KDE's document viewer Okular renders
markdown as HTML
(and reloads it automatically on changes.) Thus, simply open the
markdown file currently edited in Vim in Okular to be all set!
To start an GUI application from Vim, without freezing, hit-<enter>
prompts or scrambling screen lines, one can add a command such as
if has('unix')
command! -complete=shellcmd -nargs=1 -bang Silent execute ':silent !' . (<bang>0 ? 'nohup ' . <q-args> . '</dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &' : <q-args>) | execute ':redraw!'
elseif has('win32')
command! -complete=shellcmd -nargs=1 -bang Silent execute ':silent !start ' . (<bang>0 ? '/b ' : '') . <q-args> | execute ':redraw!'
command! OK Silent! okular %:S
to call okular by
With the most recent Vim,
command! OK Launch okular %:S