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Last active December 15, 2024 09:49
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  • Save Kenya-West/789c85c8d661ac18c419633527c88200 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Kenya-West/789c85c8d661ac18c419633527c88200 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Download specific asset using GitHub API, `curl` and `jq`
# This script downloads specific asset that may be not included in the latest release
# but could be found in some other tag (version).
# You can set DEBUG=true ./ comnmand to enable debug messages.
# Requires curl, jq and head installed.
# You can set GitHub Personal Access token in $GITHUB_TOKEN to avoid API rate limiting. Look below.
# Constants (replace with your repo details)
OWNER="repo-owner-account" # GitHub username or organization
REPO="repo-name" # Repository name
ASSET_NAME="" # Exact asset name in Releases page
GITHUB_TOKEN="" # Look at if you need to set GitHub PAT
# GitHub API URL
# Enable debug mode if DEBUG is set
# Debug log function
log_debug() {
if [ "$DEBUG" = true ]; then
echo "[DEBUG] $1"
# Error log function
log_error() {
echo "[ERROR] $1"
# Info log function
log_info() {
echo "[INFO] $1"
# Fetch release information
log_info "Fetching release information for $OWNER/$REPO..."
if [ -n "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ]; then
response=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
response=$(curl -s -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
log_error "Failed to fetch release information from GitHub API."
exit 1
if [[ -z "$response" ]]; then
log_error "Empty response from GitHub API."
exit 1
# Write raw API response to a file for debugging
if [ "$DEBUG" = true ]; then
echo "$response" > api_response_debug.json
log_debug "API response saved to 'api_response_debug.json' for debugging."
# Parse the JSON response to find the asset URL for the specified asset name
log_debug "Parsing JSON response to find asset URL..."
asset_url=$(echo "$response" | jq -r \
'.[] | .assets[]? | select(.name == $ASSET_NAME) | .browser_download_url' | head -n 1)
if [[ -z "$asset_url" || "$asset_url" == "null" ]]; then
log_error "Asset '$ASSET_NAME' not found in any release for $OWNER/$REPO."
log_debug "Inspect the API response in 'api_response_debug.json' for more details."
exit 1
log_info "Found asset URL: $asset_url"
# Download the asset
log_info "Downloading asset..."
curl -L -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_TOKEN" \
-H "Accept: application/octet-stream" \
-o "$ASSET_NAME" "$asset_url"
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
log_error "Failed to download the asset."
exit 1
log_info "Asset '$ASSET_NAME' downloaded successfully."
exit 0
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