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Last active February 12, 2025 06:47
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import Foundation
public protocol HomeNetworkServiceDelegate: NetworkServiceDelegate {
@discardableResult func requestUser(_ completion: @escaping Completion<UserEntity>) -> Self
@discardableResult func requestAccounts(id: String, _ completion: @escaping Completion<[AccountEntity]>) -> Self
@discardableResult func requestCards(id: String, _ completion: @escaping Completion<[CardEntity]>) -> Self
@discardableResult func requestOperations(id: String, _ completion: @escaping Completion<[OperationEntity]>) -> Self
@discardableResult func requestTemplates(id: String, _ completion: @escaping Completion<[TemplateEntity]>) -> Self
public class HomeNetworkService: NetworkService, HomeNetworkServiceDelegate {
public typealias EndPoint = HomeEndPoints
@discardableResult public func requestUser(_ completion: @escaping Completion<UserEntity>) -> Self {
manager.requestREST(endPoint: EndPoint.user, completion: completion)
return self
@discardableResult public func requestAccounts(id: String, _ completion: @escaping Completion<[AccountEntity]>) -> Self {
manager.requestXML(endPoint: EndPoint.accounts(id: id), completion: completion)
return self
@discardableResult public func requestCards(id: String, _ completion: @escaping Completion<[CardEntity]>) -> Self {
manager.requestSOAP(endPoint: id), completion: completion)
return self
@discardableResult public func requestTemplates(id: String, _ completion: @escaping Completion<[TemplateEntity]>) -> Self {
manager.requestREST(endPoint: EndPoint.templates(id: id), completion: completion)
return self
@discardableResult public func requestOperations(id: String, _ completion: @escaping Completion<[OperationEntity]>) -> Self {
manager.requestREST(endPoint: EndPoint.operations(id: id), completion: completion)
return self
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