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Created April 13, 2024 02:10
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  • Save KellerJordan/5248bffd70694df7f5f0c259475b819c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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BatchNorm-free variant of airbench94
90.6% mean accuracy in ~6 seconds on an H100
Changes relative to airbench94:
- removed BatchNorms and added conv biases
- reduced batch size 1024 -> 384
- reduced weight decay 0.015 -> 0.001
- reduced lr 11.5 -> 10.0
- increased epochs 9.9 -> 11
# Setup/Hyperparameters #
import os
import sys
import uuid
from math import ceil
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as T
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
# We express the main training hyperparameters (batch size, learning rate, momentum, and weight decay)
# in decoupled form, so that each one can be tuned independently. This accomplishes the following:
# * Assuming time-constant gradients, the average step size is decoupled from everything but the lr.
# * The size of the weight decay update is decoupled from everything but the wd.
# In constrast, normally when we increase the (Nesterov) momentum, this also scales up the step size
# proportionally to 1 + 1 / (1 - momentum), meaning we cannot change momentum without having to re-tune
# the learning rate. Similarly, normally when we increase the learning rate this also increases the size
# of the weight decay, requiring a proportional decrease in the wd to maintain the same decay strength.
# The practical impact is that hyperparameter tuning is faster, since this parametrization allows each
# one to be tuned independently. See
hyp = {
'opt': {
'train_epochs': 11,
'batch_size': 384,
'lr': 10.0, # learning rate per 1024 examples
'momentum': 0.85,
'weight_decay': 0.001, # weight decay per 1024 examples (decoupled from learning rate)
'label_smoothing': 0.2,
'whiten_bias_epochs': 3, # how many epochs to train the whitening layer bias before freezing
'aug': {
'flip': True,
'translate': 2,
'net': {
'widths': {
'block1': 64,
'block2': 256,
'block3': 256,
'batchnorm_momentum': 0.6,
'scaling_factor': 1/9,
'tta_level': 2, # the level of test-time augmentation: 0=none, 1=mirror, 2=mirror+translate
# DataLoader #
CIFAR_MEAN = torch.tensor((0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465))
CIFAR_STD = torch.tensor((0.2470, 0.2435, 0.2616))
def batch_flip_lr(inputs):
flip_mask = (torch.rand(len(inputs), device=inputs.device) < 0.5).view(-1, 1, 1, 1)
return torch.where(flip_mask, inputs.flip(-1), inputs)
def batch_crop(images, crop_size):
r = (images.size(-1) - crop_size)//2
shifts = torch.randint(-r, r+1, size=(len(images), 2), device=images.device)
images_out = torch.empty((len(images), 3, crop_size, crop_size), device=images.device, dtype=images.dtype)
# The two cropping methods in this if-else produce equivalent results, but the second is faster for r > 2.
if r <= 2:
for sy in range(-r, r+1):
for sx in range(-r, r+1):
mask = (shifts[:, 0] == sy) & (shifts[:, 1] == sx)
images_out[mask] = images[mask, :, r+sy:r+sy+crop_size, r+sx:r+sx+crop_size]
images_tmp = torch.empty((len(images), 3, crop_size, crop_size+2*r), device=images.device, dtype=images.dtype)
for s in range(-r, r+1):
mask = (shifts[:, 0] == s)
images_tmp[mask] = images[mask, :, r+s:r+s+crop_size, :]
for s in range(-r, r+1):
mask = (shifts[:, 1] == s)
images_out[mask] = images_tmp[mask, :, :, r+s:r+s+crop_size]
return images_out
class CifarLoader:
def __init__(self, path, train=True, batch_size=500, aug=None, drop_last=None, shuffle=None, gpu=0):
data_path = os.path.join(path, '' if train else '')
if not os.path.exists(data_path):
dset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(path, download=True, train=train)
images = torch.tensor(
labels = torch.tensor(dset.targets){'images': images, 'labels': labels, 'classes': dset.classes}, data_path)
data = torch.load(data_path, map_location=torch.device(gpu))
self.images, self.labels, self.classes = data['images'], data['labels'], data['classes']
# It's faster to load+process uint8 data than to load preprocessed fp16 data
self.images = (self.images.half() / 255).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).to(memory_format=torch.channels_last)
self.normalize = T.Normalize(CIFAR_MEAN, CIFAR_STD)
self.proc_images = {} # Saved results of image processing to be done on the first epoch
self.epoch = 0
self.aug = aug or {}
for k in self.aug.keys():
assert k in ['flip', 'translate'], 'Unrecognized key: %s' % k
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.drop_last = train if drop_last is None else drop_last
self.shuffle = train if shuffle is None else shuffle
def __len__(self):
return len(self.images)//self.batch_size if self.drop_last else ceil(len(self.images)/self.batch_size)
def __iter__(self):
if self.epoch == 0:
images = self.proc_images['norm'] = self.normalize(self.images)
# Pre-flip images in order to do every-other epoch flipping scheme
if self.aug.get('flip', False):
images = self.proc_images['flip'] = batch_flip_lr(images)
# Pre-pad images to save time when doing random translation
pad = self.aug.get('translate', 0)
if pad > 0:
self.proc_images['pad'] = F.pad(images, (pad,)*4, 'reflect')
if self.aug.get('translate', 0) > 0:
images = batch_crop(self.proc_images['pad'], self.images.shape[-2])
elif self.aug.get('flip', False):
images = self.proc_images['flip']
images = self.proc_images['norm']
# Flip all images together every other epoch. This increases diversity relative to random flipping
if self.aug.get('flip', False):
if self.epoch % 2 == 1:
images = images.flip(-1)
self.epoch += 1
indices = (torch.randperm if self.shuffle else torch.arange)(len(images), device=images.device)
for i in range(len(self)):
idxs = indices[i*self.batch_size:(i+1)*self.batch_size]
yield (images[idxs], self.labels[idxs])
# Network Components #
class Flatten(nn.Module):
def forward(self, x):
return x.view(x.size(0), -1)
class Mul(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, scale):
self.scale = scale
def forward(self, x):
return x * self.scale
class BatchNorm(nn.BatchNorm2d):
def __init__(self, num_features, momentum, eps=1e-12,
weight=False, bias=True):
super().__init__(num_features, eps=eps, momentum=1-momentum)
self.weight.requires_grad = weight
self.bias.requires_grad = bias
# Note that PyTorch already initializes the weights to one and bias to zero
class Conv(nn.Conv2d):
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding='same', bias=False):
super().__init__(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, bias=bias)
def reset_parameters(self):
if self.bias is not None:
w =
class ConvGroup(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, channels_in, channels_out, batchnorm_momentum):
self.conv1 = Conv(channels_in, channels_out, bias=True)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2)
#self.norm1 = BatchNorm(channels_out, batchnorm_momentum)
self.conv2 = Conv(channels_out, channels_out, bias=True)
#self.norm2 = BatchNorm(channels_out, batchnorm_momentum)
self.activ = nn.GELU()
def forward(self, x):
x = self.conv1(x)
x = self.pool(x)
#x = self.norm1(x)
x = self.activ(x)
x = self.conv2(x)
#x = self.norm2(x)
x = self.activ(x)
return x
# Network Definition #
def make_net(widths=hyp['net']['widths'], batchnorm_momentum=hyp['net']['batchnorm_momentum']):
whiten_kernel_size = 2
whiten_width = 2 * 3 * whiten_kernel_size**2
net = nn.Sequential(
Conv(3, whiten_width, whiten_kernel_size, padding=0, bias=True),
ConvGroup(whiten_width, widths['block1'], batchnorm_momentum),
ConvGroup(widths['block1'], widths['block2'], batchnorm_momentum),
ConvGroup(widths['block2'], widths['block3'], batchnorm_momentum),
nn.Linear(widths['block3'], 10, bias=False),
net[0].weight.requires_grad = False
net = net.half().cuda()
net =
for mod in net.modules():
if isinstance(mod, BatchNorm):
return net
# Whitening Conv Initialization #
def get_patches(x, patch_shape):
c, (h, w) = x.shape[1], patch_shape
return x.unfold(2,h,1).unfold(3,w,1).transpose(1,3).reshape(-1,c,h,w).float()
def get_whitening_parameters(patches):
n,c,h,w = patches.shape
patches_flat = patches.view(n, -1)
est_patch_covariance = (patches_flat.T @ patches_flat) / n
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = torch.linalg.eigh(est_patch_covariance, UPLO='U')
return eigenvalues.flip(0).view(-1, 1, 1, 1), eigenvectors.T.reshape(c*h*w,c,h,w).flip(0)
def init_whitening_conv(layer, train_set, eps=5e-4):
patches = get_patches(train_set,[2:])
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = get_whitening_parameters(patches)
eigenvectors_scaled = eigenvectors / torch.sqrt(eigenvalues + eps)[:] =, -eigenvectors_scaled))
# Lookahead #
class LookaheadState:
def __init__(self, net):
self.net_ema = {k: v.clone() for k, v in net.state_dict().items()}
def update(self, net, decay):
for ema_param, net_param in zip(self.net_ema.values(), net.state_dict().values()):
if net_param.dtype in (torch.half, torch.float):
ema_param.lerp_(net_param, 1-decay)
# Logging #
def print_columns(columns_list, is_head=False, is_final_entry=False):
print_string = ''
for col in columns_list:
print_string += '| %s ' % col
print_string += '|'
if is_head:
if is_head or is_final_entry:
logging_columns_list = ['run ', 'epoch', 'train_loss', 'train_acc', 'val_acc', 'tta_val_acc', 'total_time_seconds']
def print_training_details(variables, is_final_entry):
formatted = []
for col in logging_columns_list:
var = variables.get(col.strip(), None)
if type(var) in (int, str):
res = str(var)
elif type(var) is float:
res = '{:0.4f}'.format(var)
assert var is None
res = ''
print_columns(formatted, is_final_entry=is_final_entry)
# Evaluation #
def infer(model, loader, tta_level=0):
# Test-time augmentation strategy (for tta_level=2):
# 1. Flip/mirror the image left-to-right (50% of the time).
# 2. Translate the image by one pixel either up-and-left or down-and-right (50% of the time,
# i.e. both happen 25% of the time).
# This creates 6 views per image (left/right times the two translations and no-translation),
# which we evaluate and then weight according to the given probabilities.
def infer_basic(inputs, net):
return net(inputs).clone()
def infer_mirror(inputs, net):
return 0.5 * net(inputs) + 0.5 * net(inputs.flip(-1))
def infer_mirror_translate(inputs, net):
logits = infer_mirror(inputs, net)
pad = 1
padded_inputs = F.pad(inputs, (pad,)*4, 'reflect')
inputs_translate_list = [
padded_inputs[:, :, 0:32, 0:32],
padded_inputs[:, :, 2:34, 2:34],
logits_translate_list = [infer_mirror(inputs_translate, net)
for inputs_translate in inputs_translate_list]
logits_translate = torch.stack(logits_translate_list).mean(0)
return 0.5 * logits + 0.5 * logits_translate
test_images = loader.normalize(loader.images)
infer_fn = [infer_basic, infer_mirror, infer_mirror_translate][tta_level]
with torch.no_grad():
return[infer_fn(inputs, model) for inputs in test_images.split(2000)])
def evaluate(model, loader, tta_level=0):
logits = infer(model, loader, tta_level)
return (logits.argmax(1) == loader.labels).float().mean().item()
# Training #
def main(run):
batch_size = hyp['opt']['batch_size']
epochs = hyp['opt']['train_epochs']
momentum = hyp['opt']['momentum']
# Assuming gradients are constant in time, for Nesterov momentum, the below ratio is how much
# larger the default steps will be than the underlying per-example gradients. We divide the
# learning rate by this ratio in order to ensure steps are the same scale as gradients, regardless
# of the choice of momentum.
kilostep_scale = 1024 * (1 + 1 / (1 - momentum))
lr = hyp['opt']['lr'] / kilostep_scale # un-decoupled learning rate for PyTorch SGD
wd = hyp['opt']['weight_decay'] * batch_size / kilostep_scale
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(label_smoothing=hyp['opt']['label_smoothing'], reduction='none')
test_loader = CifarLoader('cifar10', train=False, batch_size=2000)
train_loader = CifarLoader('cifar10', train=True, batch_size=batch_size, aug=hyp['aug'])
if run == 'warmup':
# The only purpose of the first run is to warmup, so we can use dummy data
train_loader.labels = torch.randint(0, 10, size=(len(train_loader.labels),), device=train_loader.labels.device)
total_train_steps = ceil(len(train_loader) * epochs)
model = make_net()
current_steps = 0
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=wd/lr, momentum=momentum, nesterov=True)
def triangle(steps, start=0, end=0, peak=0.5):
xp = torch.tensor([0, int(peak * steps), steps])
fp = torch.tensor([start, 1, end])
x = torch.arange(1+steps)
m = (fp[1:] - fp[:-1]) / (xp[1:] - xp[:-1])
b = fp[:-1] - (m * xp[:-1])
indices = torch.sum([:, None], xp[None, :]), 1) - 1
indices = torch.clamp(indices, 0, len(m) - 1)
return m[indices] * x + b[indices]
lr_schedule = triangle(total_train_steps, start=0.2, end=0.07, peak=0.23)
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(optimizer, lambda i: lr_schedule[i])
alpha_schedule = 0.95**5 * (torch.arange(total_train_steps+1) / total_train_steps)**3
lookahead_state = LookaheadState(model)
# For accurately timing GPU code
starter = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
ender = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
total_time_seconds = 0.0
# Initialize the whitening layer using training images
train_images = train_loader.normalize(train_loader.images[:5000])
init_whitening_conv(model[0], train_images)
total_time_seconds += 1e-3 * starter.elapsed_time(ender)
for epoch in range(ceil(epochs)):
model[0].bias.requires_grad = (epoch < hyp['opt']['whiten_bias_epochs'])
# Training #
for inputs, labels in train_loader:
outputs = model(inputs)
loss = loss_fn(outputs, labels).sum()
current_steps += 1
if current_steps % 5 == 0:
lookahead_state.update(model, decay=alpha_schedule[current_steps].item())
if current_steps >= total_train_steps:
if lookahead_state is not None:
lookahead_state.update(model, decay=1.0)
total_time_seconds += 1e-3 * starter.elapsed_time(ender)
# Evaluation #
# Save the accuracy and loss from the last training batch of the epoch
train_acc = (outputs.detach().argmax(1) == labels).float().mean().item()
train_loss = loss.item() / batch_size
val_acc = evaluate(model, test_loader, tta_level=0)
print_training_details(locals(), is_final_entry=False)
run = None # Only print the run number once
# TTA Evaluation #
tta_val_acc = evaluate(model, test_loader, tta_level=hyp['net']['tta_level'])
total_time_seconds += 1e-3 * starter.elapsed_time(ender)
epoch = 'eval'
print_training_details(locals(), is_final_entry=True)
return tta_val_acc
if __name__ == "__main__":
with open(sys.argv[0]) as f:
code =
print_columns(logging_columns_list, is_head=True)
accs = torch.tensor([main(run) for run in range(25)])
print('Mean: %.4f Std: %.4f' % (accs.mean(), accs.std()))
log = {'code': code, 'accs': accs}
log_dir = os.path.join('logs', str(uuid.uuid4()))
os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)
log_path = os.path.join(log_dir, '')
print(os.path.abspath(log_path)), os.path.join(log_dir, ''))
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