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Last active July 14, 2023 14:09
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x and x are not caught by the Reader + continuation-based guard that checks for duplicates, because duplicates are checked when going down the tree.

Since the two x are at the same level, I get those two as values (renamed, to return), but not in the Reader context.


renameBinds :: PhLocalBinds ParsedName -> Renamer (PhLocalBinds Name)
renameBinds localBinds = do
  let LocalBinds binds signatures = localBinds
  renamedBinds <- traverse (mapLocM renamePhBind) binds
  -- This is where the renamedBinds are returned, but the traverse does not catch same-level duplicates
  renamedSignatures <- traverse (mapLocM renameSig) signatures
  pure $
    LocalBinds renamedBinds renamedSignatures
module Snippet1 where
bar :: Int
bar =
let x = "lol"
x = "mdr"
in 3
{ modName = Just
( Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 2 10 18 ) "Snippet1"
, modDecls =
[ Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 4 5 15 )
( Signature
( TypeSig
( Name
{ sort = Internal
, occ = OccName
{ nameSpace = VarName
, occNameSrcSpan = RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 4 5 8
, nameFS = bar
, uniq = Unique RenameSection 5
( Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 4 12 15 )
( PhVarTy
( Name
{ sort = Internal
, occ = OccName
{ nameSpace = TcClsName
, occNameSrcSpan = RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 4 12 15
, nameFS = Int
, uniq = Unique RenameSection 6
, Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanMultiLine <snippet1> 5 5 8 12 )
( Binding
( PatBind
( Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 5 5 8 )
( PVar
( Name
{ sort = Internal
, occ = OccName
{ nameSpace = VarName
, occNameSrcSpan = RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 5 5 8
, nameFS = bar
, uniq = Unique RenameSection 7
( Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanMultiLine <snippet1> 5 9 8 12 )
{ expr = Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanMultiLine <snippet1> 6 7 8 12 )
( PhLet
( Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanMultiLine <snippet1> 6 11 7 20 )
( LocalBinds
[ Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 6 11 20 )
( PatBind
( Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 6 11 12 )
( PVar
( Name
{ sort = Internal
, occ = OccName
{ nameSpace = VarName
, occNameSrcSpan = RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 6 11 12
, nameFS = x
, uniq = Unique RenameSection 8
( Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 6 13 20 )
{ expr = Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 6 15 20 )
( PhLit
( LitString "lol" )
, localBinds = Located ( UnhelpfulSpan <no location info> )
( LocalBinds [] [] )
, Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 7 11 20 )
( PatBind
( Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 7 11 12 )
( PVar
( Name
{ sort = Internal
, occ = OccName
{ nameSpace = VarName
, occNameSrcSpan = RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 7 11 12
, nameFS = x
, uniq = Unique RenameSection 9
( Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 7 13 20 )
{ expr = Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 7 15 20 )
( PhLit
( LitString "mdr" )
, localBinds = Located ( UnhelpfulSpan <no location info> )
( LocalBinds [] [] )
] []
( Located
( RealSrcSpan SrcSpanOneLine <snippet1> 8 11 12 )
( PhLit
( LitInt 3 )
, localBinds = Located ( UnhelpfulSpan <no location info> )
( LocalBinds [] [] )
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