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Created January 16, 2025 20:54
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  • Save Krinkle/684c766ff33346946b6ce144b1751b64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Krinkle/684c766ff33346946b6ce144b1751b64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert a markdown changelog to blog posts, compatible with Jekyll and Eleventy. Used by
/* eslint-env node */
'use strict';
import cp from 'node:child_process';
import fs from 'node:fs';
import path from 'node:path';
const CHANGELOG_FILE = './';
const MAILMAP_FILE = '.mailmap';
const FIRST_TODO = '2.23.1 / ';
const LAST_DONE = '1.3.0 / ';
const OUT_POSTS_DIR = 'docs/_posts/';
const OUT_AUTHORS_FILE = 'docs/_data/authors.yaml';
// '[email protected]': { username: 'example', name: 'John Doe' }
* @param {boolean} writeFiles False by default, for dry run.
async function main (writeFiles = false) {
let input = fs.readFileSync(CHANGELOG_FILE).toString();
const userCache = new Map();
const firstIdx = input.indexOf(FIRST_TODO);
const lastIdx = input.indexOf(LAST_DONE);
if (firstIdx === -1) { throw 'FIRST_TODO not found'; }
if (lastIdx === -1) { throw 'LAST_DONE not found'; }
input = input.slice(firstIdx, lastIdx);
let draft = null;
for (const line of input.split('\n')) {
if (/^===+$/.test(line.trim())) {
const nextVersion = /^\d[\d.]+/.exec(line)?.[0];
if (nextVersion) {
// Flush previous draft
if (draft) {
savePost(draft, writeFiles);
draft = null;
// Start next draft
const version = nextVersion;
const date = /(?: \/ )([0-9-]+)/.exec(line)[1];
// Set post author to GitHub username
// Run local git commands to find the email address of the release commit author,
// and then map that to a GitHub username.
// I considered using the GitHub API, but there are problems:
// 1. The refs API list does not provide tag/commit author information.
// This requires a separate request for each tag.
// 2. The refs API for individual tags still does not contain GitHub usernames.
// 3. The users search API is limited to finding users that list their email
// address publicly on their profile page, which most people don't.
// `${encodeURIComponent(email)+in:email}`
// 4. The commits search API is an effective workaround, but is limited
// to current email addresses only.
// `${encodeURIComponent(email)}&per_page=1&sort=author-date`
// 6. To make this work realiably, we'd need the above 4 API requests, plus
// a local mailmap call to translate potentially old to current addresses.
// Instead of all that, ask local git directly for the author of a tag,
// which already has mailmap applied, and then use the API only to map that.
const tagInfo = gitTagInfo(version);
let author = POST_AUTHOR_OVERRIDE[] || userCache.get(;
if (!author) {
const searchData = await ghApi(`${encodeURIComponent(}`);
let username = searchData?.items?.[0]?.login;
if (searchData.total_count !== 1 || !username) {
const commitData = await ghApi(`${encodeURIComponent(}&per_page=1&sort=author-date`);
username = commitData?.items?.[0]?.author?.login;
if (!username) {
console.error(searchData, commitData);
throw new Error(`Failed or ambiguous username lookup for ${version} author ${}`);
// Use full name from whichever release we see first.
// It is the same for all releases, because gitTagInfo() applies mailmap.
author = { username: username.toLowerCase(), name: };
userCache.set(, author);
draft = {
username: author.username,
changelog: '',
filename: `${date}-qunit-${version.replaceAll('.', '-')}.md`
} else if (draft) {
draft.changelog += line + '\n';
} else {
throw new Error('Cannot process lines outside an active draft');
// Flush last draft
if (draft) {
savePost(draft, writeFiles);
draft = null;
saveAuthors(userCache, writeFiles);
function savePost (draft, writeFiles) {
for (const key in draft) {
if (!draft[key]) {
throw new Error('Invalid draft');
const filename = path.join(OUT_POSTS_DIR, draft.filename);
const body = `---
layout: post
title: "QUnit ${draft.version} Released"
author: ${draft.username}
- release
## Changelog
## See also
* [Git tag: ${draft.version}](${draft.version})
if (!writeFiles) {
console.log('# ' + filename);
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, body);
function saveAuthors (userCache, writeFiles) {
const filename = OUT_AUTHORS_FILE;
let content = '';
for (const [,author] of userCache) {
content += `${author.username}: ${}\n`;
if (!writeFiles) {
console.log('# ' + filename);
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, content);
async function ghApi (url) {
const token = process.env.GITHUB_API_TOKEN;
if (!token) throw new Error('Env GITHUB_API_TOKEN must be set');
const resp = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
Accept: 'application/vnd.github+json',
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
'X-GitHub-Api-Version': '2022-11-28'
const data = await resp.json();
if (!resp.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP ${resp.status} from ${url}`);
return data;
function gitTagInfo (version) {
const lines = cp.execFileSync('git', [
version + '^{commit}', // omit optional signed tag object
'-s' // omit diff
], { encoding: 'utf8' }).toString().trim().split('\n');
return {
name: lines[0],
email: lines[1]
await main(true);
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