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Last active May 20, 2024 20:31
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Rotate flat geometry to X/Z plane. Houdini VEX.
// Align object to target vector base on selected normal
// Useful when object has some weird orientation baked
// in the mesh and you wan to straighten it up.
// Point with normal from second wrangler input to align
vector from = point(1, 'N', 0);
// Allign "from" normal to the following vector
vector to = {0,1,0};
matrix3 m = ident();
float amount = acos(dot(from, to));
vector axis = normalize(cross(from, to));
rotate(m, amount, axis);
@P = @P * m;
@N = @N * m;
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Kif11 commented Jul 5, 2023

@yjsp93 glad it is useful.

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It works very good, thx a lot!

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