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Last active March 12, 2024 00:45
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Umbraco Setup and tear down scripts. (Gives you an approx 35 second Umbraco install)
# statup umbraco, and add some packages if you want
# e.g numbraco MyTestSite uSync Jumoo.TranslationManager vendr -NoStarter
# extras!!!
# open vscode in the folder as part of the build
# numbraco MyTestSite -code
# don't run the site
# numbraco MyTestSite -doNotRun
# Required dbatools powershell scripts and local SQLExpress install.
# dont install the starter kit.
# open vscode in the folder
# don't run the site at the end.
# check if you don't have DBATools it will still work
Function Test-CommandExists
Param ($command)
$oldPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = ‘stop’
try {if(Get-Command $command){RETURN $true}}
Catch {Write-Host “$command does not exist”; RETURN $false}
Finally {$ErrorActionPreference=$oldPreference}
} #end function test-CommandExists
# optional if you don't have dbatools, remove this, Umbraco will create the DB for you (will take 10-15 seconds longer)
if (Test-CommandExists new-dbaDatabase) {
Write-Host "Creating Database" -ForegroundColor Blue
new-dbaDatabase -SqlInstance $env:COMPUTERNAME\sqlExpress -name $sitename
else {
Write-Host "DBA Tools not installed, going for auto creation" -ForegroundColor Yellow
dotnet new umbraco -n $sitename --connection-string "Server=$env:COMPUTERNAME\SQLExpress;Database=$sitename;Integrated Security=true"
Set-Location $sitename
# you can put username and password here, but if you set UMB_USER, UMB_EMAIL and UMB_PASSWORD on your local pc, then you don't have to.
if (!$nostarter) {
Write-Host "Adding the starter kit" -ForegroundColor Blue
dotnet add package Umbraco.TheStarterKit -s
foreach($package in $packages) {
Write-Host "Adding $package" -ForegroundColor Blue
dotnet add package $package
if ($code) {
code $sitename
if ($doNotRun) {
dotnet build
else {
Write-Host "Running Site" -ForegroundColor Blue
Set-Location ..
$project = ".\$sitename\$sitename.csproj";
dotnet run --project $project
# Cleanup an umbraco install and its db
# unumbraco MyTestSite -removeFolder
# -removeFolder (option) when set will also remove the folder from disk
Write-Host ">> Removing database $sitename"
remove-dbaDatabase -SqlInstance $env:COMPUTERNAME\sqlExpress -database $sitename -Confirm:$false
if ($removeFolder) {
# check to see if we are in the site folder,
$currentFolderName = Split-PAth -path (Get-Location) -leaf
if ($currentFolderName -eq $sitename) {
# if we are go up a folder.
Write-Host ">> Moving to parent folder of $sitename"
Set-Location ..
Write-Host ">> Removing folder $sitename"
if (Test-Path $sitename) {
Remove-Item -Path $sitename -Recurse
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KevinJump commented Oct 18, 2021

version of Sebastiaan's Unattended umbraco scripts

For local setups I have three environmental varitables on my machine UMB_USER, UMB_EMAIL and UMB_PASSWORD. these mean i can run the scripts above and the sites will get created with what ever those values are set to.

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