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Created November 30, 2018 03:40
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Generic Raymarching Fragment Shader
OpenGL/Glsl result on left, simulated C# result on the right
#version 430
const uint MAX_ENTITY_COUNT = 30;
uniform vec4 BackgroundColor;
uniform vec2 Origin;
uniform vec2 Size;
uniform vec2 Resolution;
uniform double DrawDistance;
uniform double MinStepLength;
uniform double NormalEpsilon;
uniform double FieldOfView;
uniform double HalfTanFoV;
uniform int MarchLimit;
struct Node
uint EntityId;
uint Operation;
uint Left;
uint Right;
uint Parent;
uint Parameter;
uniform Node NodeEntities[MAX_ENTITY_COUNT];
uniform mat4 MatrixEntities[MAX_ENTITY_COUNT];
uniform vec3 Vector3Entities[MAX_ENTITY_COUNT];
uniform double DoubleEntities[MAX_ENTITY_COUNT];
const uint DONE = 256;
const uint OpType3d_CsgUnion = 1;
const uint OpType3d_CsgIntersect = 2;
const uint OpType3d_CsgSubtract = 3;
const uint OpType3d_ShapeSphere = 11;
const uint OpType3d_ShapeBox = 12;
const uint OpType3d_SpatialTranslation = 21;
const uint OpType3d_SpatialTransform = 22;
const uint OpType3d_Color = 31;
struct MarchResult
double Value;
vec3 Color;
struct MarchStep
uint Index;
uint Next;
uint State;
double Value;
double LeftValue;
double RightValue;
vec3 Color;
vec3 LeftColor;
vec3 RightColor;
vec3 Position;
vec3 LeftPosition;
vec3 RightPosition;
MarchStep HandleColorOp(MarchStep step)
Node node = NodeEntities[step.Index];
if (step.State == 0)
step.State = 1;
step.Color = Vector3Entities[node.Parameter];
step.LeftPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Left;
else if (step.State == 1)
step.Value = step.LeftValue;
step.State = DONE;
step.Next = node.Parent;
return step;
MarchStep HandleUnionOp(MarchStep step)
Node node = NodeEntities[step.Index];
if (step.State == 0)
step.State = 1;
step.LeftPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Left;
else if (step.State == 1)
step.State = 2;
step.RightPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Right;
else if (step.State == 2)
if (step.LeftValue < step.RightValue)
step.Value = step.LeftValue;
step.Color = step.LeftColor;
step.Value = step.RightValue;
step.Color = step.RightColor;
step.State = DONE;
step.Next = node.Parent;
return step;
MarchStep HandleIntersectionOp(MarchStep step)
Node node = NodeEntities[step.Index];
if (step.State == 0)
step.State = 1;
step.LeftPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Left;
else if (step.State == 1)
step.State = 2;
step.RightPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Right;
else if (step.State == 2)
if (step.LeftValue > step.RightValue)
step.Value = step.LeftValue;
step.Color = step.LeftColor;
step.Value = step.RightValue;
step.Color = step.RightColor;
step.State = DONE;
step.Next = node.Parent;
return step;
MarchStep HandleSubtractionOp(MarchStep step)
Node node = NodeEntities[step.Index];
if (step.State == 0)
step.State = 1;
step.LeftPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Left;
else if (step.State == 1)
step.State = 2;
step.RightPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Right;
else if (step.State == 2)
if (step.LeftValue > -step.RightValue)
step.Value = step.LeftValue;
step.Color = step.LeftColor;
step.Value = -step.RightValue;
step.Color = step.RightColor;
step.State = DONE;
step.Next = node.Parent;
return step;
MarchStep HandleTransformOp(MarchStep step)
Node node = NodeEntities[step.Index];
if (step.State == 0)
step.State = 1;
step.LeftPosition = (vec4(step.Position, 0) * MatrixEntities[node.Parameter]).xyz;
step.Next = node.Left;
else if (step.State == 1)
step.State = DONE;
step.Value = step.LeftValue;
step.Color = step.LeftColor;
step.Next = node.Parent;
return step;
MarchStep HandleTranslationOp(MarchStep step)
Node node = NodeEntities[step.Index];
if (step.State == 0)
step.State = 1;
step.LeftPosition = step.Position + Vector3Entities[node.Parameter];
step.Next = node.Left;
else if (step.State == 1)
step.State = DONE;
step.Value = step.LeftValue;
step.Color = step.LeftColor;
step.Next = node.Parent;
return step;
MarchStep HandleSphereOp(MarchStep step)
Node node = NodeEntities[step.Index];
step.Value = length(step.Position) - DoubleEntities[node.Parameter];
step.Next = node.Parent;
return step;
MarchStep HandleBoxOp(MarchStep step)
Node node = NodeEntities[step.Index];
double size = DoubleEntities[node.Parameter];
vec3 d = vec3(abs(step.Position.x), abs(step.Position.y), abs(step.Position.z) ) - vec3(size, size, size);
double inside = min(max(d.x, max(d.y, d.z)), 0);
double outside = length(vec3(max(d.x, 0), max(d.y, 0), max(d.z, 0)));
step.Value = inside + outside;
step.Next = node.Parent;
return step;
MarchResult Sdf_March(vec3 initial)
MarchStep steps[13];
steps[0].Position = initial;
uint index = 0;
bool running = true;
while (running)
Node node = NodeEntities[index];
if (node.Left > 0)
steps[index].LeftValue = steps[node.Left].Value;
steps[index].LeftColor = steps[node.Left].Color;
if (node.Right > 0)
steps[index].RightValue = steps[node.Right].Value;
steps[index].RightColor = steps[node.Right].Color;
steps[index].Index = index;
MarchStep stepResult;
switch (NodeEntities[index].Operation)
case OpType3d_Color:
stepResult = HandleColorOp(steps[index]);
case OpType3d_CsgUnion:
stepResult = HandleUnionOp(steps[index]);
case OpType3d_CsgIntersect:
stepResult = HandleIntersectionOp(steps[index]);
case OpType3d_CsgSubtract:
stepResult = HandleSubtractionOp(steps[index]);
case OpType3d_SpatialTransform:
stepResult = HandleTransformOp(steps[index]);
case OpType3d_SpatialTranslation:
stepResult = HandleTranslationOp(steps[index]);
case OpType3d_ShapeSphere:
stepResult = HandleSphereOp(steps[index]);
case OpType3d_ShapeBox:
stepResult = HandleBoxOp(steps[index]);
steps[index] = stepResult;
if (node.Left > 0)
steps[node.Left].Position = steps[index].LeftPosition;
if (node.Right > 0)
steps[node.Right].Position = steps[index].RightPosition;
index = steps[index].Next;
if (index == 0 && steps[index].State == DONE)
running = false;
MarchResult result;
result.Value = steps[0].Value;
result.Color = steps[0].Color;
return result;
vec3 getUvRay(vec2 uv, vec2 size)
vec2 xy = uv - (size / 2);
double z = size.y / HalfTanFoV;
return normalize(vec3(xy, -z));
vec3 estimateNormal(vec3 p)
return normalize(
Sdf_March(vec3(p.x + NormalEpsilon, p.y, p.z)).Value - Sdf_March(vec3(p.x - NormalEpsilon, p.y, p.z)).Value,
Sdf_March(vec3(p.x, p.y + NormalEpsilon, p.z)).Value - Sdf_March(vec3(p.x, p.y - NormalEpsilon, p.z)).Value,
Sdf_March(vec3(p.x, p.y, p.z + NormalEpsilon)).Value - Sdf_March(vec3(p.x, p.y, p.z - NormalEpsilon)).Value
out vec4 outColor;
void main()
vec2 xy = gl_FragCoord.xy - Origin;
vec3 ray = getUvRay(xy, Size);
vec3 position = vec3(0, 0, 0);
MarchResult last_result = Sdf_March(position);
double traveled = 0;
for (int marches = 0; marches < MarchLimit; marches++)
if (last_result.Value < MinStepLength)
// no shading
outColor = vec4(last_result.Color, 1.0);
// phong shading
// vec3 normal = estimateNormal(position);
// double value = length(normal - vec3(0, 1, 0)) - 0.8;
// outColor = vec4(last_result.Color * min(max(value, 0.0), 1.0), 1.0);
// solid color for debug
// outColor = vec4(0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0);
if (traveled > DrawDistance)
float distance = float(last_result.Value);
position = position + (ray * distance);
traveled += distance;
last_result = Sdf_March(position);
outColor = BackgroundColor;
public class RayMarchStateMachineShader : IShader
protected readonly ref struct MarchResult
public readonly double Value;
public readonly vec3 Color;
public MarchResult(double value, vec3 color)
=> (Value, Color) = (value, color);
protected readonly RaymarchScene scene;
public vec3 BackgroundColor { get; set; }
public RayMarchStateMachineShader(RaymarchScene scene, vec3 backgroundColor = default)
this.scene = scene;
BackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
protected struct MarchStep
public uint Index;
public uint Next;
public uint State;
public double Value;
public double LeftValue;
public double RightValue;
public vec3 Color;
public vec3 LeftColor;
public vec3 RightColor;
public vec3 Position;
public vec3 LeftPosition;
public vec3 RightPosition;
const byte DONE = 0xFF;
protected void HandleColorOp(ref MarchStep step)
var node = scene.NodeEntities[step.Index];
if (step.State == 0)
step.State = 1;
step.Color = scene.Vector3Entities[node.Parameter];
step.LeftPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Left;
else if (step.State == 1)
step.Value = step.LeftValue;
step.State = DONE;
step.Next = node.Parent;
protected void HandleUnionOp(ref MarchStep step)
var node = scene.NodeEntities[step.Index];
if (step.State == 0)
step.State = 1;
step.LeftPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Left;
else if (step.State == 1)
step.State = 2;
step.RightPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Right;
else if (step.State == 2)
if (step.LeftValue < step.RightValue)
step.Value = step.LeftValue;
step.Color = step.LeftColor;
step.Value = step.RightValue;
step.Color = step.RightColor;
step.State = DONE;
step.Next = node.Parent;
protected void HandleIntersectionOp(ref MarchStep step)
var node = scene.NodeEntities[step.Index];
if (step.State == 0)
step.State = 1;
step.LeftPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Left;
else if (step.State == 1)
step.State = 2;
step.RightPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Right;
else if (step.State == 2)
if (step.LeftValue > step.RightValue)
step.Value = step.LeftValue;
step.Color = step.LeftColor;
step.Value = step.RightValue;
step.Color = step.RightColor;
step.State = DONE;
step.Next = node.Parent;
protected void HandleSubtractionOp(ref MarchStep step)
var node = scene.NodeEntities[step.Index];
if (step.State == 0)
step.State = 1;
step.LeftPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Left;
else if (step.State == 1)
step.State = 2;
step.RightPosition = step.Position;
step.Next = node.Right;
else if (step.State == 2)
if (step.LeftValue > -step.RightValue)
step.Value = step.LeftValue;
step.Color = step.LeftColor;
step.Value = -step.RightValue;
step.Color = step.RightColor;
step.State = DONE;
step.Next = node.Parent;
protected void HandleTransformOp(ref MarchStep step)
var node = scene.NodeEntities[step.Index];
if (step.State == 0)
step.State = 1;
var mat = scene.MatrixEntities[node.Parameter];
var pos = step.Position;
step.LeftPosition = mat.AppliedTo(pos);
step.Next = node.Left;
else if (step.State == 1)
step.State = DONE;
step.Value = step.LeftValue;
step.Color = step.LeftColor;
step.Next = node.Parent;
protected void HandleTranslationOp(ref MarchStep step)
var node = scene.NodeEntities[step.Index];
if (step.State == 0)
step.State = 1;
var vec = scene.Vector3Entities[node.Parameter];
var pos = step.Position;
step.LeftPosition = pos + vec;
step.Next = node.Left;
else if (step.State == 1)
step.State = DONE;
step.Value = step.LeftValue;
step.Color = step.LeftColor;
step.Next = node.Parent;
protected void HandleSphereOp(ref MarchStep step)
var node = scene.NodeEntities[step.Index];
step.Value = step.Position.Magnitude() - scene.DoubleEntities[node.Parameter];
step.Next = node.Parent;
protected void HandleBoxOp(ref MarchStep step)
var node = scene.NodeEntities[step.Index];
var position = step.Position;
var size = scene.DoubleEntities[node.Parameter];
var d = new vec3(Math.Abs(position.X), Math.Abs(position.Y), Math.Abs(position.Z)) - (size, size, size);
var inside = Math.Min(Math.Max(d.X, Math.Max(d.Y, d.Z)), 0);
var outside = new vec3(Math.Max(d.X, 0), Math.Max(d.Y, 0), Math.Max(d.Z, 0)).Magnitude();
step.Value = inside + outside;
step.Next = node.Parent;
protected MarchResult Sdf_March(vec3 initial)
var steps = new MarchStep[scene.NodeEntities.Length];
steps[0].Position = initial;
uint index = 0;
while (true)
var node = scene.NodeEntities[index];
if (node.Left > 0)
steps[index].LeftValue = steps[node.Left].Value;
steps[index].LeftColor = steps[node.Left].Color;
if (node.Right > 0)
steps[index].RightValue = steps[node.Right].Value;
steps[index].RightColor = steps[node.Right].Color;
steps[index].Index = index;
switch (scene.NodeEntities[index].Operation)
case OpType3d.Color:
HandleColorOp(ref steps[index]);
case OpType3d.CsgUnion:
HandleUnionOp(ref steps[index]);
case OpType3d.CsgIntersect:
HandleIntersectionOp(ref steps[index]);
case OpType3d.CsgSubtract:
HandleSubtractionOp(ref steps[index]);
case OpType3d.SpatialTransform:
HandleTransformOp(ref steps[index]);
case OpType3d.SpatialTranslation:
HandleTranslationOp(ref steps[index]);
case OpType3d.ShapeSphere:
HandleSphereOp(ref steps[index]);
case OpType3d.ShapeBox:
HandleBoxOp(ref steps[index]);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (node.Left > 0)
steps[node.Left].Position = steps[index].LeftPosition;
if (node.Right > 0)
steps[node.Right].Position = steps[index].RightPosition;
index = steps[index].Next;
if (index == 0 && steps[index].State == DONE)
return new MarchResult(steps[0].Value, steps[0].Color);
protected const double FieldOfView = Math.PI / 3.5;
protected const int MarchLimit = 250;
protected const double DrawDistance = 30;
protected const double MinStepLength = 0.025;
protected const double NormalEpsilon = 0.1;
protected vec3 getUvRay(double fov, vec2 uv, vec2 size)
vec2 xy = uv - (size / 2);
var z = size.y / (Math.Tan(fov) / 2);
return new vec3(xy, -z).Unit();
protected vec3 estimateNormal(vec3 p)
var dir = new vec3(
Sdf_March(new vec3(p.X + NormalEpsilon, p.Y, p.Z)).Value - Sdf_March(new vec3(p.X - NormalEpsilon, p.Y, p.Z)).Value,
Sdf_March(new vec3(p.X, p.Y + NormalEpsilon, p.Z)).Value - Sdf_March(new vec3(p.X, p.Y - NormalEpsilon, p.Z)).Value,
Sdf_March(new vec3(p.X, p.Y, p.Z + NormalEpsilon)).Value - Sdf_March(new vec3(p.X, p.Y, p.Z - NormalEpsilon)).Value
var normal = dir.Unit();
return normal;
public virtual vec4 Run(vec2 xy, vec2 wh)
var ray = getUvRay(FieldOfView, xy, wh);
vec3 position = (0, 0, 0);
var last_result = Sdf_March(position);
double traveled = 0;
for (int marches = 0; marches < MarchLimit; marches++)
if (last_result.Value < MinStepLength)
var normal = estimateNormal(position);
var value = (normal - (0, 1, 0)).Magnitude() - 0.8;
return new vec4(last_result.Color * Math.Min(Math.Max(value, 0), 1), 1.0);
if (traveled > DrawDistance)
var distance = last_result.Value;
position += ray * distance;
traveled += distance;
last_result = Sdf_March(position);
return new vec4(BackgroundColor, 1.0);
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