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Created April 5, 2024 14:46
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gửi thầy Khánh hỏi về sử dụng overload operator >> của parent class cho child class
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class CanBoVienChuc
friend class GiangVien;
friend class NhanVienHanhChinh;
string maCanBo;
string hoTen;
bool gioiTinh;
long long luong;
CanBoVienChuc(const string &inMaCanBo = "", const string &inHoTen = "", const bool &inGioiTinh = 0)
: maCanBo(inMaCanBo), hoTen(inHoTen), gioiTinh(inGioiTinh), luong(0)
friend istream &operator>>(istream &, CanBoVienChuc &);
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const CanBoVienChuc &);
class GiangVien : public CanBoVienChuc
unsigned int soGioDay;
unsigned int soGioNghienCuu;
unsigned int donGia;
GiangVien(const unsigned int &inSoGioDay = 0, const unsigned int &inSoGioNghienCuu = 0,
const unsigned int &inDonGia = 0)
: soGioDay(inSoGioDay), soGioNghienCuu(inSoGioNghienCuu), donGia(inDonGia)
GiangVien(const CanBoVienChuc &);
void setLuong();
friend istream &operator>>(istream &, GiangVien &);
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const GiangVien &);
class NhanVienHanhChinh : public CanBoVienChuc
unsigned int soNgayLamViec;
unsigned int soGioLamThem;
unsigned int tienCongMotNgay;
unsigned int donGia;
NhanVienHanhChinh(const unsigned int &inSoGioDay = 0, const unsigned int &inSoGioNghienCuu = 0,
const unsigned int &inTienCongMotNgay = 0, const unsigned int &inDonGia = 0)
: soNgayLamViec(inSoGioDay), soGioLamThem(inSoGioNghienCuu), tienCongMotNgay(inTienCongMotNgay),
NhanVienHanhChinh(const CanBoVienChuc &);
void setLuong();
friend istream &operator>>(istream &, NhanVienHanhChinh &);
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &, const NhanVienHanhChinh &);
int main()
int n;
bool select; // 0: GiangVien, 1: NhanVienHanhChinh
cout << "Nhap so can bo: ";
cin >> n;
while (n--)
cout << "Nhap loai can bo (GiangVien: 0, NhanVienHanhChinh: 1): ";
cin >> select;
if (select)
NhanVienHanhChinh nhanVienHanhChinh;
cin >> nhanVienHanhChinh;
cout << nhanVienHanhChinh;
GiangVien giangVien;
cin >> giangVien;
cout << giangVien;
return 0;
void GiangVien::setLuong()
this->luong = (this->soGioDay + this->soGioNghienCuu) * this->donGia;
void NhanVienHanhChinh::setLuong()
this->luong = this->soNgayLamViec * this->tienCongMotNgay + this->soGioLamThem * this->donGia;
istream &operator>>(istream &is, CanBoVienChuc &canBoVienChuc)
cout << "Nhap ma can bo: ";
getline(is, canBoVienChuc.maCanBo);
cout << "Nhap ho ten: ";
getline(is, canBoVienChuc.hoTen);
cout << "Nhap gioi tinh (nam = 1, nu = 0): ";
is >> canBoVienChuc.gioiTinh;
cout << "Nhap luong: ";
is >> canBoVienChuc.luong;
return is;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const CanBoVienChuc &canBoVienChuc)
os << "Ma can bo: " << canBoVienChuc.maCanBo << "\n";
os << "Ho ten: " << canBoVienChuc.hoTen << "\n";
if (canBoVienChuc.gioiTinh)
os << "Gioi tinh: Nam\n";
os << "Gioi tinh: Nu\n";
os << "Luong: " << canBoVienChuc.luong << "\n";
return os;
GiangVien::GiangVien(const CanBoVienChuc &canBoVienChuc)
this->maCanBo = canBoVienChuc.maCanBo;
this->hoTen = canBoVienChuc.hoTen;
this->gioiTinh = canBoVienChuc.gioiTinh;
this->luong = canBoVienChuc.luong;
istream &operator>>(istream &is, GiangVien &giangVien)
CanBoVienChuc canBoVienChuc;
cin >> canBoVienChuc;
giangVien = GiangVien(canBoVienChuc);
cout << "Nhap so gio day: ";
is >> giangVien.soGioDay;
cout << "Nhap so gio nghien cuu: ";
is >> giangVien.soGioNghienCuu;
cout << "Nhap don gia: ";
is >> giangVien.donGia;
return is;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const GiangVien &giangVien)
cout << CanBoVienChuc(giangVien);
os << "So gio day: " << giangVien.soGioDay << "\n";
os << "So gio nghien cuu: " << giangVien.soGioNghienCuu << "\n";
os << "Don gia: " << giangVien.donGia << "\n";
os << "Luong: " << giangVien.luong << "\n";
return os;
NhanVienHanhChinh::NhanVienHanhChinh(const CanBoVienChuc &canBoVienChuc)
this->maCanBo = canBoVienChuc.maCanBo;
this->hoTen = canBoVienChuc.hoTen;
this->gioiTinh = canBoVienChuc.gioiTinh;
this->luong = canBoVienChuc.luong;
istream &operator>>(istream &is, NhanVienHanhChinh &nhanVienHanhChinh)
CanBoVienChuc canBoVienChuc;
cin >> canBoVienChuc;
nhanVienHanhChinh = NhanVienHanhChinh(canBoVienChuc);
cout << "Nhap so ngay lam viec: ";
is >> nhanVienHanhChinh.soNgayLamViec;
cout << "Nhap so gio lam them: ";
is >> nhanVienHanhChinh.soGioLamThem;
cout << "Nhap tien cong mot ngay: ";
is >> nhanVienHanhChinh.tienCongMotNgay;
cout << "Nhap don gia: ";
is >> nhanVienHanhChinh.donGia;
return is;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const NhanVienHanhChinh &nhanVienHanhChinh)
cout << CanBoVienChuc(nhanVienHanhChinh);
os << "So ngay lam viec: " << nhanVienHanhChinh.soNgayLamViec << "\n";
os << "So gio lam them: " << nhanVienHanhChinh.soGioLamThem << "\n";
os << "Tien cong mot ngay: " << nhanVienHanhChinh.tienCongMotNgay << "\n";
os << "Don gia: " << nhanVienHanhChinh.donGia << "\n";
os << "Luong: " << nhanVienHanhChinh.luong << "\n";
return os;
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