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Created July 24, 2024 13:01
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Cypress custom command similar to .then() but with retry-ability
declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable<Subject> {
* Custom command similar to cy.then() but with retry-ability
* @example cy.get('@jsonString').transformValue(JSON.parse).should('deep.equal', expectedValue)
* Note: If a .should() assertion is successful, the retry chain is stopped.
* So eg. cy.get('@jsonString').should('exist').transformValue(JSON.parse) will not query the jsonString again once it exists.
transformValue<T>(transformFn: (subject: Subject) => T): Chainable<T>;
Cypress.Commands.addQuery('transformValue', transformFn => {
return subject => transformFn(subject);
function extractItem() {
return cy.window()
.invoke('getItem', 'STORED_ITEM')
.transformValue(item => {
// We need to put this in an if statement to avoid flooding the logs
// We also cannot use .should() because it will stop the retry chain and the localStorage will not be queried again
if (!item) expect(item).to.exist;
try {
return JSON.parse(item as string);
} catch (exception: any) {`Error parsing JSON: ${exception.message}`);
extractItem.should((item: any[]) => {
assert.equal(item.length, 42);
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