June 12, 2012 11:33
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<!--- PetMEdicalCondition ---> | |
<cfcomponent extends="Model" output="false"> | |
<cffunction name="init" output="false" access="public"> | |
<cfset belongsTo(name="pet", dependent="deleteAll")> | |
<cfset belongsTo(name="medicalcondition", dependent="deleteAll", joinType="outer")> | |
</cffunction> | |
</cfcomponent> | |
<!--- Pet ---> | |
<cfcomponent extends="Model" output="false"> | |
<cffunction name="init" output="false" access="public"> | |
<!--- relationships ---> | |
<cfset belongsTo(name="personPets")> | |
<cfset belongsTo(name="breed")> | |
<cfset hasMany(name="petDocuments", dependent="deleteAll", joinType="outer")> | |
<cfset hasMany(name="petEvents", dependent="deleteAll", joinType="outer")> | |
<cfset hasMany(name="petRoutineSchedules", dependent="deleteAll", joinType="outer")> | |
<cfset hasMany(name="petMedicalConditions", dependent="deleteAll", joinType="outer", shortcut="medicalconditions")> | |
<cfset hasOne(name="petProfile", joinType="outer")> | |
<!--- nested properties ---> | |
<cfset nestedProperties(associations="petProfile,petEvents,petMedicalConditions")> | |
<!--- validations ---> | |
<cfset validatesPresenceOf(property="pettypeid", when="onCreate")> | |
<!--- 3rd party ---> | |
<cfset uploadableFile(property="image",nullWhenBlank=true)> | |
<!--- properties ---> | |
<cfset property(name="breedId", label="Breed")> | |
<cfset property(name="name", label="Name")> | |
<cfset property(name="weight", label="Weight")> | |
<cfset property(name="isfixed", label="Spayed/Neutered")> | |
<cfset property(name="birthdate", label="Date of Birth")> | |
<cfset property(name="pettype", label="Pet Type")> | |
<!--- callbacks ---> | |
<cfset afterFind("formatDate,getPetType")> | |
</cffunction> | |
<cffunction name="formatDate"> | |
<cfif StructKeyExists(arguments,"birthdate")> | |
<cfset arguments.birthdate = DateFormat(arguments.birthdate,"mm/dd/yyyy")> | |
</cfif> | |
<cfreturn arguments> | |
</cffunction> | |
<cffunction name="getPetType"> | |
<cfset arguments.pettype = ""> | |
<cfif StructKeyExists(arguments,"breed") && StructKeyExists(arguments.breed,"pettypeid")> | |
<cfquery name="qGetPetType" datasource="PetTrackr"> | |
SELECT pettype,id | |
FROM pettypes | |
WHERE id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.breed.pettypeid#"> | |
</cfquery> | |
<cfset arguments.pettype = qGetPetType.pettype> | |
<cfset arguments.pettypeid => | |
</cfif> | |
<cfreturn arguments> | |
</cffunction> | |
</cfcomponent> | |
<!--- PetProfile---> | |
<cfcomponent extends="Model" output="false"> | |
<cffunction name="init" output="false" access="public"> | |
<cfset belongsTo(name="pet")> | |
</cffunction> | |
</cfcomponent> | |
<!--- FORM ---> | |
#startFormTag(action=includeContent("formAction"), multipart=true, id="frmPetRegister",class="form-inline",,params="i=#RandRange(9999,99999999)#")# | |
<fieldset> | |
<legend>General Information</legend> | |
<div class="row" style="padding-top:10px"> | |
<div class="span3"> | |
#textField(label="Pet Name*", objectName="pet", property="name", id="name", tabindex="1")# | |
#select(label="Pet Type*", property="pettypeid", objectName="pet", id="pettype", options=pettypes, includeBlank=true, tabindex="3")# | |
#select(label="Gender*", property="gender", objectName="pet", id="gender", options=genderStruct, valueField="value", textField="gender", includeBlank=true, tabindex="5")# | |
#textField(label="Color*", objectName="pet", id="color", property="color", tabindex="7")# | |
#select(label="Spayed/Neutered*", objectName="pet", id="isfixed", property="isfixed", options=yesNoStruct, valueField="value", textField="isfixed", includeBlank=true, tabindex="9")# | |
</div> | |
<div class="span3"> | |
#textField(label="Date of Birth*", objectName="pet", property="birthdate", id="birthdate", tabindex="2")# | |
#select(label="Breed*", property="breedid", id="breedid", objectName="pet", options="", includeBlank="Select Pet Type First", tabindex="4")# | |
#textField(label=includeContent("weightBlurb"), objectName="pet", id="weight", property="weight", append="<span class=""add-on"">lbs</span></div></div></div>", prepend="<div class=""controls""><div class=""input-append"">", tabindex="6")# | |
#textField(label="Microchip Number", objectName="pet",association="petProfile", id="microchip", property="microchipnumber", tabindex="7")# | |
#textArea(label="Other Notes", objectName="pet", id="notes", property="notes", append="<span class=""help-block"">Use for anything that needs to be noted.</span></div></div>", tabindex="8")# | |
</div> | |
<div class="span3"> | |
<div class="control-group"> | |
<label class="control-label">Does your pet have any medical conditions?</label> | |
<div class="controls"> | |
#radioButton(objectName="pet",property="hasMedicalConditions",tagValue="0",labelClass="radio inline",id="hasMedicalConditionsNo",class="MedicalConditionsRdo",label="No")# | |
#radioButton(objectName="pet",property="hasMedicalConditions",tagValue="1",labelClass="radio inline",id="hasMedicalConditionsYes",class="MedicalConditionsRdo",label="Yes")# | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div id="PetIssues" class="hide"> | |
<div class="control-group"> | |
<label class="control-label">Please select all that apply</label> | |
<div class="controls" style="line-height:30px"> | |
<cfloop query="medicalconditions"> | |
<cfif ListFindNoCase("Other,Allergies",medicalconditions.condition)><br></cfif> | |
#hasManyCheckBox(objectName="pet",association="petmedicalconditions",keys="#pet.key()#,",label="#medicalconditions.condition#",id="#Left(medicalconditions.condition,3)#")# | |
<cfif ListFindNoCase("Other,Allergies",medicalconditions.condition)> | |
#textField(objectName="pet",property="medicalconditions#medicalconditions.condition#",association="petprofile",labelPlacement="after",label="",class="input-medium",id="MedicalConditions#medicalconditions.condition#",prependToLabel="", prepend="", append="")# | |
</cfif> | |
</cfloop> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> <!---/span3 ---> | |
<div class="span3"> | |
<!---image stuff ---> | |
<cfif FileExists("#expandPath('.')#/images/petimages/")> | |
<cfset txtImage = "<img height=""100"" src=""/images/petimages/"" width=""100"">"> | |
<cfset showDelete = "<span class=""imageDelete""><a rel=""tooltip"" title=""Make sure to click 'Save Pet' after"" href=""##"" id=""imgDelete""><sup>delete</sup></a></span>"> | |
<cfelse> | |
<cfset txtImage = "None"> | |
<cfset showDelete = ""> | |
</cfif> | |
<input type="hidden" name="isImageDeleted" id="isImageDeleted" value="0"> | |
#fileField(label="Pet Image", objectName="pet", id="image", property="image", tabindex="10",append="<span class=""help-inline"" style=""vertical-align:top"">Image will be resized to 120x120. <br><br>Current Image: <span id=""ImageTxt"">#txtImage#</span>#showDelete#<span id=""NewImageWrapper""><br><br>New Image: <span id=""NewImage""></span></span></span></div></div>")# | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div class="form-actions"> | |
#buttonTag(value="register", content="Save Pet", class="btn btn-large btn-primary", type="submit", tabindex="7")# | |
#linkTo(text="Cancel", class="btn btn-large", action="main", confirm="Are you sure you want to cancel this action?")# | |
</div> | |
</fieldset> | |
#endFormTag()# | |
<!--- //end form ---> | |
<!--- COntroller Update ---> | |
<cffunction name="updatepet"> | |
<!---<cfdump var="#params#" abort>---> | |
<cfset imageUploadFailedTxt = ""> | |
<cfset pet = model("pet").findByKey(key=params.key,include="petProfile,petMedicalConditions")> | |
<cfdump var="#pet#" abort> | |
<cfif pet.update(> | |
<cfif Len(Trim( gt 0> | |
<cftry> | |
<cfif !DirectoryExists(application.petImagePath&> | |
<cfdirectory action="create" directory=""> | |
</cfif> | |
<cfimage action="resize" destination="" height="120" isbase64="false" overwrite="true" source="" width="120"> | |
<cfcatch> | |
<cflog text="updatepet - File upload or directory creation failed. - #cfcatch.Message#" file=""> | |
<cfset imageUploadFailedTxt = ", but there was an error uploading the image."> | |
</cfcatch> | |
</cftry> | |
<cfelseif params.isImageDeleted> | |
<cftry> | |
<cffile action="delete" file=""> | |
<cfcatch> | |
<cflog text="updatepet - Could not delete image file. #cfcatch.Message#" file=""> | |
</cfcatch> | |
</cftry> | |
</cfif> | |
<cfset redirectTo(action="main",success=" was updated successfully #imageUploadFailedTxt#")> | |
<cfelse> | |
<cfset renderPage(action="addpet")> | |
</cfif> | |
</cffunction> | |
<!--- Controller insert ---> | |
<cffunction name="createpet"> | |
<cfset imageUploadFailedTxt = ""> | |
<!---<cfdump var="#params#" abort>---> | |
<cfset pet = model("pet").new(> | |
<cfif> | |
<cfif Len(Trim( gt 0> | |
<cftry> | |
<cfif !DirectoryExists(application.petImagePath&> | |
<cfdirectory action="create" directory=""> | |
</cfif> | |
<cfimage action="resize" destination="" height="120" isbase64="false" overwrite="true" source="" width="120"> | |
<cfcatch> | |
<cflog text="updatepet - File upload or directory creation failed. - #cfcatch.Message#" file=""> | |
<cfset imageUploadFailedTxt = ", but there was an error uploading the image."> | |
</cfcatch> | |
</cftry> | |
</cfif> | |
<cfset personPet = model("PeoplePet").create(personId="", petId="")> | |
<cfset petprofilenew = model("PetProfile").create(petid="")> | |
<cfset redirectTo(action="main",success=" was added successfully #imageUploadFailedTxt#")> | |
<cfelse> | |
<cfset arrErrors = pet.allErrors()> | |
<cfset renderPage(action="addpet")> | |
</cfif> | |
</cffunction> | |
<cffunction name="addpet"> | |
<cfset var newPetProfile = model("petProfile").new()> | |
<cfset var newPetMedicalCond = model("petMedicalConditions").new()> | |
<cfset contentFor(pageHeading="Add New Pet")> | |
<cfset contentFor(blurb="Please fill in the following information to add your new pet.")> | |
<cfset contentFor(thisPageTitle="My PetTrackr - Add Pet")> | |
<cfset contentFor(formAction="createpet")> | |
<cfset contentFor(mode="Add")> | |
<cfset contentFor(weightBlurb="Current Weight")> | |
<cfset contentFor(iconStyle="<i class=""icon-plus""></i>")> | |
<cfset pet = model("pet").new(petProfile=newPetProfile,petMedicalConditions=newPetMedicalCond)> | |
<cfset medicalconditions = model("medicalcondition").findAll(order="sortorder,condition", returnAs="query")> | |
</cffunction> | |
<cffunction name="editpet"> | |
<cfset pet = model("pet").findByKey(key=params.key, include="petProfile,breed,petMedicalConditions")> | |
<cfset contentFor(pageHeading="Currently Editing")> | |
<cfset contentFor(blurb="Make the necessary changes then click the ""Save Pet"" button.")> | |
<cfset contentFor(thisPageTitle="My PetTrackr - Edit Pet")> | |
<cfset contentFor(formAction="updatepet")> | |
<cfset contentFor(mode="Edit")> | |
<cfset contentFor(weightBlurb="Initial Weight @ Signup <i class=""icon-question-sign showPointer"" rel=""tooltip"" title=""You may edit this in the events section"" id=""WeightQuestion""></i> ")> | |
<cfset contentFor(iconStyle="<i class=""icon-pencil""></i>")> | |
<cfset medicalconditions = model("medicalcondition").findAll(order="sortorder,condition", returnAs="query")> | |
<cfset renderPage(action="addpet")> | |
</cffunction> |
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