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Derek KrunchMuffin

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Expression Utility Objects
Besides these basic objects, Thymeleaf will offer us a set of utility objects that will help us perform common tasks in our expressions.
#dates: utility methods for java.util.Date objects: formatting, component extraction, etc.
#calendars: analogous to #dates, but for java.util.Calendar objects.
#numbers: utility methods for formatting numeric objects.
#strings: utility methods for String objects: contains, startsWith, prepending/appending, etc.
#objects: utility methods for objects in general.
#bools: utility methods for boolean evaluation.
#arrays: utility methods for arrays.
KrunchMuffin / GraphicsMagick.cfm
Created February 24, 2022 19:10 — forked from JamoCA/GraphicsMagick.cfm
ColdFusion Custom Tag for GraphicsMagick. Faster than ColdFusion's CFImage/java processing. Smaller output files. Better CMYK compatibility. Works with more image formats. (Set timout=0 to have image manipulation performed in the background; 0ms)
NAME: CF_GraphicsMagick
DESCRIPTION: ColdFusion wrapper for some GraphicsMagick routines. Faster than CFImage. Generates smaller images. Better
CMYK compatilibity (Adds compatibility to CF9.)
Works with more images formats, including EPS:
<CF_GraphicsMagick action="AspectScale" Infile="#ImageIn#" Outfile="#imageOut#" width="#W#" height="#H#">
KrunchMuffin /
Created September 28, 2020 20:15 — forked from miraculixx/
a simple python based rule engine
(c) 2014 miraculixx at
from shrutil.dictobj import DictObject
class RuleContext(DictObject):
rule context to store values and attributes (or any object)
def __init__(self):