require 'albacore' |
include REXML |
include Rake::DSL |
# configuration edit as necessary |
SCHEMAEDITOR_PATH = "#{Rake::Win32::normalize(ENV['PROGRAMFILES'])}/Dovetail Software/SchemaEditor/SchemaEditor.exe" |
DATABASE = "mobilecl125" |
DATABASE_TYPE = "mssql" |
task :default => [:apply_schemascripts, :apply_sql] |
desc "Execute all sql scripts in the database directory" |
task :apply_sql do |
apply_oracle_sql if DATABASE_TYPE == "oracle" |
Rake::Task["apply_sqlserver_sql"].execute() if DATABASE_TYPE == "mssql" |
end |
sqlcmd :apply_sqlserver_sql do |cmd| |
puts "Execute sql scripts in #{File.absolute_path("database")} directory" |
cmd.server = DATABASE_HOST |
cmd.database = DATABASE |
cmd.username = DATABASE_USER |
cmd.password = DATABASE_PASSWORD |
scripts = Array.new |
scripts = scripts.concat(FileList["database/*.sql"]) |
cmd.scripts = scripts |
end |
#desc "Execute all sql scripts in the database directory using SqlPlus" |
def apply_oracle_sql |
puts "Execute sql scripts in #{File.absolute_path("database")} directory" |
Dir.glob(File.join('database', "*.sql")) do |sql_script| |
sqlFile = File.absolute_path(sql_script).gsub('/','\\') |
puts "\n\nApplying sql from file #{sqlFile}\n\n" |
end |
end |
desc "Apply all schema scripts in the schema directory" |
task :apply_schemascripts do |
puts "Applying scripts from #{File.absolute_path('schema')} to database #{DATABASE}" |
seConfig = 'Default.SchemaEditor' |
seReport = 'SchemaDifferenceReport.txt' |
puts "Generating Schema Editor configuraiton file" |
sh "\"#{SCHEMAEDITOR_PATH}\" -g" |
#SchemaEditor has different (more verbose) database type configuration than Dovetail SDK |
databaseType = (DATABASE_TYPE == 'mssql') ? 'MsSqlServer2005' : 'Oracle9' |
Dir.glob(File.join('schema', "*schemascript.xml")) do |schema_script| |
puts "\n\nConfiguring Schema Editor for #{schema_script}" |
File.open(seConfig) do |schema_editor_config_file| |
doc = Document.new(schema_editor_config_file) |
doc.root.elements['database/type'].text = databaseType |
doc.root.elements['database/connectionString'].text = DATABASE_CONNECTION |
doc.root.elements['inputFilePath'].text = schema_script.gsub('/','\\') |
formatter = REXML::Formatters::Default.new |
File.open(seConfig, 'w') do |result| |
formatter.write(doc, result) |
end |
end |
puts "\n\nApplying schemascript #{schema_script}" |
sh "\"#{SCHEMAEDITOR_PATH}\" -a" |
if File.exists? seReport |
sh "type #{seReport}\n\n\n" |
File.delete seReport |
end |
end |
File.delete(seConfig) |
end |