic="or">
  <clause id="3" logic="or">
    <word>E and F</word>

This then allows .nodes('//clause') and .nodes('//word') to be used a sub-queries to build this XML into hierarchical tables we can query directly.

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