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Created September 23, 2024 07:22
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Save KellerJordan/aa4e4a0ddbddb42cecd08396f3ff1100 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Variant of airbench94 which removes the following:
* Lookahead optimization
* Progressive freezing
And increases the training duration slightly via the following:
* Epochs 9.9 -> 10.0
* Batch size 1024 -> 1000
+imports the dataloader from airbench package.
Attains 93.97 mean accuracy (n=200).
# Setup/Hyperparameters #
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision
import torchvision.transforms as T
from airbench import evaluate, CifarLoader
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
hyp = {
'opt': {
'epochs': 10,
'batch_size': 1000,
'lr': 10.0, # learning rate per 1024 examples -- 5.0 is optimal with no smoothing, 10.0 with smoothing.
'momentum': 0.85,
'weight_decay': 0.015, # weight decay per 1024 examples (decoupled from learning rate)
'bias_scaler': 64.0, # scales up learning rate (but not weight decay) for BatchNorm biases
'label_smoothing': 0.2,
'aug': {
'flip': True,
'translate': 2,
'net': {
'widths': {
'block1': 64,
'block2': 256,
'block3': 256,
'scaling_factor': 1/9,
'tta_level': 2,
# Network Components #
class Flatten(nn.Module):
def forward(self, x):
return x.view(x.size(0), -1)
class Mul(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, scale):
self.scale = scale
def forward(self, x):
return x * self.scale
class BatchNorm(nn.BatchNorm2d):
def __init__(self, num_features, eps=1e-12,
weight=False, bias=True):
super().__init__(num_features, eps=eps)
self.weight.requires_grad = weight
self.bias.requires_grad = bias
# Note that PyTorch already initializes the weights to one and bias to zero
class Conv(nn.Conv2d):
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding='same', bias=False):
super().__init__(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, bias=bias)
def reset_parameters(self):
if self.bias is not None:
w =
class ConvGroup(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, channels_in, channels_out):
self.conv1 = Conv(channels_in, channels_out)
self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2)
self.norm1 = BatchNorm(channels_out)
self.conv2 = Conv(channels_out, channels_out)
self.norm2 = BatchNorm(channels_out)
self.activ = nn.GELU()
def forward(self, x):
x = self.conv1(x)
x = self.pool(x)
x = self.norm1(x)
x = self.activ(x)
x = self.conv2(x)
x = self.norm2(x)
x = self.activ(x)
return x
# Network Definition #
## The eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of 2x2 patches of CIFAR-10 divided by sqrt eigenvalues.
eigenvectors_scaled = torch.tensor([
8.9172e-02, 8.9172e-02, 8.8684e-02, 8.8623e-02, 9.3872e-02, 9.3872e-02, 9.3018e-02, 9.3018e-02,
9.0027e-02, 9.0027e-02, 8.9233e-02, 8.9172e-02, 3.8818e-01, 3.8794e-01, 3.9111e-01, 3.9038e-01,
-1.0767e-03, -1.3609e-03, 3.8567e-03, 3.2330e-03, -3.9087e-01, -3.9087e-01, -3.8428e-01, -3.8452e-01,
-4.8242e-01, -4.7485e-01, 4.5435e-01, 4.6216e-01, -4.6240e-01, -4.5557e-01, 4.8975e-01, 4.9658e-01,
-4.3311e-01, -4.2725e-01, 4.2285e-01, 4.2896e-01, -5.0781e-01, 5.1514e-01, -5.1562e-01, 5.0879e-01,
-5.1807e-01, 5.2783e-01, -5.2539e-01, 5.1904e-01, -4.6460e-01, 4.7070e-01, -4.7168e-01, 4.6240e-01,
-4.7290e-01, -4.7461e-01, -5.0635e-01, -5.0684e-01, 9.5410e-01, 9.5117e-01, 9.2090e-01, 9.1846e-01,
-4.7363e-01, -4.7607e-01, -5.0439e-01, -5.0586e-01, -1.2539e+00, 1.2490e+00, 1.2383e+00, -1.2354e+00,
-1.2637e+00, 1.2666e+00, 1.2715e+00, -1.2725e+00, -1.1396e+00, 1.1416e+00, 1.1494e+00, -1.1514e+00,
-2.8262e+00, -2.7578e+00, 2.7617e+00, 2.8438e+00, 3.9404e-01, 3.7622e-01, -3.8330e-01, -3.9502e-01,
2.6602e+00, 2.5801e+00, -2.6055e+00, -2.6738e+00, -2.9473e+00, 3.0312e+00, -3.0488e+00, 2.9648e+00,
3.9111e-01, -4.0063e-01, 3.7939e-01, -3.7451e-01, 2.8242e+00, -2.9023e+00, 2.8789e+00, -2.8008e+00,
2.6582e+00, 2.3105e+00, -2.3105e+00, -2.6484e+00, -5.9336e+00, -5.1680e+00, 5.1719e+00, 5.9258e+00,
3.6855e+00, 3.2285e+00, -3.2148e+00, -3.6992e+00, -2.4668e+00, 2.8281e+00, -2.8379e+00, 2.4785e+00,
5.4062e+00, -6.2031e+00, 6.1797e+00, -5.3906e+00, -3.3223e+00, 3.8164e+00, -3.8223e+00, 3.3340e+00,
-8.0000e+00, 8.0000e+00, 8.0000e+00, -8.0078e+00, 9.7656e-01, -9.9414e-01, -9.8584e-01, 1.0039e+00,
7.5938e+00, -7.5820e+00, -7.6133e+00, 7.6016e+00, 5.5508e+00, -5.5430e+00, -5.5430e+00, 5.5352e+00,
-1.2133e+01, 1.2133e+01, 1.2148e+01, -1.2148e+01, 7.4141e+00, -7.4180e+00, -7.4219e+00, 7.4297e+00,
]).reshape(12, 3, 2, 2)
def make_net():
widths = hyp['net']['widths']
whiten_kernel_size = 2
whiten_width = 2 * 3 * whiten_kernel_size**2
net = nn.Sequential(
Conv(3, whiten_width, whiten_kernel_size, padding=0, bias=True),
ConvGroup(whiten_width, widths['block1']),
ConvGroup(widths['block1'], widths['block2']),
ConvGroup(widths['block2'], widths['block3']),
nn.Linear(widths['block3'], 10, bias=False),
net[0][:] =, -eigenvectors_scaled))
net[0].weight.requires_grad = False
net = net.half().cuda()
net =
for mod in net.modules():
if isinstance(mod, BatchNorm):
return net
# Training and Inference #
def train(train_loader):
momentum = hyp['opt']['momentum']
epochs = hyp['opt']['epochs']
# Assuming gradients are constant in time, for Nesterov momentum, the below ratio is how much
# larger the default steps will be than the underlying per-example gradients. We divide the
# learning rate by this ratio in order to ensure steps are the same scale as gradients, regardless
# of the choice of momentum.
kilostep_scale = 1024 * (1 + 1 / (1 - momentum))
lr = hyp['opt']['lr'] / kilostep_scale # un-decoupled learning rate for PyTorch SGD
wd = hyp['opt']['weight_decay'] * train_loader.batch_size / kilostep_scale
lr_biases = lr * hyp['opt']['bias_scaler']
model = make_net()
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(label_smoothing=hyp['opt']['label_smoothing'], reduction='none')
total_train_steps = epochs * len(train_loader)
norm_biases = [p for k, p in model.named_parameters() if 'norm' in k]
other_params = [p for k, p in model.named_parameters() if 'norm' not in k]
param_configs = [dict(params=norm_biases, lr=lr_biases, weight_decay=wd/lr_biases),
dict(params=other_params, lr=lr, weight_decay=wd/lr)]
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(param_configs, momentum=momentum, nesterov=True)
def get_lr(step):
warmup_steps = int(total_train_steps * 0.2)
warmdown_steps = total_train_steps - warmup_steps
if step < warmup_steps:
frac = step / warmup_steps
return 0.2 * (1 - frac) + 1.0 * frac
frac = (step - warmup_steps) / warmdown_steps
return (1 - frac)
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(optimizer, get_lr)
current_steps = 0
train_loader.epoch = 0
from tqdm import tqdm
for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs)):
for inputs, labels in train_loader:
outputs = model(inputs)
loss = loss_fn(outputs, labels).sum()
current_steps += 1
if current_steps == total_train_steps:
return model
if __name__ == '__main__':
train_loader = CifarLoader('/tmp/cifar10', train=True, batch_size=hyp['opt']['batch_size'], aug=hyp['aug'], altflip=True)
test_loader = CifarLoader('/tmp/cifar10', train=False)
print(evaluate(train(train_loader), test_loader, tta_level=hyp['net']['tta_level']))
print(torch.std_mean(torch.tensor([evaluate(train(train_loader), test_loader, tta_level=hyp['net']['tta_level']) for _ in range(50)])))
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