I need to Generate this:
From this endpoint:
which returns this json
"name": "PDFs/PPT/cs003_6_p",
"bucket": "neso-c53c4.appspot.com",
"generation": "1625475334027706",
"metageneration": "1",
"contentType": "application/octet-stream",
"timeCreated": "2021-07-05T08:55:34.032Z",
"updated": "2021-07-05T08:55:34.032Z",
"storageClass": "STANDARD",
"size": "1217505",
"md5Hash": "XoNSd6K4Q265AsL/PqgDYQ==",
"contentEncoding": "identity",
"contentDisposition": "inline; filename*=utf-8''cs003_6_p",
"crc32c": "K65Rzg==",
"etag": "CLrzgL/Hy/ECEAE=",
"downloadTokens": "62495eba-ea22-4e70-9700-02288a7915d4"
So to get this endpoint we need just the pdf name as a parameter, and then we can get the download token from the json response.
I tried to do this with the following code:
const getDownloadUrl = async (pdfName) => {
const resp = await fetch(`https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/neso-c53c4.appspot.com/o/PDFs%2FPPT%2F${pdfName}`)
const respJson = await resp.json()
const downloadUrl = `https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/neso-c53c4.appspot.com/o/PDFs%2FPPT%2F${pdfName}?alt=media&token=${respJson.downloadTokens}`
return downloadUrl
await getDownloadUrl('cs003_6_p')
Use this to collect all the links of the pdfs of a course:
const course = 'cs003'
const pdfs = []
await Promise.all([...Array(12).keys()].map(async (i) => {
const pdfName = `${course}_${i+1}_p`
const downloadUrl = await getDownloadUrl(pdfName)
Yes, I you premium pdfs also.