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Last active October 19, 2016 06:32
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A class written in Swift that simplifies how notification works in iOS.
class SwiftyBus {
private static let notificationQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.swiftybus.notification")
struct Observer {
let callback: Any
let queue: DispatchQueue
static let shared = SwiftyBus()
private var pools: [String: [String: Observer]] = [:]
func register<T>(indexKey: String = UUID().uuidString, queue: DispatchQueue = notificationQueue, observer: @escaping (T) -> Void) -> String {
let key = "\(type(of: T.self))"
var cPool = pools[key] ?? [:]
cPool[indexKey] = Observer(callback: observer, queue: queue)
pools[key] = cPool
return indexKey
func unregister<T>(indexKey: String) -> ((T) -> Void)? {
let key = "\(type(of: T.self))"
guard var cPool = pools[key] else { return nil }
let observer = cPool.removeValue(forKey: indexKey)
pools[key] = cPool
return observer?.callback as? (T) -> Void
func notify<T>(object: T) {
let key = "\(type(of: T.self))"
guard let cPool = pools[key] else { return }
cPool.values.forEach { item in
guard let observer = item.callback as? (T) -> Void else { return }
item.queue.async {
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Sample Usage

struct Person {
    let name: String
    let age: Int

class Publisher {
    init() {}
    func post(person: Person) {
        SwiftyBus.shared.notify(object: person)

class Subscriber {
    let token: String

    init(tag: String) {
        token = SwiftyBus.shared.register { (p: Person) -> Void in
            print("SUBSCRIBER \(tag): A new person is coming, \( at \(p.age)")

    func unregister() {
        let _: ((Person) -> Void)? = SwiftyBus.shared.unregister(indexKey: token)

let jin = Person(name: "Jin", age: 25)
let publisher = Publisher()
let google = Subscriber(tag: "Google")
let apple = Subscriber(tag: "Apple") jin)

let sam = Person(name: "Sam", age: 46)
google.unregister() sam)

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