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Created July 2, 2021 13:33
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use kcmod
@OtchMes smalldatetime='20210401',
@IdSpis int=null,
@Client int=null,
@Vrp int=null
declare @VRP_INT Table (Vrp int)
--Фильтр по врп или клиенту, врп в приоритете
if @Vrp is not null
insert into @VRP_INT values (@Vrp)
if @Client=10
insert into @VRP_INT (Vrp) select Vrp_int from nsTovPr_ForOsv where Vrk is not null
if @Client=26
insert into @VRP_INT (Vrp) select Vrp_int from nsTovPr_ForOsv where CDI is not null
if @Client=28
insert into @VRP_INT (Vrp) select Vrp_int from nsTovPr_ForOsv where IdStampDep=5
if @Client=29
insert into @VRP_INT (Vrp) select Vrp_int from nsTovPr_ForOsv where IdStampDep=3
if @Client=27
insert into @VRP_INT (Vrp) select Vrp_int from nsTovPr_ForOsv where Vrk is not null or CDI is not null
if @Client=25
insert into @VRP_INT (Vrp) select Vrp_int from nsTovPr_ForOsv where Vrk is null and CDI is null and IdStampDep is null
if @Client in (1,2,3)
insert into @VRP_INT (Vrp) select Vrp_int from nsTovPr_ForOsv where Vrk = @Client
--Загружаем исходные данные
ROW_NUMBER() over (ORDER BY R.Nom_vag asc) as [npp],
Osv.SNAME as 'Vrp_rem_Name',
cast(R.AS_Stoim as decimal(15,2))/100 as 'AS_Stoim',
isnull(V.Source,1) as 'Source',
Left(convert(char(8), R.OtchMonth, 12), 4) as 'arx',
cast(null as int) as 'IdzapArx',
cast(null as smalldatetime) as 'DateInsArx',
into #tmp
from DRVagRem R
left join DRVagRemVrk V on r.IdZap=V.IdZap
left join nsTovPr_ForOsv Osv on r.Depo_Rem=Osv.VRP_int
where R.PO_Month=@OtchMes and isnull(R.Korr_pr,0)=0 and
((@Client is null and @Vrp is null) or (R.Depo_Rem in (select Vrp from @VRP_INT))) and
(@IdSpis is null or (R.Nom_Vag in (select NVag from dbo.THP_SpisVag where IdSpis=@IdSpis)))
and r.Nom_Vag in (29067394,29202793,29202892,26690297)
--and r.Nom_Vag in (26690297)
--Кешируем PakVersion для ускорения работы
select ver.*
into #T_PakVersion
from #tmp t
join arxthp..PakVersion ver on ver.IdZap = t.IdZap and ver.Vid_Rem = t.Vid_Rem
--Работа с архивами
--Определяем IdZap по которому будем искать в архиве
declare @Arx Table (arx char(4))
insert into @Arx (arx) select distinct arx from #tmp where Source<>5
declare @Ar char(4)
declare @cSQL varchar(max)
create table #t1 (IdZap int,Nom_Vag char(8),DateIns smalldatetime)
while (select count(*) from @Arx)>0
Select top 1 @Ar=Arx from @Arx
set @cSQL ='insert into #t1 (IdZap,Nom_Vag) select IdZap,Nom_Vag from arx'+@Ar+'.dbo.DrVrkVagArx where PrDelete=0 and Nom_Vag in (select distinct Nom_Vag from #tmp where source <>5 and arx='''+@Ar+''')'
PRINT @csql
update t Set IdZapArx=t1.IdZap
from #tmp t
inner join #t1 t1 on t.Nom_Vag=t1.Nom_Vag
where t.arx=@Ar
delete from #T1
delete from @Arx where Arx=@Ar
--Определяем дату первой вставки комментария
insert into @Arx (arx) select distinct arx from #tmp where Source<>5
while (select count(*) from @Arx)>0
Select top 1 @Ar=Arx from @Arx
set @cSQL ='insert into #t1 (DateIns,Nom_Vag) select min(DateIns),Nom_Vag from arx'+@Ar+'.dbo.DrVrkVagArx where Nom_Vag in
(select distinct Nom_Vag from #tmp where source <>5 and arx='''+@Ar+''') group by Nom_Vag'
PRINT @csql
update t Set DateInsArx=t1.DateIns
from #tmp t
inner join #t1 t1 on t.Nom_Vag=t1.Nom_Vag
where t.arx=@Ar
delete from #T1
delete from @Arx where Arx=@Ar
--Выбираем коментарии из архива, интересуют комментарии типа 5 и 999, а так же все содержащие в себе текст - комментарий собственника
--таким присваиваем тип 1
create table #t2 (Npp int,Pr tinyint,IdZap int,Dat smalldatetime,TipComment smallint,[Column] tinyint)
create table #t2_tmp (IdZap int,Dat smalldatetime,TipComment smallint)
insert into @Arx (arx) select distinct arx from #tmp where Source<>5
while (select count(*) from @Arx)>0
Select top 1 @Ar=Arx from @Arx
set @cSQL ='insert into #t2_tmp (IdZap,Dat,TipComment)
case when RaschTip like ''%комментарий собственника%'' then 1 else comm.TipComment end as ''TipComment''
FROM arx'+@Ar+'.dbo.DrVrkCommentArx comm
WHERE IdZap in (select idzapArx from #Tmp where arx='''+@Ar+''') and (TipComment in (5,999) or RaschTip like ''%комментарий собственника%'') '
PRINT @csql
delete from @Arx where Arx=@Ar
--Поскольку данные далеки от идеальных приходится их корректировать
--После кода 999 не должно быть записей, так как пакет подписан
--Перед кодом 5 не должно быть записей, так как это первое сообщение на подписание пакета
--Не может отсутствовать 5-ка, вместо нее добавляем запись с датой первой вставки
--удаляем 5-ку следующую за 999
delete t
from #t2_tmp t
inner join #t2_tmp t2 on t2.IdZap=t.IdZap and t.Dat>t2.Dat
where t.TipComment=5 and t2.TipComment=999
--удаляем все перед первой 5-кой
delete t
from #t2_tmp t
outer apply(select top 1 dat from #t2_tmp t2 where t.IdZap=t2.IdZap and t2.TipComment=5 order by t2.Dat asc) Dat
where t.Dat<Dat.Dat
--вставляем запись если есть только 999 или 1
insert into #t2_tmp (IdZap,Dat,TipComment)
case when t1.dateinsarx<t.dat then t1.dateinsarx else DATEADD(minute,-1,t.dat) end,
from #t2_tmp t
outer apply (select count(*) as kol from #t2_tmp t2 where t2.Idzap=t.Idzap) ins
left join #tmp t1 on t1.IdzapArx=t.IdZap
where Ins.Kol=1 and t.TipComment<>5
--Вставляем подготовленные данные в основную таблицу для сортировки
insert into #t2 (Npp,Pr,IdZap,Dat,TipComment,[Column])
ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION BY IdZap ORDER BY IdZap, comm.Dat asc) as [npp],
FROM #t2_tmp comm
--Выбираем данные для записей из Диадока
create table #t3 (IdZap int,Dat smalldatetime,TipComment smallint)
--Отдельно 5-й тип
insert into #t3
select t.IdZap,
--Дату появления пакета берём из журнала, но если вдруг журнал почищен, то берём дату создания пакета у нас.
isnull(case when wlog.Date_Sys < wlog.Date_Detection then wlog.Date_Sys else wlog.Date_Detection end, ver_first.RecCreationDate) as Date_Detection,
from #tmp t
--Поиск всех пакетов по ремонту.
outer apply (
select distinct ver.PakRecId, ver.PakArxYear
from #T_PakVersion ver
where ver.IdZap = t.IdZap and ver.Vid_Rem = t.Vid_Rem) ver_pak
--Привязываем пакет, если нужно проверить PakSrc.
--left join arxthp..Pak pak on pak.RecId = ver_pak.PakRecId
--Поиск стартовых версий пакетов.
outer apply (
select top 1 *
from #T_PakVersion ver
where ver.PakRecId = ver_pak.PakRecId
order by ver.RecCreationDate asc) ver_first
--Поиск финальных версий пакетов.
outer apply (
select top 1 *
from #T_PakVersion ver
where ver.PakRecId = ver_pak.PakRecId
order by ver.Actual desc, ver.RecCreationDate desc) ver_last
--Поиск первого упоминания о первой версии в журнале.
left join Drt1DiadocWebLog (nolock) wlog on wlog.Request = ver_first.Ref
left join arxthp..PakVersionSign sig on sig.PakRecId = ver_pak.PakRecId and sig.PakArxYear = ver_pak.PakArxYear
where t.IdzapArx is null
--отдельно 1 и 999
insert into #t3
select t.IdZap,sig.SignDate, case when ver_last.Pakstate=3 then 999 else 1 end as TipComment
from #tmp t
--Поиск всех пакетов по ремонту.
outer apply (
select distinct ver.PakRecId, ver.PakArxYear
from #T_PakVersion ver
where ver.IdZap = t.IdZap and ver.Vid_Rem = t.Vid_Rem) ver_pak
--Привязываем пакет, если нужно проверить PakSrc.
--left join arxthp..Pak pak on pak.RecId = ver_pak.PakRecId
--Поиск стартовых версий пакетов.
outer apply (
select top 1 *
from #T_PakVersion ver
where ver.PakRecId = ver_pak.PakRecId
order by ver.RecCreationDate asc) ver_first
--Поиск финальных версий пакетов.
outer apply (
select top 1 *
from #T_PakVersion ver
where ver.PakRecId = ver_pak.PakRecId
order by ver.Actual desc, ver.RecCreationDate desc) ver_last
--Поиск первого упоминания о первой версии в журнале.
left join Drt1DiadocWebLog (nolock) wlog on wlog.Request = ver_first.Ref
left join arxthp..PakVersionSign sig on sig.PakRecId = ver_pak.PakRecId and sig.PakArxYear = ver_pak.PakArxYear
where t.IdzapArx is null and sig.SignDate is not null
--Считаем что из Диадока приходят только хорошие данные, а потому сразу вставляем все в таблицу сортировки
insert into #t2 (Npp,Pr,IdZap,Dat,TipComment,[Column])
ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION BY IdZap ORDER BY IdZap, comm.Dat asc) as [npp],
FROM #t3 comm
--select 111 as [__], * from #t2;
--Блок преобразования
update #t2 set [Column] = 6 where npp = 1 and TipComment = 5
update #t2 set [Column] = 7 where npp = 2 and TipComment in (1, 999)
update #t2 set [Column] = 8 where npp > 1 and TipComment = 5
update t set [Column] = 9
from #t2 t
inner join #t2 t2 on t.IdZap=t2.IdZap and t.npp=t2.npp+1 and t.Pr=t2.Pr
where t.TipComment=1 and t2.[Column]=8
update #t2 set [Column] = 10 where TipComment in (999)
select '__' as [__], * from #t2
select ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION BY t6.IdZap ORDER BY (select null) asc) as npp
, t6.IdZap,
t6.Dat as [Col6],
t7.Dat as [Col7],
t8.Dat as [Col8],
t9.Dat as [Col9],
t10.Dat as [Col10],
into #tmp55
from #t2 t6
left join #t2 t7 on t7.IdZap = t6.IdZap and t6.Pr=t7.Pr and t7.[Column] = 7
left join #t2 t8 on t6.IdZap = t8.IdZap and t8.Pr=t6.Pr and t8.[Column] = 8
left join #t2 t9 on t9.IdZap = t8.IdZap and t8.Pr=t9.Pr and t9.[Column] in (9,10) and t9.npp = t8.npp+1
left join #t2 t10 on t10.idZap = t6.Idzap and and t10.[Column]=10 --and t10.npp = coalesce(t9.npp,t8.npp,t7.npp,t6.npp)+1
where t6.[Column] = 6
select * from #tmp55
ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION BY IdZap ORDER BY IdZap, npp asc) [idx],
ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION BY IdZap ORDER BY IdZap, npp desc) [idx2],
into #tmp2
from #tmp55 order by IdZap, npp
select * from #tmp2
--Формирование итогового отчета
convert(varchar,t.Date_Rem,104) as 'Date_Rem',
idx, idx2,
case when idx = 1 then convert(varchar,[Col6],104) end as [Col6],
case when idx = 1 then convert(varchar,[Col7],104) end as [Col7],
case when idx2 = 1 then case when [Col10] is null then 'не согласован' else convert(varchar,[Col10],104) end end as [Col10],
case when idx2 = 1 then case when t.Or_Kompl_Buh is null then 'не подписан' else convert(varchar,t.Or_Kompl_Buh,104) end end as Or_Kompl_Buh,
case when idx=1 then DATEDIFF(day,t.Date_Rem,t2.[Col6]) else 0 end as [Col12],
cast(null as int) as [Col13]
into #tmp3
from #tmp T
left JOIN #tmp2 T2 ON ( and t.IdzapArx=t2.IdZap) or (t2.Pr=2 and t.IdZap=t2.IdZap)
order by IdZap, idx
--Вычисляем значения для последней колоноки
update t set Col13=case when t.idx=1 then DATEDIFF(day,t.col8,t.col9) else DATEDIFF(day,t2.col9,t.col8) end
from #tmp3 t
left join #tmp3 t2 on t.IdZap=t2.IdZap and t.Source=t2.Source and t.Idx-1=t2.Idx
--Причесываем итоговый отчет
update #tmp3 Set Col10=null, Col12=null
where isnull(idx,1)=1 and isnull(idx2,1)=1 and col6 is null
--Финальная выборка
case when isnull(idx,1)=1 then t.Npp end as [Npp1],
case when isnull(idx,1)=1 then T.IdZap end as [IdZap],
case when isnull(idx,1)=1 then t.Nom_Vag end as [Nom_Vag1],
case when isnull(idx,1)=1 then t.Date_Rem end as [Date_Rem],
case when isnull(idx,1)=1 then t.Vrp_rem_Name end as [Vrp_rem_Name],
case when isnull(idx,1)=1 then t.AS_Stoim end as [AS_Stoim],
convert(varchar,Col8,104) as [Col8],
convert(varchar,Col9,104) as [Col9],
from #tmp3 t
order by Nom_Vag, idx
drop table #t1
drop table #tmp
drop table #t2
drop table #tmp2
drop table #tmp55
drop table #t3
drop table #tmp3
drop table #t2_tmp
drop table #T_PakVersion
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