A short guide for installing Scala packages from GitHub's Apache Maven package registry.
- GitHub
Installing packages from GitHub's package registry requires a personal access token.
- Visit your Settings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens > Tokens (classic)
- Generate new token (classic) under the Generate new token drop-down menu
- Enable the permission for
. This permission is the minimum requirement to install packages. - Save your token somewhere safe and have it ready.
- In your Scala project, ensure it is built with SBT
- Visit the
file containing the project's semantics. - Add a credentials field which will contain your token. The
type uses a realm, host, username, and password.- You are not required to have a non-empty string in the field, therefore you may give it an empty string.
- The
argument will contain your token.- Explore other ways to store and get your token
credentials += Credentials(
realm = "GitHub Package Registry",
host = "maven.pkg.github.com",
userName = "",
passwd = "YOUR_TOKEN_HERE"
- Add a resolver with the package maintainer's name and name of the repository.
resolvers += "GitHub Package Registry (MAINTAINER/PACKAGE_REPOSITORY)" at
- Specify the library dependency.
libraryDependencies += "org.example" %% "example" % "1.0.0"
- Load your SBT changes and you should have the package(s) installed.
The build.sbt
file should at least contain the following contents. This example is for one package.
ThisBuild / version := "1.0.0"
ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "3.3.1"
credentials += Credentials(
realm = "GitHub Package Registry",
host = "maven.pkg.github.com",
userName = "",
passwd = sys.env.getOrElse("GITHUB_TOKEN", "")
resolvers += "GitHub Package Registry (MAINTAINER/PACKAGE_REPOSITORY)" at
libraryDependencies += "org.example" %% "example" % "1.0.0"
The token may also be obtained from the environment. Set an environment variable such as GITHUB_TOKEN
and fetch it.
This also works with GitHub actions since it has a GITHUB_TOKEN
environment variable with your token.
// Using the System class
// Using Scala's sys package
sys.env.getOrElse("GITHUB_TOKEN", "")
// This also works but will throw an error if there is no such environment variable
Another method is going through the git config. In your .gitconfig
file, define a key with your token as the value.
Then in the sbt
file, import scala.sys.process.Process
and use it to run git config github.token
, and obtain your token. (It's also possible to use the global config by passing in --global
otherwise it defaults to --local
// Gets the output of running the git command for your token
Process.apply("git config github.token").!!