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Chris York KetchCyork

  • Ameri100
  • Atlanta, GA
  • 22:20 (UTC -04:00)
View GitHub Profile
# Udacity course on Git version control
The first few modules give the history of version control systems, advantages and disadvantages of each and then introduces Git version control.
## Version Control Systems
- Manual Saving
- Dropbox
- Google Docs
- Wikipedia
- Git
KetchCyork /
Last active December 22, 2018 14:46
Ketch article creation in markdown

# Ketch Guide for writing Articles and postings

Key Content Guidance - use the format shown BELOW

KetchCyork /
Last active May 6, 2018 19:21
SAP Cloud version Control with Git

SAP Cloud Version Control with Git

Week 0 Notes

  • Git was created by Lunus Torvalds when the version control for Linux open source development community was no longer going to offer free version control
  • Gerrit is web based code review while managing your code repositories
  • The SAP Web IDE that most developers have been using will be sunsetted soon and replaced by the SAP web IDE full stack. This new IDE will ultimately allow cloud development for apps running node.js and access to open source libraries

Week 1 Notes

  • History of Version Control
    • Paper comments - multiple versions help you understand the evolution
  • Electronic file based - using multiple computer based files with new names
KetchCyork / gist:1c5bdece0a190409fcdff4f7d3b965b2
Last active April 12, 2018 01:45
Listing of VI commands
ZZ Exit, saving changes t<x> Up to <x> forward
Q Enter ex mode T<x> Back up to <x>
<ESC> End of insert <x>| Go to column <x>
:<cmd> Execute ex command w,W Forward one word
:!<cmd> Shell command b,B Back one word
^g Show filename/size e,E End of word
^f Forward one screen ^h Erase last character
^b Back one screen ^w Erase last word
^d Forward half screen ^? Interrupt
^u Backward half screen ~ Toggle character case
KetchCyork / gitlabs1
Created March 24, 2018 20:46
GitLabs how to
# GitLabs tricks and How-to
While reviewing the commit branch you can add specific comments directly to the spot in the code that will flow back to the developer
Each project has a namespace and then a hierachical view of projects - think of the bame space as a group of many projects
Projects come with several tools:
- Repository for your code
- Issues
- Labels
- Milestones
- Wiki
- Merge Requests
Christophers-MacBook-Pro:repo christopheryork$ git status
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Christophers-MacBook-Pro:repo christopheryork$ cd kmsprint2
Christophers-MacBook-Pro:kmsprint2 christopheryork$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
Christophers-MacBook-Pro:kmsprint2 christopheryork$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
First is the team – this can be a company, project or an actual team within the project
Channel are more granular within the team and can be as granular as you need
You then have slack users who are part of each team that allows you to message each other
You can also set up user group for private messages to groups of folks
Can integrate with Google docs and Drop Box but also has its own file storage system
KetchCyork / Permission
Last active August 22, 2024 06:29
Permission error installing Jekyll

My Journey installing Jekyll on my new Macbook Pro

I went to the Jekyll website and read the pre-requisites

I ran each command line recommended to validate the correct prerequisites are installed

Installing Jekyll should be straight-forward if all requirements are met. Before you start, make sure your system has the following: GNU/Linux, Unix, or macOS Ruby version 2.2.5 or above, including all development headers (ruby installation can be checked by running ruby -v, development headers can be checked on Ubuntu by running apt list --installed ruby-dev) RubyGems (which you can check by running gem -v) GCC and Make (in case your system doesn't have them installed, which you can check by running gcc -v,g++ -v and make -v in your system's command line interface)