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Last active August 7, 2018 05:58
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minheap implementation in CPP
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
Time complexity:
getMin() : O(1)
extractMin(): O(LogN)
decreaseKey : O(LogN)
insert : O(LogN)
deleteKey: O(LogN)
Uses :
Kth largest/smallest (use vice-versa data structure)
Dijkstra,Prim's MST
Priority Queue
Working :
getMin(): return the root(topmost element)
insertKey(): we add a new key at the end and bubble it up as it as a chance to become the new root
decreaseKey(): we decrease the value of a key, and bubble it up as it as a chance to become the new root
deleteKey() : we put the minimum value in the node which we want to delete, so that it will be promoted to the new root,
then we extract the root, again we call the method heapify to balance the heap
extractMin(): replace the root value with last element, then we bubble down(Heapify) on that new root, to place it correctly.
To-do : corner cases
class MinHeap{
vector<int> arr;
int heap_size;
int left(int i){ return (i*2) + 1; }
int right (int i){return (i*2) +2; }
int parent(int i) { return (i-1)/2; }
MinHeap(){ heap_size = 0; }
void Heapify(int i){ // top to down, bubble down(uses both left and right )
int l= left(i);
int r= right(i);
int smallest = i;
if(l < arr.size() and arr[l] < arr[smallest]) smallest = l ;
if(r<arr.size() and arr[r] < arr[smallest]) smallest = r;
if(smallest != i){ // to make sure the heaps follow the heap property
Heapify(i); // recursively find the correct path
void insertKey(int val){
int curr_elem_pos = arr.size()-1;
while(curr_elem_pos !=0 and arr[parent(curr_elem_pos)] > arr[curr_elem_pos]){ // bubble up, new key maybe the new root ?
cout<<"swapping:" <<"\n";
cout<<arr[parent(curr_elem_pos)] <<" "<<arr[curr_elem_pos]<<"\n";
curr_elem_pos = parent(curr_elem_pos);
int getMin(){
int extractMin(){
int min_val = arr[0];
arr.pop_back(); // delete the last value, which is now the root.
Heapify(0); // find new root
return min_val;
void decreaseKey(int index, int value){ // a chance to become root, so bubble up
arr[index] = value;
while(index !=0 and arr[parent(index)] > arr[index]){
swap(arr[parent(index)], arr[index]);
index = parent(index);
void deleteKey(int index){
decreaseKey(index,INT_MIN); // promote to root
extractMin(); // delete the root
int main() {
// your code goes here
MinHeap h;
cout << h.extractMin() << " ";
cout << h.getMin() << " ";
h.decreaseKey(2, 1);
cout << h.getMin();
return 0;
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