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Created April 13, 2021 13:51
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Mis Snippets de Dart
// Place your snippets for dart here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and
// description. The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the
// same ids are connected.
// Example:
// "Print to console": {
// "prefix": "log",
// "body": [
// "console.log('$1');",
// "$2"
// ],
// "description": "Log output to console"
// }
"Rectángulo Widget": {
"prefix": "rectangulo",
"body": [
"class Rectangulo extends StatelessWidget {",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) {",
" return Container(",
" width: 70,",
" height: 70,",
" decoration: BoxDecoration(",
" color:",
" ),",
" );",
" }",
"description": "Log output to console"
"Flutter Page": {
"prefix": "fl-page",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"class ${1:name}Screen extends StatelessWidget {",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) {",
" return Scaffold(",
" body: Center(",
" child: Text('Hola Mundo'),",
" ),",
" );",
" }",
"description": "Crea una página de flutter fácilmente"
"Flutter Screen": {
"prefix": "fl-screen",
"body": [
"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
"class ${1:name}Screen extends StatelessWidget {",
" @override",
" Widget build(BuildContext context) {",
" return Scaffold(",
" body: Center(",
" child: Text('Hola Mundo'),",
" ),",
" );",
" }",
"description": "Crea una página/screen de flutter fácilmente"
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@StivenOsuna9909 en VSC pulsa la combinación de teclas Ctrl+Shift+p en windows Cmd+Shift+P o el shortcut que tengas configurado para que aparezca la paleta de comandos, en la ventana que aparece escribes 'Snippets' y seleccionas la opción 'Configurar fragmentos de usuario', escribes 'dart.json' y lo seleccionas, se abre una ventana de texto, pegas el código ahí y le das a guardar, eso es todo

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CRUXsur commented Feb 21, 2022

Este snippet es con Scaffold!

	"A new Flutter Screen with a Scaffold": {
		"prefix": "fl-screen",
		"body": [
			"import 'package:flutter/material.dart';",
			"class ${1:Home}Screen extends StatelessWidget {",
			"   ",
			"  const ${1:Home}Screen({Key? key}) : super(key: key);",
			"  ",
			"  @override",
			"  Widget build(BuildContext context) {",
			"    return const Scaffold(",
			"      body: Center(",
			"         child: Text('${1:Home}Screen'),",
			"      ),",
			"    );",
			"  }",
		"description": "Crea una pantalla con un Scaffold"

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