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Kevin Nitro KevinNitroG

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KevinNitroG / Liệt kê danh sách file trong folder Google Drive vào Google Sheets - GDrive.VIP.js Hướng dẫn cách liệt kê danh sách file trong folder Google Drive vào Google Sheets- List all files in a folder Google Drive by GDrive.VIP
// Hướng dẫn liệt kê danh sách file trong folder Google Drive - GDrive.VIP
// GDRIVE.VIP: Dán ID folder vào dưới
var folderId = 'ID Folder';
// Function 1: Liệt kê tất cả folder và viết vào sheet.
function listFolers(){
getFolderTree(folderId, false);
KevinNitroG / tai-file-bi-chan-download-tu-google-drive
Created October 2, 2022 10:40 — forked from hauvuhd/tai-file-bi-chan-download-tu-google-drive
Tải file bị chặn download từ Google Drive - PDF
let jspdf = document.createElement("script");
jspdf.onload = function () {
let pdf = new jsPDF();
let elements = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
for (let i in elements) {
let img = elements[i];
if (!/^blob:/.test(img.src)) {
KevinNitroG / record.vb
Created August 4, 2022 11:06 — forked from rigwild/record.vb
Export Powerpoint presentation as a 60 fps video
' Save presentation as pptm then create a macro in "View > Macros", run it
Sub MkVideo()
If ActivePresentation.CreateVideoStatus <> ppMediaTaskStatusInProgress Then
ActivePresentation.CreateVideo FileName:=Environ("USERPROFILE") & "\Desktop\video.wmv", _
UseTimingsAndNarrations:=True, _
VertResolution:=1080, _
FramesPerSecond:=60, _
Else: MsgBox "There is another conversion to video in progress"
End If