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Forked from tstarling/make-package-contents.php
Created August 5, 2024 17:16
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PECL package <contents> tag generator
define( 'INDENT', ' ' );
$files = shell_exec(
'git -C ' . escapeshellarg( __DIR__ ) .
' ls-tree --name-only -r HEAD'
if ( !$files ) {
fwrite( STDERR, "Error running git ls-tree\n" );
exit( 1 );
$dirs = [];
foreach ( explode( "\n", $files ) as $file ) {
if ( $file === '' ) {
$parts = explode( '/', $file );
$cursor =& $dirs;
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $parts ) - 1; $i++ ) {
$part = $parts[$i];
if ( substr( $part, 0, 1 ) === '.' ) {
continue 2;
if ( !isset( $cursor[$part] ) ) {
$cursor[$part] = [];
$cursor =& $cursor[$part];
$part = $parts[$i];
if ( substr( $part, 0, 1 ) === '.' ) {
if ( $part === 'package.xml' ) {
$cursor['.'][] = $part;
echo INDENT . "<contents>\n";
writeDir( '', $dirs, INDENT . INDENT );
echo INDENT . "</contents>\n";
function writeFiles( $files, $indent ) {
foreach ( $files as $file ) {
$dotPos = strrpos( $file, '.' );
$ext = $dotPos === false ? '' : substr( $file, $dotPos + 1 );
if ( $ext === 'phpt' ) {
$role = 'test';
} elseif (
$ext === 'c' ||
$ext === 'h' ||
$ext === 'cpp' ||
$ext === 'hpp' ||
$ext === 'm4' ||
$ext === 'ini'
) {
$role = 'src';
} else {
$role = 'doc';
echo "$indent<file name=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $file ) . "\" " .
"role=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $role ) . "\"/>\n";
function writeDir( $name, $contents, $indent ) {
if ( $name === '' ) {
$outName = '/';
} else {
$outName = $name;
echo "$indent<dir name=\"" . htmlspecialchars( $outName ) . "\">\n";
foreach ( $contents as $name => $subdirOrFiles ) {
if ( $name === '.' ) {
writeFiles( $subdirOrFiles, $indent . INDENT, );
} else {
writeDir( $name, $subdirOrFiles, $indent . INDENT );
echo "$indent</dir>\n";
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