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Last active July 14, 2023 23:35
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  • Save KennethScott/3f295c3687d69a562e92472f36666a7f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save KennethScott/3f295c3687d69a562e92472f36666a7f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; AutoCorrect
; Sep 13 2007: Added more misspellings.
; Added fix for -ign -> -ing that ignores words like "sign".
; Added word beginnings/endings sections to cover more options.
; Added auto-accents section for words like fiancée, naïve, etc.
; Feb 28 2007: Added other common misspellings based on MS Word AutoCorrect.
; Added optional auto-correction of 2 consecutive capital letters.
; Sep 24 2006: Initial release by Jim Biancolo (
; This is an AutoHotKey script that implements AutoCorrect against several
; "Lists of common misspellings":
; This does not replace a proper spellchecker such as in Firefox, Word, etc.
; It is usually better to have uncertain typos highlighted by a spellchecker
; than to "correct" them incorrectly so that they are no longer even caught by
; a spellchecker: it is not the job of an autocorrector to correct *all*
; misspellings, but only those which are very obviously incorrect.
; From a suggestion by Tara Gibb, you can add your own corrections to any
; highlighted word by hitting Win+H. These will be added to a separate file,
; so that you can safely update this file without overwriting your changes.
; Some entries have more than one possible resolution (achive->achieve/archive)
; or are clearly a matter of deliberate personal writing style (wanna, colour)
; These have been placed at the end of this file and commented out, so you can
; easily edit and add them back in as you like, tailored to your preferences.
; Microsoft Office autocorrect list
; Script by jaco0646
; OpenOffice autocorrect list
; TextTrust press release
; User suggestions.
; Settings
; AUto-COrrect TWo COnsecutive CApitals (commented out by default)
; Win+H code
; Fix for -ign instead of -ing
; Word endings
; Word beginnings
; Accented English words
; Common Misspellings - the main list
; Ambiguous entries - commented out
; Settings
#NoEnv ; For security
#SingleInstance force
; AUto-COrrect TWo COnsecutive CApitals.
; Disabled by default to prevent unwanted corrections such as IfEqual->Ifequal.
; To enable it, remove the /*..*/ symbols around it.
; From Laszlo's script at
; The first line of code below is the set of letters, digits, and/or symbols
; that are eligible for this type of correction. Customize if you wish:
keys = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Loop Parse, keys
HotKey ~+%A_LoopField%, Hoty
CapCount := SubStr(A_PriorHotKey,2,1)="+" && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey<999 ? CapCount+1 : 1
if CapCount = 2
SendInput % "{BS}" . SubStr(A_ThisHotKey,3,1)
else if CapCount = 3
SendInput % "{Left}{BS}+" . SubStr(A_PriorHotKey,3,1) . "{Right}"
; Win+H to enter misspelling correction. It will be added to this script.
; Get the selected text. The clipboard is used instead of "ControlGet Selected"
; as it works in more editors and word processors, java apps, etc. Save the
; current clipboard contents to be restored later.
AutoTrim Off ; Retain any leading and trailing whitespace on the clipboard.
ClipboardOld = %ClipboardAll%
Clipboard = ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
Send ^c
ClipWait 1
if ErrorLevel ; ClipWait timed out.
; Replace CRLF and/or LF with `n for use in a "send-raw" hotstring:
; The same is done for any other characters that might otherwise
; be a problem in raw mode:
StringReplace, Hotstring, Clipboard, ``, ````, All ; Do this replacement first to avoid interfering with the others below.
StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, `r`n, ``r, All ; Using `r works better than `n in MS Word, etc.
StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, `n, ``r, All
StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, %A_Tab%, ``t, All
StringReplace, Hotstring, Hotstring, `;, ```;, All
Clipboard = %ClipboardOld% ; Restore previous contents of clipboard.
; This will move the InputBox's caret to a more friendly position:
SetTimer, MoveCaret, 10
; Show the InputBox, providing the default hotstring:
InputBox, Hotstring, New Hotstring, Provide the corrected word on the right side. You can also edit the left side if you wish.`n`nExample entry:`n::teh::the,,,,,,,, ::%Hotstring%::%Hotstring%
if ErrorLevel <> 0 ; The user pressed Cancel.
; Otherwise, add the hotstring and reload the script:
FileAppend, `n%Hotstring%, %A_ScriptFullPath% ; Put a `n at the beginning in case file lacks a blank line at its end.
Sleep 200 ; If successful, the reload will close this instance during the Sleep, so the line below will never be reached.
MsgBox, 4,, The hotstring just added appears to be improperly formatted. Would you like to open the script for editing? Note that the bad hotstring is at the bottom of the script.
IfMsgBox, Yes, Edit
IfWinNotActive, New Hotstring
; Otherwise, move the InputBox's insertion point to where the user will type the abbreviation.
Send {HOME}
Loop % StrLen(Hotstring) + 4
SendInput {Right}
SetTimer, MoveCaret, Off
#Hotstring R ; Set the default to be "raw mode" (might not actually be relied upon by anything yet).
; Fix for -ign instead of -ing.
; Words to exclude: (could probably do this by return without rewrite)
; From: nds-with/gn/
#Hotstring B0 ; Turns off automatic backspacing for the following hotstrings.
return ; This makes the above hotstrings do nothing so that they override the ign->ing rule below.
#Hotstring B ; Turn back on automatic backspacing for all subsequent hotstrings.
; Word endings
:?:, btu::, but ; Not just replacing "btu", as that is a unit of heat.
:?:; btu::; but
::sice::since ; Must precede the following line!
:?:t eh:: the
:?:t hem:: them
; Word beginnings
::develope::develop ; Omit asterisk so that it doesn't disrupt the typing of developed/developer.
; Word middles
:?*:compatab::compatib ; Covers incompat* and compat*
:?*:catagor::categor ; Covers subcatagories and catagories.
; Accented English words, from, amongst others,
; I have included all the ones compatible with reasonable codepages, and placed
; those that may often not be accented either from a clash with an unaccented
; word (resume), or because the unaccented version is now common (cafe).
::a bas::à bas
::a la::à la
::ancien regime::Ancien Régime
::ao dai::ào dái
::belle epoque::belle époque
::bete noire::bête noire
::cinema verite::cinéma vérité
::cinemas verite::cinémas vérité
::cinema verites::cinéma vérités
::charge d'affaires::chargé d'affaires
::coup d'etat::coup d'état
::coup d'etats::coup d'états
::coup de tat::coup d'état
::coup de tats::coup d'états
::coup de grace::coup de grâce
::creme brulee::crème brûlée
::creme brulees::crème brûlées
::creme caramel::crème caramel
::creme caramels::crème caramels
::creme de cacao::crème de cacao
::creme de menthe::crème de menthe
::deja vu::déjà vu
::el nino::El Niño
::fin de siecle::fin de siècle
::Fohn wind::Föhn wind
::folie a deux::folie à deux
::folies a deux::folies à deux
::grafenberg spot::Gräfenberg spot
::langue d'oil::langue d'oïl
::la nina::La Niña
::maitre d'hotel::maître d'hôtel
::menage a trois::ménage à trois
::menages a trois::ménages à trois
::mobius strip::Möbius strip
::mobius strips::Möbius strips
::motley crue::Mötley Crüe
::neufchatel cheese::Neufchâtel cheese
::nez perce::Nez Percé
::número uno::número uno
::objet trouve::objet trouvé
::objets trouve::objets trouvé
::opera bouffe::opéra bouffe
::operas bouffe::opéras bouffe
::opera comique::opéra comique
::operas comique::opéras comique
::piece de resistance::pièce de résistance
::pina colada::Piña Colada
::pina coladas::Piña Coladas
::raison d'etre::raison d'être
::roman a clef::roman à clef
::sinn fein::Sinn Féin
::ventre a terre::ventre à terre
::vin rose::vin rosé
::vins rose::vins rosé
::vis a vis::vis à vis
; Common Doubled Words
::a a::a
::about about::about
::above above::above
::across across::across
::after after::after
::against against::against
::along along::along
::also also::also
::an an::an
::and and::and
::any any::any
::are are::are
::around around::around
::at at::at
::back back::back
::be be::be
::because because::because
::been been::been
::before before::before
::behind behind::behind
::being being::being
::below below::below
::between between::between
::both both::both
::but but::but
::by by::by
::could could::could
::during during::during
::each each::each
::every every::every
::first first::first
::for for::for
::from from::from
::has has::has
::have have::have
::having having::having
::he he::he
::her her::her
::his his::his
::if if::if
::in in::in
::included included::included
::including including::including
::into into::into
::is is::is
::it it::it
::its its::its
::last last::last
::most most::most
::of of::of
::on on::on
::only only::only
::or or::or
::over over::over
::played played::played
::she she::she
::should should::should
::since since::since
::some some::some
::still still::still
::such such::such
::than than::than
::the the::the
::their their::their
::them them::them
::then then::then
::there there::there
::these these::these
::they they::they
::this this::this
::those those::those
::through through::through
::to to::to
::under under::under
::until until::until
::up to up to::up to
::was was::was
::we we::we
::were were::were
::when when::when
::where where::where
::whether whether::whether
::which which::which
::while while::while
::who who::who
::whom whom::whom
::whose whose::whose
::will will::will
::with with::with
::would would::would
; Common Misspellings with Grammar
::a 1000::1000
::a 80::an 80
::a action::an action
::a African::an African
::a album::an album
::a Algerian::an Algerian
::a alien::an alien
::a American::an American
::a Angolan::an Angolan
::a annual::an annual
::a another::another
::a antenna::an antenna
::a Arabian::an Arabian
::a Arabic::an Arabic
::a Argentine::an Argentine
::a Armenian::an Armenian
::a Asian::an Asian
::a associate::an associate
::a Australian::an Australian
::a Austrian::an Austrian
::a average::an average
::a back up::a back-up
::a bacteria::a bacterium
::a batsmen::a batsman
::a businessmen::a businessman
::a businesswomen::a businesswoman
::a consortia::a consortium
::a criteria::a criterion
::a dominate::a dominant
::a Egyptian::an Egyptian
::a English::an English
::a Ethiopian::an Ethiopian
::a falling out::a falling-out
::a firemen::a fireman
::a flagella::a flagellum
::a freshmen::a freshman
::a fungi::a fungus
::a gunmen::a gunman
::a Indian::an Indian
::a Indonesian::an Indonesian
::a indoor::an indoor
::a information::an information
::a introduction::an introduction
::a Iranian::an Iranian
::a Iraqi::an Iraqi
::a Irish::an Irish
::a Israeli::an Israeli
::a Italian::an Italian
::a larvae::a larva
::a line up::a lineup
::a lock out::a lockout
::a lose::a loss
::a match up::a matchup
::a media for::a medium for
::a nuclei::a nucleus
::a old::an old
::a organization::an organization
::a original::an original
::a outdoor::an outdoor
::a paparazzi::a paparazzo
::a parentheses::a parenthesis
::a phenomena::a phenomenon
::a protozoa::a protozoon
::a pupae::a pupa
::a radii::a radius
::a run in::a run-in
::a set back::a setback
::a set up::a setup
::a spermatozoa::a spermatozoon
::a statesmen::a statesman
::a taxa::a taxon
::a toss up::a tossup
::a vertebrae::a vertebra
::a women::a woman
::a work out::a workout
::about it's::about its
::about they're::about their
::about who to::about whom to
::about who's::about whose
::above it's::above its
::across it's::across its
::after along time::after a long time
::after awhile::after a while
::after been::after being
::after it's::after its
::after quite awhile::after quite a while
::against it's::against its
::Air Canada Center::Air Canada Centre
::airplane hanger::airplane hangar
::all for not::all for naught
::all it's::all its
::all though::although
::all tolled::all told
::allot of::a lot of
::alma matter::alma mater
::along it's::along its
::along side::alongside
::along time::a long time
::alongside it's::alongside its
::also know as::also known as
::also know by::also known by
::also know for::also known for
::alter boy::altar boy
::am loathe to::am loath to
::among it's::among its
::an affect::an effect
::an alumnae of::an alumna of
::an alumni of::an alumnus of
::an another::another
::an antennae::an antenna
::an hero::a hero
::an other::another
::and etc::etc
::and so fourth::and so forth
::another criteria::another criterion
::another wise::an otherwise
::another words::in other words
::any where::anywhere
::apart form::apart from
::apart of::a part of
::are aloud to::are allowed to
::are been::are being
::are build::are built
::are know as::are known as
::are know to::are known to
::are lain::are laid
::are lead by::are led by
::are loathe to::are loath to
::are ran by::are run by
::are renown::are renowned
::are setup::are set up
::are shutdown::are shut down
::are shutout::are shut out
::are suppose to::are supposed to
::are were::are where
::around it's::around its
::as a resulted::as a result
::as apposed to::as opposed to
::as back up::as backup
::as been::has been
::as followed::as follows
::as oppose to::as opposed to
::assume the reigns::assume the reins
::assume the roll::assume the role
::at it's::at its
::at the alter::at the altar
::at the reigns::at the reins
::away form::away from
::back and fourth::back and forth
::back fire::backfire
::back in forth::back and forth
::baited breath::bated breath
::baled out::bailed out
::baling out::bailing out
::barb wire::barbed wire
::bare in mind::bear in mind
::based off::based on
::be cause::because
::be know as::be known as
::be loathe to::be loath to
::be rode::be ridden
::be ware::beware
::became know::became known
::because of it's::because of its
::been build::been built
::been setup::been set up
::before hand::beforehand
::behind it's::behind its
::better know as::better known as
::better know for::better known for
::better that::better than
::better then::better than
::between he and::between him and
::between I and::between me and
::between she and::between her and
::between they and::between them and
::Bogota, Columbia::Bogotá, Colombia
::both of them is::both of them are
::breath fire::breathe fire
::brew haha::brouhaha
::can backup::can back up
::can blackout::can black out
::can breath::can breathe
::can setup::can set up
::can workout::can work out
::card shark::card sharp
::chalk full::chock-full
::chocked full::chock-full
::chomping at the bit::champing at the bit
::close proximity::closeness
::commonly know as::commonly known as
::commonly know for::commonly known for
::comprise of::comprise
::comprised almost entirely of::composed almost entirely of
::comprised chiefly of::composed chiefly of
::comprised entirely of::composed entirely of
::comprised exclusively of::composed exclusively of
::comprised generally of::composed generally of
::comprised largely of::composed largely of
::comprised mainly of::composed mainly of
::comprised mostly of::composed mostly of
::comprised of::composed of
::comprised only of::composed only of
::comprised primarily of::composed primarily of
::comprised principally of::composed principally of
::comprised wholly of::composed wholly of
::comprises of::comprises
::comprises mostly of::comprises mostly
::comprising of::comprising
::constellation prize::consolation prize
::constitutes of::consists of
::construction sight::construction site
::contains of::contains
::could backup::could back up
::could breath::could breathe
::could care less::couldn't care less
::could of::could have
::couldn't breath::couldn't breathe
::daily regiment::daily regimen
::DC current::direct current
::de factor::de facto
::different tact::different tack
::diffuse the situation::defuse the situation
::diffuse the tension::defuse the tension
::disc break::disc brake
::dominate player::dominant player
::dominate role::dominant role}
::door jam::door jamb
::down side::downside
::drum breaks::drum brakes
::due to the fact::because
::during in::during
::during it's::during its
::during they're::during their
::each alumni::each alumnus
::each are::each is
::each criteria::each criterion
::each has their::each has its
::each phenomena::each phenomenon
::each vertebrae::each vertebra
::easier then::easier than
::egg yoke::egg yolk
::either criteria::either criterion
::either phenomena::either phenomenon
::electrical current::electric current
::eluded to::alluded to
::en mass::en masse
::even thought::even though
::even tough::even though
::eye brow::eyebrow
::eye lash::eyelash
::eye lid::eyelid
::eye sight::eyesight
::eye sore::eyesore
::faired as well::fared as well
::faired badly::fared badly
::faired better::fared better
::faired far::fared far
::faired less::fared less
::faired little::fared little
::faired much::fared much
::faired no better::fared no better
::faired poorly::fared poorly
::faired quite::fared quite
::faired rather::fared rather
::faired slightly::fared slightly
::faired somewhat::fared somewhat
::faired well::fared well
::faired worse::fared worse
::farther then::farther than
::faster then::faster than
::figure head::figurehead
::First Word War::First World War
::flag ship::flagship
::flow of current::flow of charge
::flow of electric current::flow of electric charge
::for all intensive purposes::for all intents and purposes
::for along time::for a long time
::for awhile::for a while
::for it's::for its
::for quite awhile::for quite a while
::forgone conclusion::foregone conclusion
::formerly know as::formerly known as
::forth place::fourth place
::free reign::free rein
::freshman are::freshmen are
::full compliment of::full complement of
::got ran::got run
::got setup::got set up
::got shutdown::got shut down
::got shutout::got shut out
::ground work::groundwork
::guest stared::guest-starred
::had arose::had arisen
::had became::had become
::had began::had begun
::had being::had been
::had bore::had borne
::had broke::had broken
::had came::had come
::had chose::had chosen
::had comeback::had come back
::had did::had done
::had drew::had drawn
::had drove::had driven
::had fell::had fallen
::had flew::had flown
::had forbad::had forbidden
::had forbade::had forbidden
::had gave::had given
::had grew::had grown
::had it's::had its
::had lead to::had led to
::had overtook::had overtaken
::had plead::had pled
::had ran::had run
::had rang::had rung
::had rode::had ridden
::had rose::had risen
::had saw::had seen
::had set-up::had set up
::had setup::had set up
::had shook::had shaken
::had spoke::had spoken
::had threw::had thrown
::had took::had taken
::had undertook::had undertaken
::had underwent::had undergone
::had went::had gone
::had wrote::had written
::hand the reigns::hand the reins
::has arose::has arisen
::has became::has become
::has began::has begun
::has build::has built
::has it's::has its
::has lead to::has led to
::has ran::has run
::has setup::has set up
::has shook::has shaken
::has spoke::has spoken
::has threw::has thrown
::has took::has taken
::has undertook::has undertaken
::has underwent::has undergone
::has was::he was
::has went::has gone
::has wrote::has written
::have it's::have its
::have lead to::have led to
::have ran::have run
::have setup::have set up
::have took::have taken
::have underwent::have undergone
::have went::have gone
::having being::having been
::having ran::having run
::having setup::having set up
::having took::having taken
::having went::having gone
::hay day::heyday
::he begun::he began
::he garnished::he garnered
::he let's::he lets
::he plead::he pled
::he seen::he saw
::head gear::headgear
::head quarters::headquarters
::head stone::headstone
::head wear::headwear
::held the reigns::held the reins
::help and make::help to make
::help setup::help set up
::higher then::higher than
::hit the breaks::hit the brakes
::"hold onto"::hold on to
::hold the reigns::hold the reins
::holding the reigns::holding the reins
::holds the reigns::holds the reins
::hone in on::home in on
::how ever::however
::imminent domain::eminent domain
::in affect::in effect
::in along time::in a long time
::in anyway::in any way
::in awhile::in a while
::in close proximity to::in proximity to
::in edition to::in addition to
::in it's::in its
::in January 1::on January 1
::in masse::en masse
::in parenthesis::in parentheses
::in placed::in place
::in principal::in principle
::in quite awhile::in quite a while
::in stead of::instead of
::in tact::intact
::in the long-term::in the long term
::in the short-term::in the short term
::in titled::entitled
::in vein::in vain
::incase of::in case of
::inorder to::in order to
::into affect::into effect
::is also know::is also known
::is be::is to be
::is been::is being
::is comprised from::comprises
::is comprised with::comprises
::is contained of::contains
::is front of::in front of
::is has::it has
::is know::is known
::is lead by::is led by
::is loathe to::is loath to
::is ran by::is run by
::is renown for::is renowned for
::is setup::is set up
::it begun::it began
::it comprises of::it comprises
::it lead to::it led to
::it lied::it lay
::it self::itself
::it setup::it set up
::it's 10th::its 10th
::it's 4th::its 4th
::it's 5th::its 5th
::it's advantage::its advantage
::it's aim::its aim
::it's annual::its annual
::it's best::its best
::it's class::its class
::it's color::its color
::it's colour::its colour
::it's contents::its contents
::it's course::its course
::it's current::its current
::it's debut::its debut
::it's doors::its doors
::it's eastern::its eastern
::it's end::its end
::it's entire::its entire
::it's final::its final
::it's first::its first
::it's former::its former
::it's fourth::its fourth
::it's goal::its goal
::it's highest::its highest
::it's history::its history
::it's home::its home
::it's inception::its inception
::it's initial::its initial
::it's junction::its junction
::it's kind::its kind
::it's lack::its lack
::it's last::its last
::it's latest::its latest
::it's lead::its lead
::it's leader::its leader
::it's length::its length
::it's lowest::its lowest
::it's maximum::its maximum
::it's minimum::its minimum
::it's money::its money
::it's name::its name
::it's north::its north
::it's northern::its northern
::it's original::its original
::it's own::its own
::it's peak::its peak
::it's period::its period
::it's previous::its previous
::it's price::its price
::it's primary::its primary
::it's prime::its prime
::it's purpose::its purpose
::it's release::its release
::it's rival::its rival
::it's second::its second
::it's south::its south
::it's southern::its southern
::it's successor::its successor
::it's tail::its tail
::it's target::its target
::it's tenth::its tenth
::it's theme::its theme
::it's third::its third
::it's timeslot::its timeslot
::it's toll::its toll
::it's total::its total
::it's type::its type
::it's way::its way
::it's western::its western
::it's worst::its worst
::its is::it is
::Jimmy Buffet::Jimmy Buffett
::Jimmy Hendrix::Jimi Hendrix
::jive with::jibe with
::key note::keynote
::laid ahead::lay ahead
::laid dormant::lay dormant
::laid empty::lay empty
::laid fallow::lay fallow
::laid in state::lay in state
::larger that::larger than
::larger then::larger than
::laughing stock::laughingstock
::law suite::lawsuit
::lay around::lie around
::lay low::lie low
::laying around::lying around
::laying awake::lying awake
::laying low::lying low
::lays atop::lies atop
::lays beside::lies beside
::lays low::lies low
::lays near::lies near
::lays on::lies on
::lead by::led by
::lead roll::lead role
::leading roll::leading role
::less dominate::less dominant
::less that::less than
::less then::less than
::lesser then::less than
::life time::lifetime
::lighter then::lighter than
::lions share::lion's share
::loose to::lose to
::loosing effort::losing effort
::loosing record::losing record
::loosing season::losing season
::loosing streak::losing streak
::loosing team::losing team
::loosing the::losing the
::loosing to::losing to
::lot's of::lots of
::lower that::lower than
::lower then::lower than
::mainly know for::mainly known for
::major roll::major role
::managerial reigns::managerial reins
::mash potatoes::mashed potatoes
::mean while::meanwhile
::might of::might have
::minor roll::minor role
::more dominate::more dominant
::more optimal::better
::more that::more than
::more then::more than
::most dominate::most dominant
::most optimal::optimal
::most populace::most populous
::mostly know as::mostly known as
::mostly know for::mostly known for
::must of::must have
::mute point::moot point
::nation wide::nationwide
::near by::nearby
::neither criteria::neither criterion
::neither phenomena::neither phenomenon
::Netherland Antilles::Netherlands Antilles
::new comer::newcomer
::next store::next-door
::no where to::nowhere to
::note worthy::noteworthy
::now a days::nowadays
::of been::have been
::of it's own::of its own
::of who to::of whom to
::oil barron::oil baron
::on going::ongoing
::on it's own::on its own
::one in the same::one and the same
::one criteria::one criterion
::one phenomena::one phenomenon
::originally born in::born in
::originally know as::originally known as
::other then::other than
::out grow::outgrow
::out of sink::out of sync
::out side::outside
::over a 100::over 100
::over a 1000::over 1000
::over hear::overhear
::over heard::overheard
::over look::overlook
::over looked::overlooked
::over looking::overlooking
::over rated::overrated
::over seas::overseas
::over see::oversee
::over who to::over whom to
::parent's house::parents' house
::past away::passed away
::past down::passed down
::peak his interest::pique his interest
::per say::per se
::Phillips Arena::Philips Arena
::player's union::players' union
::playoff birth::playoff berth
::Portland Trailblazers::Portland Trail Blazers
::premier episode::premiere episode
::principle action::principal action
::principle activity::principal activity
::principle actor::principal actor
::principle advantage::principal advantage
::principle advocate::principal advocate
::principle agent::principal agent
::principle aim::principal aim
::principle area::principal area
::principle artist::principal artist
::principle assistant::principal assistant
::principle attraction::principal attraction
::principle author::principal author
::principle branch::principal branch
::principle cast::principal cast
::principle caste::principal caste
::principle cause::principal cause
::principle character::principal character
::principle church::principal church
::principle city::principal city
::principle component::principal component
::principle composer::principal composer
::principle goal::principal goal
::principle group::principal group
::principle method::principal method
::principle office::principal office
::principle officer::principal officer
::principle owner::principal owner
::principle photography::principal photography
::principle source::principal source
::principle student::principal student
::principle town::principal town
::put fourth::put forth
::rather then::rather than
::reek havoc::wreak havoc
::reign in::rein in
::"reigned in"::reined in
::reigns of power::reins of power
::reticence to::reluctance to
::reticent to::reluctant to
::role call::roll call
::roll player::role player
::runner up::runner-up
::saddle up to::sidle up to
::Second Word War::Second World War
::set backs::setbacks
::she let's::she lets
::she seen::she saw
::short coming::shortcoming
::short cut::shortcut
::shorter then::shorter than
::should been::should have been
::should of::should've
::side affect::side effect
::side kick::sidekick
::simply know as::simply known as
::single handily::single-handedly
::site lines::sight lines
::sky diving::skydiving
::slight of hand::sleight of hand
::slue of::slew of
::smaller then::smaller than
::smarter then::smarter than
::sneak peak::sneak peek
::some how::somehow
::some one::someone
::some what::somewhat
::some where::somewhere
::sometimes know as::sometimes known as
::sooner then::sooner than
::sophomore album::second album
::spilt into::split into
::spilt up::split up
::spinal chord::spinal cord
::squared feet::square feet
::squared meters::square meters
::squared miles::square miles
::St. Paul, Minnesota::Saint Paul, Minnesota
::stale mate::stalemate
::staring role::starring role
::starring roll::starring role
::Stevie Ray Vaughn::Stevie Ray Vaughan
::Straight of::Strait of
::stronger then::stronger than
::suppose to::supposed to
::take affect::take effect
::take over the reigns::take over the reins
::take the reigns::take the reins
::taken the reigns::taken the reins
::taking the reigns::taking the reins
::teacher's union::teachers' union
::ten times less than::one tenth as much as
::than it's::than its
::that maybe::that may be
::the are::they are
::the break down::the breakdown
::the break up::the breakup
::the clamp down::the clampdown
::the had::they had
::the one of the::one of the
::the were::they were
::their are::there are
::their had::there had
::their has::there has
::their have::there have
::their is::there is
::their was::there was
::their were::there were
::their would::there would
::them selves::themselves
::there by::thereby
::there maybe::there may be
::there of::thereof
::there own::their own
::there where::there were
::these maybe::these may be
::these where::these were
::they garnished::they garnered
::they maybe::they may be
::they way::the way
::they where::they were
::this criteria::this criterion
::this lead to::this led to
::this maybe::this may be
::this phenomena::this phenomenon
::those maybe::those may be
::through it's::through its
::through out::throughout
::through the ringer::through the wringer
::throughout it's::throughout its
::time outs::timeouts
::to back fire::to backfire
::to backout::to back out
::to backup::to back up
::to bailout::to bail out
::to bath::to bathe
::to blackout::to black out
::to blastoff::to blast off
::to breath::to breathe
::to built::to build
::to comeback::to come back
::to forego::to forgo
::to grown::to grow
::to kickoff::to kick off
::to lockout::to lock out
::to rollback::to roll back
::to setup::to set up
::to shutdown::to shut down
::to spin-off::to spin off
::to spinoff::to spin off
::to takeover::to take over
::to tryout::to try out
::to turnaround::to turn around
::to turnoff::to turn off
::to turnout::to turn out
::to turnover::to turn over
::to wakeup::to wake up
::to walkout::to walk out
::to workaround::to work around
::to workout::to work out
::too also::to also
::too be::to be
::took affect::took effect
::took and interest::took an interest
::took over the reigns::took over the reins
::took the reigns::took the reins
::tot he::to the
::tried to used::tried to use
::try and achieve::try to achieve
::try and add::try to add
::try and avoid::try to avoid
::try and be::try to be
::try and beat::try to beat
::try and become::try to become
::try and bring::try to bring
::try and come::try to come
::try and decide::try to decide
::try and do::try to do
::try and eat::try to eat
::try and escape::try to escape
::try and figure::try to figure
::try and find::try to find
::try and fix::try to fix
::try and gain::try to gain
::try and get::try to get
::try and give::try to give
::try and go::try to go
::try and help::try to help
::try and hide::try to hide
::try and hit::try to hit
::try and hold::try to hold
::try and keep::try to keep
::try and locate::try to locate
::try and make::try to make
::try and move::try to move
::try and obtain::try to obtain
::try and play::try to play
::try and prevent::try to prevent
::try and protect::try to prove
::try and prove::try to prove
::try and see::try to see
::try and show::try to show
::try and slow::try to slow
::try and solve::try to solve
::try and spare::try to spare
::try and start::try to start
::try and stay::try to stay
::try and stop::try to stop
::try and support::try to support
::try and take::try to take
::try and talk::try to talk
::try and tell::try to tell
::try and use::try to use
::try and win::try to win
::turn for the worst::turn for the worse
::twice as much than::twice as much as
::two in a half::two and a half
::two times less than::half as much as
::under go::undergo
::under going::undergoing
::under gone::undergone
::under it's::under its
::under rated::underrated
::under take::undertake
::under wear::underwear
::under went::underwent
::underneath it's::underneath its
::United State's::United States'
::United Stats::United States
::Unites States::United States
::unlike it's::unlike its
::until it's::until its
::up field::upfield
::up it's::up its
::up side::upside
::up until::until
::upon it's::upon its
::USD dollars::US dollars
::USD$::US dollars
::use to::used to
::usually know as::usually known as
::usually know by::usually known by
::usually know for::usually known for
::very minimal::minimal
::very optimal::optimal
::very unique::unique
::via it's::via its
::VIN number::VIN
::vise versa::vice versa
::vocal chords::vocal cords
::waived off::waved off
::was aloud::was allowed
::was been::has been
::was began::was begun
::was build::was built
::was comprised from::comprised
::was comprised with::comprised
::was do to::was due to
::was lain::was laid
::was laying on::was lying on
::was lead by::was led by
::was loathe to::was loath to
::was meet by::was met by
::was meet with::was met with
::was ran::was run
::was release::was released
::was rode::was ridden
::was sang::was sung
::was setup::was set up
::was shutdown::was shut down
::was suppose to::was supposed to
::was took::was taken
::was tore::was torn
::was wrote::was written
::way side::wayside
::weather or not::whether or not
::were aloud::were allowed
::were been::were being
::were began::were begun
::were build::were built
::were comprised with::comprised
::were drew::were drawn
::were lain::were laid
::were lead by::were led by
::were loathe to::were loath to
::were meet by::were met by
::were meet with::were met with
::were ran::were run
::were rode::were ridden
::were sang::were sung
::were setup::were set up
::were shutdown::were shut down
::were shutout::were shut out
::were suppose to::were supposed to
::were took::were taken
::were tore::were torn
::were wrote::were written
::wether or not::whether or not
::when into::went into
::when on to::went on to
::where abouts::whereabouts
::where as::whereas
::where being::were being
::where by::whereby
::where made::were made
::where taken::were taken
::where upon::whereupon
::which breakdown::which break down
::which had lead::which had led
::which has lead::which has led
::which have lead::which have led
::which maybe::which may be
::which where::which were
::who had lead::who had led
::who has lead::who has led
::who have lead::who have led
::who he led::whom he led
::who he met::whom he met
::who he took::whom he took
::who lead::who led
::who maybe::who may be
::who setup::who set up
::who to believe::whom to believe
::who to call::whom to call
::who to invite::whom to invite
::who where::who were
::who's actual::whose actual
::who's name::whose name
::who's previous::whose previous
::whom also::who also
::whom was::who was
::will comprise of::will consist of
::will workout::will work out
::with he::with the
::with in::within
::with it's::with its
::with out::without
::with who::with whom
::within it's::within its
::within site of::within sight of
::without it's::without its
::Word War I::World War I
::Word War II::World War II
::working progress::work in progress
::world wide::worldwide
::worse that::worse than
::worse then::worse than
::worse-case scenario::worst-case scenario
::worst comes to worst::worse comes to worst
::worth while::worthwhile
::would been::would have been
::would comeback::would come back
::would comprise of::would consist of
::would of been::would have been
::would of done::would have done
::would workout::would work out
::wreck havoc::wreak havoc
::younger that::younger than
::younger then::younger than
; Common Misspellings - the main list
::abouta::about a
::aboutit::about it
::aboutthe::about the
::accordingto::according to
::afterthe::after the
::againstt he::against the
::alot::a lot
::andone::and one
::andt he::and the
::andteh::and the
::andthe::and the
::anyother::any other
::apon::"upon, apron"
::asfar::as far
::askt he::ask the
::asthe::as the
::aswell::as well
::atthe::at the
::availabe:: available
::avengence::a vengeance
::becausea::because a
::becauseof::because of
::becausethe::because the
::becauseyou::because you
::butthe::but the
::byt he::by the
::can't of::can't have
::can't of been::can't have been
::capetown::Cape Town
::completedthe::completed the
::conditionsof::conditions of
::could of::could have
::could of been::could have been
::could of had::could have had
::couldthe::could the
::deja vu::déjà vu
::didnot::did not
::doe snot::does not
::don't no::don't know
::eight o::eight o
::eventhough::even though
::everytime::every time
::fora::for a
::forthe::for the
::fromt he::from the
::fromthe::from the
::gameboy::Game Boy
::hadbeen::had been
::hasbeen::has been
::havebeen::have been
::hesaid::he said
::hewas::he was
::hitsingles::hit singles
::homestate::home state
::i snot::is not
::iits the::it's the
::inspite::in spite
::int he::in the
::inteh::in the
::inthe::in the
::inwhich::in which
::isthe::is the
::it snot::it's not
::it' snot::it's not
::itis::it is
::its a::it's a
::its the::it's the
::itwas::it was
::lastyear::last year
::let's him::lets him
::let's it::lets it
::lightyear::light year
::lightyears::light years
::massmedia::mass media
::may of::may have
::may of been::may have been
::may of had::may have had
::might of::might have
::might of been::might have been
::might of had::might have had
::moreso::more so
::must of::must have
::must of been::must have been
::must of had::must have had
::newyorker::New Yorker
::noone::no one
::ofits::of its
::oft he::of the
::ofthe::of the
::oneof::one of
::onepoint::one point
::ont he::on the
::onthe::on the
::outof::out of
::overthe::over the
::overthere::over there
::partof::part of
::peacefuland::peaceful and
::percentof::percent of
::percentto::percent to
::protem::pro tem
::puertorrican::Puerto Rican
::puertorricans::Puerto Ricans
::receivedfrom::received from
::recordproducer::record producer
::saidhe::said he
::saidit::said it
::saidt he::said the
::saidthat::said that
::saidthe::said the
::shesaid::she said
::shortwhile::short while
::should of::should have
::should of been::should have been
::should of had::should have had
::silicone chip::silicon chip
::sot hat::so that
::sportscar::sports car
::tellt he::tell the
::tennisplayer::tennis player
::thatt he::that the
::thatthe::that the
::thecompany::the company
::thefirst::the first
::thegovernment::the government
::their are::there are
::their is::there is
::thenew::the new
::there's is::theirs is
::thesame::the same
::thetwo::the two
::they're are::there are
::they're is::there is
::thisyear::this year
::toldt he::told the
::tot he::to the
::tothe::to the
::undert he::under the
::UnitedStates::United States
::unitesstates::United States
::upto::up to
::wa snot::was not
::wan tit::want it
::wanna::want to
::whent he::when the
::whicht he::which the
::will of::will have
::will of been::will have been
::will of had::will have had
::willbe::will be
::witha::with a
::witht he::with the
::withthe::with the
::would of::would have
::would of been::would have been
::would of had::would have had
::wouldbe::would be
::youare::you are
::your a::you're a
::your an::you're an
::your her::you're her
::your here::you're here
::your his::you're his
::your my::you're my
::your the::you're the
::your their::you're their
::your your::you're your
::you're own::your own
; Make sentences start with capitals
Loop {
Input key, I L1 V,
( Join
If StrLen(ErrorLevel) > 3 ; NewInput, EndKey
state =
Else If InStr(".!?",key) ; Sentence end
state = 1
Else If InStr("`t `n",key) ; White space
state += (state = 1), set := 0 ; state1 -> state2
Else {
StringUpper key, key
If (state = 2) { ; End-Space*-Letter
SendInput {BS}{%key%} ; Letter -> Upper case
set := 1
state =
; User Adds
::yw::you're welcome
::np::no problem
::nbd::no big deal
::ty::thank you
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