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HTTP Codes and Phrases
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
httplist = [] | |
for i in range(511): | |
httplist.append("Web Server Returned an Unknown Error") | |
httplist[100] = "Continue" | |
httplist[101] = "Switching Protocols" | |
httplist[102] = "Processing" | |
httplist[103] = "Early Hints" | |
httplist[200] = "OK" | |
httplist[201] = "Created" | |
httplist[202] = "Accepted" | |
httplist[203] = "Non-Authoritative Information" | |
httplist[204] = "No Content" | |
httplist[205] = "Reset Content" | |
httplist[206] = "Partial Content" | |
httplist[207] = "Multi-Status" | |
httplist[208] = "Already Reported" | |
httplist[226] = "IM used" | |
httplist[300] = "Multiple Choices" | |
httplist[301] = "Moved Permanently" | |
httplist[302] = "Found" | |
httplist[303] = "See Other" | |
httplist[304] = "Not Modified" | |
httplist[305] = "Use Proxy" | |
httplist[306] = "Switch Proxy" | |
httplist[307] = "Temporary Redirect" | |
httplist[308] = "Permanent Redirect" | |
httplist[400] = "Bad Request" | |
httplist[401] = "Unauthorized" | |
httplist[402] = "Payment Required" | |
httplist[403] = "Forbidden" | |
httplist[404] = "Not Found" | |
httplist[405] = "Method Not Allowed" | |
httplist[406] = "Not Acceptable" | |
httplist[407] = "Proxy Authentication Required" | |
httplist[408] = "Request Timeout" | |
httplist[409] = "Conflict" | |
httplist[410] = "Gone" | |
httplist[411] = "Length Required" | |
httplist[412] = "Precondition Failed" | |
httplist[413] = "Request Entity Too Large" | |
httplist[414] = "Request-URI Too Long" | |
httplist[415] = "Unsupported Media Type" | |
httplist[416] = "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" | |
httplist[417] = "Expectation Failed" | |
httplist[418] = "I'm a teapot" | |
httplist[421] = "Misdirected Reques" | |
httplist[422] = "Unprocessable Entity" | |
httplist[423] = "Locked" | |
httplist[424] = "Failed Dependency" | |
httplist[425] = "Too Early" | |
httplist[426] = "Upgrade Required" | |
httplist[428] = "Precondition Required" | |
httplist[429] = "Too Many Requests" | |
httplist[431] = "Request Header Fields Too Large" | |
httplist[451] = "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" | |
httplist[500] = "Internal Server Error" | |
httplist[501] = "Not Implemented" | |
httplist[502] = "Bad Gateway" | |
httplist[503] = "Service Unavailable" | |
httplist[504] = "Gateway Timeout" | |
httplist[505] = "HTTP Version Not Supported" | |
httplist[506] = "Variant Also Negotiates" | |
httplist[507] = "Insufficient Storage" | |
httplist[508] = "Loop Detected" | |
httplist[510] = "Not Extended" | |
httplist[511] = "Network Authentication Required" | |
httplist[419] = "CSRF Token Missing or Expired" | |
httplist[420] = "Enhance Your Calm" | |
httplist[440] = "Login Time-out" | |
httplist[444] = "No Response" | |
httplist[449] = "Retry With" | |
httplist[450] = "Blocked by Windows Parental Controls" | |
httplist[460] = "Client closed the connection with AWS Elastic Load Balancer" | |
httplist[463] = "The load balancer received an X-Forwarded-For request header with more than 30 IP addresses" | |
httplist[494] = "Request header too large" | |
httplist[495] = "SSL Certificate Error" | |
httplist[496] = "SSL Certificate Required" | |
httplist[497] = "HTTP Request Sent to HTTPS Port" | |
httplist[498] = "Invalid Token (Esri)" | |
httplist[499] = "Client Closed Request" | |
httplist[520] = "Web Server Returned an Unknown Error" | |
httplist[521] = "Web Server Is Down" | |
httplist[522] = "Connection Timed out" | |
httplist[523] = "Origin Is Unreachable" | |
httplist[524] = "A Timeout Occurred" | |
httplist[525] = "SSL Handshake Failed" | |
httplist[526] = "Invalid SSL Certificate" | |
httplist[527] = "Railgun Error" | |
httplist[530] = "Origin DNS Error" | |
httplist[561] = "Unauthorized (AWS Elastic Load Balancer)" | |
httplist[609] = "Nice." |
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