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Created October 23, 2015 13:51
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GameHelper for Android Google Play Game Services with new ApiClient
using System;
using Android.Gms.Common;
using Android.Gms.Common.Apis;
using Android.Gms.Games.Achievement;
using Android.Gms.Games.LeaderBoard;
using Android.Gms.Games;
using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Views;
using Java.Interop;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace GooglePlay.Services.Helpers
/// <summary>
/// Basic wrapper for interfacing with the GooglePlayServices Game API's
/// </summary>
public class GameHelper: Java.Lang.Object, GoogleApiClient.IConnectionCallbacks, GoogleApiClient.IOnConnectionFailedListener
GoogleApiClient client;
Activity activity;
bool signedOut = true;
bool signingin = false;
bool resolving = false;
List<IAchievement> achievments = new List<IAchievement>();
Dictionary<string, List<ILeaderboardScore>> scores = new Dictionary<string, List<ILeaderboardScore>> ();
AchievementsCallback achievmentsCallback;
LeaderBoardsCallback leaderboardsCallback;
const int REQUEST_LEADERBOARD = 9002;
const int REQUEST_ACHIEVEMENTS = 9004;
const int RC_RESOLVE = 9001;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user is signed out or not.
/// </summary>
/// <value><c>true</c> if signed out; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value>
public bool SignedOut {
get { return signedOut; }
set {
if (signedOut != value) {
signedOut = value;
// Store if we Signed Out so we don't bug the player next time.
using (var settings = this.activity.GetSharedPreferences ("googleplayservicessettings", FileCreationMode.Private)) {
using (var e = settings.Edit ()) {
e.PutBoolean ("SignedOut", signedOut);
e.Commit ();
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the gravity for the GooglePlay Popups.
/// Defaults to Bottom|Center
/// </summary>
/// <value>The gravity for popups.</value>
public GravityFlags GravityForPopups { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The View on which the Popups should show
/// </summary>
/// <value>The view for popups.</value>
public View ViewForPopups {get;set;}
/// <summary>
/// This event is fired when a user successfully signs in
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler OnSignedIn;
/// <summary>
/// This event is fired when the Sign in fails for any reason
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler OnSignInFailed;
/// <summary>
/// This event is fired when the user Signs out
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler OnSignedOut;
/// <summary>
/// List of Achievements. Populated by LoadAchievements
/// </summary>
/// <value>The achievements.</value>
public List<IAchievement> Achievements {
get { return achievments; }
public GameHelper (Activity activity)
this.activity = activity;
this.GravityForPopups = GravityFlags.Bottom | GravityFlags.Center;
achievmentsCallback = new AchievementsCallback (this);
leaderboardsCallback = new LeaderBoardsCallback (this);
public void Initialize() {
var settings = this.activity.GetSharedPreferences ("googleplayservicessettings", FileCreationMode.Private);
signedOut = settings.GetBoolean ("SignedOut", true);
if (!signedOut)
CreateClient ();
private void CreateClient() {
// did we log in with a player id already? If so we don't want to ask which account to use
var settings = this.activity.GetSharedPreferences ("googleplayservicessettings", FileCreationMode.Private);
var id = settings.GetString ("playerid", String.Empty);
var builder = new GoogleApiClient.Builder (activity, this, this);
builder.AddApi (Android.Gms.Games.GamesClass.Api);
builder.AddScope (Android.Gms.Games.GamesClass.ScopeGames);
builder.SetGravityForPopups ((int)GravityForPopups);
if (ViewForPopups != null)
builder.SetViewForPopups (ViewForPopups);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (id)) {
builder.SetAccountName (id);
client = builder.Build ();
/// <summary>
/// Start the GooglePlayClient. This should be called from your Activity Start
/// </summary>
public void Start() {
if(SignedOut && !signingin)
if (client != null && !client.IsConnected) {
client.Connect ();
/// <summary>
/// Disconnects from the GooglePlayClient. This should be called from your Activity Stop
/// </summary>
public void Stop() {
if (client != null && client.IsConnected) {
client.Disconnect ();
/// <summary>
/// Reconnect to google play.
/// </summary>
public void Reconnect() {
if (client != null)
client.Reconnect ();
/// <summary>
/// Sign out of Google Play and make sure we don't try to auto sign in on the next startup
/// </summary>
public void SignOut() {
SignedOut = true;
if (client.IsConnected) {
GamesClass.SignOut (client);
Stop ();
using (var settings = this.activity.GetSharedPreferences ("googleplayservicessettings", FileCreationMode.Private)) {
using (var e = settings.Edit ()) {
e.PutString ("playerid",String.Empty);
e.Commit ();
client.Dispose ();
client = null;
if (OnSignedOut != null)
OnSignedOut (this, EventArgs.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to Sign in to Google Play
/// </summary>
public void SignIn() {
signingin = true;
if (client == null)
CreateClient ();
if (client.IsConnected)
if (client.IsConnecting)
var result = GooglePlayServicesUtil.IsGooglePlayServicesAvailable (activity);
if (result != ConnectionResult.Success) {
Start ();
/// <summary>
/// Unlocks the achievement.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="achievementCode">Achievement code from you applications Google Play Game Services Achievements Page</param>
public void UnlockAchievement(string achievementCode) {
GamesClass.Achievements.Unlock (client, achievementCode);
public void IncrementAchievement(string achievementCode, int progress) {
GamesClass.Achievements.Increment (client, achievementCode, progress);
/// <summary>
/// Show the built in google Achievements Activity. This will cause your application to go into a Paused State
/// </summary>
public void ShowAchievements() {
var intent = GamesClass.Achievements.GetAchievementsIntent (client);
activity.StartActivityForResult (intent, REQUEST_ACHIEVEMENTS);
/// <summary>
/// Submit a score to google play. The score will only be updated if it is greater than the existing score.
/// This is not immediate but will occur at the next sync of the google play client.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leaderboardCode">Leaderboard code from you applications Google Play Game Services Leaderboards Page</param>
/// <param name="value">The value of the score</param>
public void SubmitScore(string leaderboardCode, long value) {
GamesClass.Leaderboards.SubmitScore (client, leaderboardCode, value);
/// <summary>
/// Submit a score to google play. The score will only be updated if it is greater than the existing score.
/// This is not immediate but will occur at the next sync of the google play client.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leaderboardCode">Leaderboard code from you applications Google Play Game Services Leaderboards Page</param>
/// <param name="value">The value of the score</param>
/// <param name="value">Additional MetaData to attach. Must be a URI safe string with a max length of 64 characters</param>
public void SubmitScore(string leaderboardCode, long value, string metadata) {
GamesClass.Leaderboards.SubmitScore (client, leaderboardCode, value, metadata);
/// <summary>
/// Show the built in leaderboard activity for the leaderboard code.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="leaderboardCode">Leaderboard code from you applications Google Play Game Services Leaderboards Page</param>
public void ShowLeaderBoardIntentForLeaderboard(string leaderboardCode) {
var intent = GamesClass.Leaderboards.GetLeaderboardIntent (client, leaderboardCode);
activity.StartActivityForResult (intent, REQUEST_LEADERBOARD);
/// <summary>
/// Show the built in leaderboard activity for all the leaderboards setup for your application
/// </summary>
public void ShowAllLeaderBoardsIntent() {
var intent = GamesClass.Leaderboards.GetAllLeaderboardsIntent (client);
activity.StartActivityForResult (intent, REQUEST_ALL_LEADERBOARDS);
/// <summary>
/// Load the Achievments. This populates the Achievements property
/// </summary>
public void LoadAchievements() {
var pendingResult = GamesClass.Achievements.Load (client, false);
pendingResult.SetResultCallback (achievmentsCallback);
public void LoadTopScores(string leaderboardCode) {
var pendingResult = GamesClass.Leaderboards.LoadTopScores (client, leaderboardCode, 2, 0, 25);
pendingResult.SetResultCallback (leaderboardsCallback);
#region IGoogleApiClientConnectionCallbacks implementation
public void OnConnected (Android.OS.Bundle connectionHint)
resolving = false;
SignedOut = false;
signingin = false;
using (var settings = this.activity.GetSharedPreferences ("googleplayservicessettings", FileCreationMode.Private)) {
using (var e = settings.Edit ()) {
e.PutString ("playerid",GamesClass.GetCurrentAccountName(client));
e.Commit ();
if (OnSignedIn != null)
OnSignedIn (this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void OnConnectionSuspended (int resultCode)
resolving = false;
SignedOut = false;
signingin = false;
client.Disconnect ();
if (OnSignInFailed != null)
OnSignInFailed (this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void OnConnectionFailed (ConnectionResult result)
if (resolving)
if (result.HasResolution) {
resolving = true;
result.StartResolutionForResult (activity, RC_RESOLVE);
resolving = false;
SignedOut = false;
signingin = false;
if (OnSignInFailed != null)
OnSignInFailed (this, EventArgs.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Processes the Activity Results from the Signin process. MUST be called from your activity OnActivityResult override.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="requestCode">Request code.</param>
/// <param name="resultCode">Result code.</param>
/// <param name="data">Data.</param>
public void OnActivityResult (int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data) {
if (requestCode == RC_RESOLVE) {
if (resultCode == Result.Ok) {
Start ();
} else {
if (OnSignInFailed != null)
OnSignInFailed (this, EventArgs.Empty);
internal class AchievementsCallback : Java.Lang.Object, IResultCallback {
GameHelper helper;
public AchievementsCallback (GameHelper helper): base()
this.helper = helper;
#region IResultCallback implementation
public void OnResult (Java.Lang.Object result)
var ar = result.JavaCast<IAchievementsLoadAchievementsResult>();
if (ar != null) {
helper.achievments.Clear ();
var count = ar.Achievements.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var item = ar.Achievements.Get (i);
var a = item.JavaCast<IAchievement> ();
helper.achievments.Add (a);
internal class LeaderBoardsCallback : Java.Lang.Object, IResultCallback {
GameHelper helper;
public LeaderBoardsCallback (GameHelper helper): base()
this.helper = helper;
#region IResultCallback implementation
public void OnResult (Java.Lang.Object result)
var ar = result.JavaCast<ILeaderboardsLoadScoresResult>();
if (ar != null) {
var id = ar.Leaderboard.LeaderboardId;
if (!helper.scores.ContainsKey (id)) {
helper.scores.Add (id, new List<ILeaderboardScore> ());
helper.scores [id].Clear ();
var count = ar.Scores.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var score = ar.Scores.Get(i).JavaCast<ILeaderboardScore> ();
helper.scores [id].Add (score);
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