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Created January 11, 2016 21:20
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My brief CV
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\def\name {Armin Pašalić}
\def\doc {Curriculum Vitae}
\def\address {Rathausstraße 19}
\def\keywords {Developer, Software, Engineer, Ruby, Rails, Javascript, jQuery}
\lhead{\footnotesize \parbox{11cm}{\it\name: \doc} }
\cfoot{\footnotesize\color{gray} Last updated: \today \\ Built using \LaTeX}
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{ll} Mobile: & \href{tel:+4915753079004}{+49 (0)157 53 079 004}\\
Github: & \href{}{}\\
Email: & \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]}
{ll} Xing: & \href{}{}\\
LinkedIn: & \href{}{}\\
Keybase: & \href{}{}
\hspace{8.5mm}\href{}{\bfseries Promptus Partners GmbH}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm} Software Development Lead }
\hspace{2.5mm}\href{}{\bfseries LX e-commerce solutions GmbH}\\
\indent\hspace{17.5mm}{\href{}{\footnotesize \& Yipiii B2B}}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm} Lead Software Developer }
\hspace{2.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries LiquidM GmbH}}\\
\indent\hspace{17.5mm}{\href{}{\footnotesize ↑ madvertise Mobile Advertising GmbH}}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm} Senior Software Developer }
\hspace{3.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries Personal Inc.}}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm} Software Developer }
\hspace{3.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries DevLogic d.o.o.}}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm}Senior Developer}
\hspace{3.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries Verk d.o.o.}}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm}Senior PHP Developer}
\hspace{3.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries KJP ,,Sarajevo - šume'' d.o.o. Sarajevo}}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm}Information Technology Coordinator}
\hspace{3.5mm}{\bfseries Teacher Education and Professional Development}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm}CIO \& Web Designer/Developer}
\hspace{3.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina}}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm}Web Designer/Developer}
\hspace{3.5mm}{\href{}{\bfseries Sayber d.o.o.}}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm}Web Designer/Developer}
\hspace{3.5mm}{\bfseries ISV Radio Sarajevo}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm}Radio host \& DJ}
\hspace{3.5mm}{\bfseries Joker - youth centre}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm}Multimedia instructor}
\hspace{3.5mm}{\bfseries Chip d.o.o.}\\
\it\indent{\footnotesize\hspace{17mm}Trainee in electronic shack}
\section*{Development skills}
\begin{itemize} \footnotesize
\item{\bfseries \href{}{Ruby} and \href{}{Rails} since 2010 }
\item{\bfseries Javascript, since 2002}
\item{\bfseries Databases - SQL \& NoSQL}
\item {\bfseries Web (HTML) and CSS, since 1999}
\item{\bfseries PHP, since 2003}
\subitem Avoiding since discovered Ruby
\item {\bfseries Learning and interested in ... }
\subitem Software Design Patterns
\subitem \href{}{Scala} \& \href{}{Akka}
\subitem \href{}{Clojure}
\subitem \href{}{Go Lang}
\subitem \href{}{Node.js}
\subitem \href{}{Docker}
\item {\bfseries Other interesting things?}
\subitem Most likely.
\item{{\footnotesize{2007-- . . . }} Attended B.S. Information Technologies, Faculty of information technology Mostar}
\item{{\footnotesize{1993--1997}} Željeznički školski centar Sarajevo}
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