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TrueNAS UGREEN DXP4800 Plus Status LED Guide

UGREEN DXP4800 Plus TrueNAS Status LED Guide


The following is a quick guide on getting basic status LED functionality working with TrueNAS running on the UGREEN DXP4800 Plus. Theoretically, it should work on all models (with some small revisions to the script), but I only have a DXP4800 Plus. :)

This guide is for cron job that runs a script to update the LEDs every couple minutes, but I'm sure the following can be modified for blinky LEDs as well.


  1. Manually build or download the ugreen_leds_cli tool from
  2. Plop it somewhere on your NAS (E.g. a dataset).
  3. In the same dataset, create your .sh script that controls the LEDs. At the bottom of this gist is my modified version of meyergru's.
  4. Make the script executable: chmod +X
    • You may also need to make ugreen_leds_cli executable as well.
  5. In TrueNas, navigate over to System SettingsAdvanced
  6. Under Init/Shutdown Scripts Create the following to load the i2c-dev module on boot:
    • Description: Enable i2c-dev
    • Type: Command
    • Command: modprobe i2c-dev
    • When: Pre Init
  7. Under Cron Jobs we then create a task to run every x minutes:
    • Description: Update Status LEDS
    • Command: /mnt/path/to/your/
    • Run as User: root
    • Schedule: */5 * * * * (or however often you desire)
  8. Reboot and wait a bit for your cron job to run.


Example script:

#! /bin/bash

#set -x

SCRIPTPATH=$(dirname "$0")

devices=(p n x x x x)
map=(power netdev disk1 disk2 disk3 disk4)

# Check network status
gw=$(ip route | awk '/default/ { print $3 }')
if ping -q -c 1 -W 1 $gw >/dev/null; then

# Map sdX1 to hardware device
declare -A hwmap
echo "Mapping devices..."
while read line; do
    partitions=$(lsblk -l -o NAME | grep "^${device}[0-9]\+$")
    for part in $partitions; do
        echo "Mapped $part to ${hctl:0:1}"
done <<< "$(lsblk -S -o NAME,HCTL | tail -n +2)"

# Print the hwmap for verification
echo "Hardware mapping (hwmap):"
for key in "${!hwmap[@]}"; do
    echo "$key: ${hwmap[$key]}"

# Check status of zpool disks
echo "Checking zpool status..."
while read line; do
    echo "Processing $partition with status ${DEV[1]}"
    if [[ -n "${hwmap[$partition]}" ]]; then
        index=$((${hwmap[$partition]} + 2))
        echo "Device $partition maps to index $index"
        if [ ${DEV[1]} = "ONLINE" ]; then
        echo "Warning: No mapping found for $partition"
done <<< "$(zpool status -L | grep -E '^\s+sd[a-h][0-9]')"

# Output the final device statuses
echo "Final device statuses:"
for i in "${!devices[@]}"; do
    echo "$i: ${devices[$i]}"
    case "${devices[$i]}" in
            "$SCRIPTPATH/ugreen_leds_cli" ${map[$i]} -color 255 255 255 -on -brightness 64
            "$SCRIPTPATH/ugreen_leds_cli" ${map[$i]} -color 255 255 255 -on -brightness 64
            "$SCRIPTPATH/ugreen_leds_cli" ${map[$i]} -color 0 255 0 -on -brightness 64
            "$SCRIPTPATH/ugreen_leds_cli" ${map[$i]} -color 255 0 0 -blink 400 600 -brightness 64
            "$SCRIPTPATH/ugreen_leds_cli" ${map[$i]} -off
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Blackinfect commented Jun 13, 2024

Guide is not working or i am to dumb for the steps: Downloaded the file placed it into a smb folder. Created the script, which i copied from below. Tried it in the terminal with the command you wrote here: chmod +X Copied it in the same folder. Then implemented the 6 & 7 restarted but nothing happened. Maybe im not into depth of truenas scale but dont know what i did wrong.

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Kerryliu commented Jun 13, 2024

Try also running chmod +X on the ugreen_leds_cli binary (to make it executable) and see if that works.

if not, try running the script manually and check the output.

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weav2k4 commented Jun 21, 2024

Thanks so much for this. Works great!

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re-do-ne commented Jul 3, 2024

Thanks for this!

The example script didn't seem to work as expected on my 6800 Pro, so I took some inspiration from it and the diskiomon script (mainly for the HCTL mappings):


SCRIPTPATH=$(dirname "${0}")

if ! [[ -f "${SCRIPTPATH}/ugreen_leds_cli" ]]; then
  echo "Ugreen LED CLI not found"
  exit 1

# LED to HCTL mapping, specific for the 6800 Pro model
declare -A led_map=(

# Map to hold the desired LED color and status
declare -A led_status

# Initialize all LEDs to off
for key in "${!led_map[@]}"; do

# Check network status
check_network_connectivity() {
    gw=$(ip route | awk '/default/ { print $3 }')
    if ping -q -c 1 -W 1 "${gw}" >/dev/null; then
        return 0
        return 1

# Get the currently active disks and their names
active_disks=$(lsblk -S -o name,hctl,tran | grep sata | awk '{print $1,$2}')

# Set LED status for power
led_status["power"]="-color 255 255 255 -on -brightness 64"

# Check network connectivity and set netdev LED accordingly
if check_network_connectivity; then
    led_status["netdev"]="-color 0 0 255 -on -brightness 64"  # Blue for connected
    led_status["netdev"]="-color 255 0 0 -on -brightness 64"  # Red for not connected

# Set LED status for active disks based on SMART status
while read -r disk_info; do
    disk_name=$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "${disk_info}")
    hctl=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< "${disk_info}")
    led_name=$(for key in "${!led_map[@]}"; do [[ ${led_map[$key]} == "${hctl}" ]] && echo "${key}"; done)

    if [[ -n "${led_name}" ]]; then
        # Check the SMART status
        smart_status=$(smartctl -H "/dev/${disk_name}" | grep "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result" | awk '{print $6}')

        # Set LED color based on SMART status
        case "${smart_status^^}" in
                led_status[$led_name]="-color 0 255 0 -on -brightness 64"  # Green for good
                led_status[$led_name]="-color 255 0 0 -on -brightness 64"  # Red for bad
                led_status[$led_name]="-color 255 255 0 -on -brightness 64"  # Yellow for unknown
done <<< "${active_disks}"

# Function to check zpool status and update LED status accordingly
check_zpool_status() {
    # Get zpool status with -PL for detailed device paths
    zpool_status=$(zpool status -PL)

    while read -r line; do
        if [[ "${line}" =~ "/dev/" ]]; then
            zdevice=$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "${line}")
            zstatus=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< "${line}")
            if [[ "${zstatus^^}" != "ONLINE" ]]; then
    done <<< "${zpool_status}"

    # Blink LEDs for disks in pools with errors
    for partition in "${unhealthy_volumes[@]}"; do
        parent_disk=$(lsblk -no pkname "${partition}")
        hctl=$(lsblk -S -o name,hctl | grep "^${parent_disk} " | awk '{print $2}')
        led_name=$(for key in "${!led_map[@]}"; do [[ ${led_map[$key]} == "${hctl}" ]] && echo "${key}"; done)

        if [[ -n "${led_name}" ]]; then
            led_status[$led_name]="${led_status[$led_name]} -blink 500 500"

# Check zpool status and update LEDs

# Apply the desired LED colors and statuses
for led in "${!led_status[@]}"; do
    ${SCRIPTPATH}/ugreen_leds_cli $led ${led_status[$led]}

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Below a working version for the DXP8800 Plus model:


SCRIPTPATH=$(dirname "${0}")

if ! [[ -f "${SCRIPTPATH}/ugreen_leds_cli" ]]; then
  echo "Ugreen LED CLI not found"
  exit 1

# LED to HCTL mapping, specific for the 6800 Pro model
declare -A led_map=(

# Map to hold the desired LED color and status
declare -A led_status

# Initialize all LEDs to off
for key in "${!led_map[@]}"; do

# Check network status
check_network_connectivity() {
    gw=$(ip route | awk '/default/ { print $3 }')
    if ping -q -c 1 -W 1 "${gw}" >/dev/null; then
        return 0
        return 1

# Get the currently active disks and their names
active_disks=$(lsblk -S -o name,hctl,tran | grep sata | awk '{print $1,$2}')

# Set LED status for power
led_status["power"]="-color 255 255 255 -on -brightness 64"

# Check network connectivity and set netdev LED accordingly
if check_network_connectivity; then
    led_status["netdev"]="-color 0 0 255 -on -brightness 64"  # Blue for connected
    led_status["netdev"]="-color 255 0 0 -on -brightness 64"  # Red for not connected

# Set LED status for active disks based on SMART status
while read -r disk_info; do
    disk_name=$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "${disk_info}")
    hctl=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< "${disk_info}")
    led_name=$(for key in "${!led_map[@]}"; do [[ ${led_map[$key]} == "${hctl}" ]] && echo "${key}"; done)

    if [[ -n "${led_name}" ]]; then
        # Check the SMART status
        smart_status=$(smartctl -H "/dev/${disk_name}" | grep "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result" | awk '{print $6}')

        # Set LED color based on SMART status
        case "${smart_status^^}" in
                led_status[$led_name]="-color 0 255 0 -on -brightness 64"  # Green for good
                led_status[$led_name]="-color 255 0 0 -on -brightness 64"  # Red for bad
                led_status[$led_name]="-color 255 255 0 -on -brightness 64"  # Yellow for unknown
done <<< "${active_disks}"

# Function to check zpool status and update LED status accordingly
check_zpool_status() {
    # Get zpool status with -PL for detailed device paths
    zpool_status=$(zpool status -PL)

    while read -r line; do
        if [[ "${line}" =~ "/dev/" ]]; then
            zdevice=$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "${line}")
            zstatus=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< "${line}")
            if [[ "${zstatus^^}" != "ONLINE" ]]; then
    done <<< "${zpool_status}"

    # Blink LEDs for disks in pools with errors
    for partition in "${unhealthy_volumes[@]}"; do
        parent_disk=$(lsblk -no pkname "${partition}")
        hctl=$(lsblk -S -o name,hctl | grep "^${parent_disk} " | awk '{print $2}')
        led_name=$(for key in "${!led_map[@]}"; do [[ ${led_map[$key]} == "${hctl}" ]] && echo "${key}"; done)

        if [[ -n "${led_name}" ]]; then
            led_status[$led_name]="${led_status[$led_name]} -blink 500 500"

# Check zpool status and update LEDs

# Apply the desired LED colors and statuses
for led in "${!led_status[@]}"; do
    ${SCRIPTPATH}/ugreen_leds_cli $led ${led_status[$led]}

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supramx6 commented Aug 20, 2024

I consider my self a noob when it comes to TrueNAS and scripts but I actually got this to work without too much fuss. Thank you KerryLiu and re-do-ne! My UGreen 6800 looks so much better without the rotating LEDs!

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Adrian-Grimm commented Sep 4, 2024

Same here - tested it now since 7 weeks and covered many cases - everything is working so reliable and smooth with a 5 min. cron update CLI call 👍🏻 (DXP6800 TrueNAS Dragonfish)

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republicandaddy commented Sep 21, 2024

Thanks to all of you for this. The KITT lights were driving me

@Weingartens using your script is great for my 8800, but one question. I'm horrible at coding, but I think I see it's set to blink green if there's a problem with the drive, correct?

I ask because my Drive 1 light is blinking green, but TrueNAS doesn't show any smart errors or zfs pool issues, so I'm not sure what I might have done wrong. I'm running 8 spinning NAS drives (mostly Seagate) and an 8800 Plus.

Thought I'd add....6 disks are setup as one pool, 2 are in a mirror pool and the third is a hot spare. The hot spare is set to power down after 10 minutes of inactivity, but all others are always on. Could bay 1 have the hot spare in it and thus be powered down (hence flashing)? I didn't label my disks and can't seem to figure out how to know which one (sda, sdb, etc) is in which bay without shutting down removing one and booting up 7 times to label them I

Any thoughts?

EDIT/UPDATE: Nevermind.... I shutdown my 8800 and pulled each drive after taking a screenshot of serial numbers and drive names. Then labeled each bay with the corresponding drive name. This lead me to the answer. The drive in bay 1 is the hot spare for the mirrored pool. I'm assuming since it's not a full member of the pool, it shows flashing on the LEDs. That works for me.


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The script was not built with spares in mind and treats any status besides ONLINE as being "unhealthy". An unused spare should have a status of AVAIL, so you should be able to update this line:

            if [[ "${zstatus^^}" != "ONLINE" ]]; then

Like this:

            if [[ "${zstatus^^}" != "ONLINE" && "${zstatus^^}" != "AVAIL" ]]; then

Then the LED for your spare slot will not blink.

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Thank you very much for these instructions! It worked for me.

I had to set ownership and group of the shell script and ugreen_leds_cli to the root user. Than I did chmod +X under the root
user in the Truenas shell. I enabled the root user password.

I had to change the zpool command to /sbin/zpool because sbin is not in the PATH definition.

The instruction is difficult for somebody without Unix knowledge.

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Guide is not working or i am to dumb for the steps: Downloaded the file placed it into a smb folder. Created the script, which i copied from below. Tried it in the terminal with the command you wrote here: chmod +X Copied it in the same folder. Then implemented the 6 & 7 restarted but nothing happened. Maybe im not into depth of truenas scale but dont know what i did wrong.

Might have the same issue as I do. I copy/pasted the script on my windows machine before copying to the NAS. When I ran the script with the -x parameter to debug there was an error about the windows style EOL marker '/r'. From the shell in TrueNAS I ran the following to correct the issue:

sed -i 's/\r$//' /mnt/pool_name/dataset_name/

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Anyone have any luck using this for a DXP480TPLUS?

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rybackisback commented Nov 24, 2024

Thank you very much for these instructions! It worked for me.

I had to set ownership and group of the shell script and ugreen_leds_cli to the root user. Than I did chmod +X under the root user in the Truenas shell. I enabled the root user password.

I had to change the zpool command to /sbin/zpool because sbin is not in the PATH definition.

The instruction is difficult for somebody without Unix knowledge.

@HansBethe "I had to change the zpool command to /sbin/zpool because sbin is not in the PATH definition." are you please provide more details of what you did in this step?

I am getting the error below:
sudo: process 6789 unexpected status 0x57f
Executed CronTask - /mnt/Data/led/ > /dev/null: sudo: process 6789 unexpected status 0x57f

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rybackisback commented Nov 30, 2024

Thanks to all of you for this. The KITT lights were driving me

@Weingartens using your script is great for my 8800, but one question. I'm horrible at coding, but I think I see it's set to blink green if there's a problem with the drive, correct?

I ask because my Drive 1 light is blinking green, but TrueNAS doesn't show any smart errors or zfs pool issues, so I'm not sure what I might have done wrong. I'm running 8 spinning NAS drives (mostly Seagate) and an 8800 Plus.

Thought I'd add....6 disks are setup as one pool, 2 are in a mirror pool and the third is a hot spare. The hot spare is set to power down after 10 minutes of inactivity, but all others are always on. Could bay 1 have the hot spare in it and thus be powered down (hence flashing)? I didn't label my disks and can't seem to figure out how to know which one (sda, sdb, etc) is in which bay without shutting down removing one and booting up 7 times to label them I

Any thoughts?

EDIT/UPDATE: Nevermind.... I shutdown my 8800 and pulled each drive after taking a screenshot of serial numbers and drive names. Then labeled each bay with the corresponding drive name. This lead me to the answer. The drive in bay 1 is the hot spare for the mirrored pool. I'm assuming since it's not a full member of the pool, it shows flashing on the LEDs. That works for me.


@republicandaddy / @Weingartens Are you please able to provide some detailed steps on how to get it to work. I am getting the error below when i follow the steps:
sudo: process 6789 unexpected status 0x57f
Executed CronTask - /mnt/Data/led/ > /dev/null: sudo: process 6789 unexpected status 0x57f

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S2ciOnur commented Dec 18, 2024

@republicandaddy / @Weingartens Are you please able to provide some detailed steps on how to get it to work. I am getting the error below when i follow the steps: sudo: process 6789 unexpected status 0x57f Killed Executed CronTask - /mnt/Data/led/ > /dev/null: sudo: process 6789 unexpected status 0x57f Killed

same here.
Changed zpool to /sbin/zpool in the script.
the cli got rwxrwxrwx
it worked before i updated to the new stable TrueNas.
Ugreen DXP4800 Plus
TrueNas Scale ElectricEel-24.10.1
But now i get this:

Mapping devices...
Mapped sda1 to 0
Mapped sdb1 to 1
Mapped sdc1 to 2
Mapped sdd1 to 3
Hardware mapping (hwmap):
sda1: 0
sdd1: 3
sdb1: 1
sdc1: 2
Checking zpool status...
Processing sda1 with status ONLINE
Device sda1 maps to index 2
Processing sdb1 with status ONLINE
Device sdb1 maps to index 3
Processing sdc1 with status ONLINE
Device sdc1 maps to index 4
Processing sdd1 with status ONLINE
Device sdd1 maps to index 5
Final device statuses:
0: p
sudo: process 187901 unexpected status 0x57f
./ line 60: 187901 Killed "$SCRIPTPATH/ugreen_leds_cli" ${map[$i]} -color 255 255 255 -on -brightness 64
1: u
sudo: process 187902 unexpected status 0x57f
./ line 60: 187902 Killed "$SCRIPTPATH/ugreen_leds_cli" ${map[$i]} -color 255 255 255 -on -brightness 64
2: o
sudo: process 187903 unexpected status 0x57f
./ line 60: 187903 Killed "$SCRIPTPATH/ugreen_leds_cli" ${map[$i]} -color 0 255 0 -on -brightness 64
3: o
sudo: process 187904 unexpected status 0x57f
./ line 60: 187904 Killed "$SCRIPTPATH/ugreen_leds_cli" ${map[$i]} -color 0 255 0 -on -brightness 64
4: o
sudo: process 187905 unexpected status 0x57f
./ line 60: 187905 Killed "$SCRIPTPATH/ugreen_leds_cli" ${map[$i]} -color 0 255 0 -on -brightness 64
5: o
sudo: process 187906 unexpected status 0x57f
./ line 60: 187906 Killed "$SCRIPTPATH/ugreen_leds_cli" ${map[$i]} -color 0 255 0 -on -brightness 64

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JavierAntonYuste commented Dec 27, 2024

@S2ciOnur it happened to me the same. It is because of the latest update of TrueNAS to 24.10.1, they fixed a ZFS bug that allowed to run scripts in admin directory, when it should not be possible:

Changing the script location to your data pool fixes it :)

Extracted directly from TrueNAS 24.10.1 Release Notes:

The boot pool is now properly enforcing the default setuid and noexec options (NAS-127825). This restores the default boot pool behavior to be restricted from general use. Users that are currently attempting to exec scripts from a /home or other boot pool location should move these to a data pool location.

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Can someone please point me to where the ugreen_leds_cli tool exist on Is it just the cli folder under ugreen_leds_controller that I need to download?

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@S2ciOnur it happened to me the same. It is because of the latest update of TrueNAS to 24.10.1, they fixed a ZFS bug that allowed to run scripts in admin directory, when it should not be possible:

Changing the script location to your data pool fixes it :)

Extracted directly from TrueNAS 24.10.1 Release Notes:

The boot pool is now properly enforcing the default setuid and noexec options (NAS-127825). This restores the default boot pool behavior to be restricted from general use. Users that are currently attempting to exec scripts from a /home or other boot pool location should move these to a data pool location.

Thank you, i fixed it.

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Can someone please point me to where the ugreen_leds_cli tool exist on Is it just the cli folder under ugreen_leds_controller that I need to download?

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Can someone please point me to where the ugreen_leds_cli tool exist on Is it just the cli folder under ugreen_leds_controller that I need to download?

Thank you!

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