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Created May 1, 2018 14:55
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Task 90 of UniLecs in Telegram
def task90(M, N, A, B, cords):
massive = [["*" if any((cord[0]==x and cord[1]==y)
or (x in range(cord[0]-A+1, cord[0]+1) and y in range(cord[1]-B+1, cord[1]+1))
or (x in range(M-A+1, M+1))
or (y in range(N-B+1, N+1))
for cord in cords) else "_" for x in range(M)] for y in range(N)]
# print(*massive, sep = "\n") # Uncomment this for visualization
res = 0
for row in massive:
for elem in row:
if elem == "_":
# Explanation
# So the solution is here. Let's discuss an example, where
# M = N = 4
# A = B = 2
# (2, 2) is aleady used
# So we have this.
# ['_', '_', '_', '_']
# ['_', '_', '_', '_']
# ['_', '_', '*', '_']
# ['_', '_', '_', '_']
# As we can see, we can't put the 2x2 block's left top corner in ^s too.
# ['_', '_', '_', '_']
# ['_', '^', '^', '_']
# ['_', '^', '*', '_']
# ['_', '_', '_', '_']
# So we 'block' these elements too.
# ['_', '_', '_', '_']
# ['_', '*', '*', '_']
# ['_', '*', '*', '_']
# ['_', '_', '_', '_']
# But! We can't put the 2x2 block's left top corner in ^s too.
# ['_', '_', '_', '^']
# ['_', '*', '*', '^']
# ['_', '*', '*', '^']
# ['^', '^', '^', '^']
# So let's block these elements too.
# ['_', '_', '_', '*']
# ['_', '*', '*', '*']
# ['_', '*', '*', '*']
# ['*', '*', '*', '*']
# Done! We can put AxB block's top left corner in free elements (_). Just count them and that will be the result!
task90(4, 4, 2, 2, ((1, 1), (1, 3), (2, 2), (2, 4), (3, 4), (4, 1), ))
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