- Student: Kyle Jon Aure
- Github: KyleAure
- Organization: IBM - Hybrid Cloud - Websphere
- Primary Project: OpenLiberty
The aim of this internship was to be part of a Websphere Application Server development team and work on issues / projects in the same capacity as any of the other team members.
Finished guide: Consuming a RESTful web service
Issue: #16
Pull Request: #25
- Introducted the new 'json-b 1.0' feature in an interactive guide form
- Consumed a RESTful web service using JSON-B to create Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs)
- Updated tests for more test coverage and to utilize JSON-B
- Collaborated with an Information Development team to ensure a postive user experience
- Redesigned guide to comply with updated Information Development team requirements
- Correct instruction omission to remind users to stop the server before making the changes specified in the guide
- General updates to documentation
Beta Release: HTTP session caching
Pull request: #1
- Wrote a completely new guide for the
feature - Created a finish application server that implements session caching and JAX-RS
- Created a start applciation that new users of Open Liberty will walk through to implement session caching
- Wrote automated testing to ensure that sessions are being cashed correctly
Issue: #2776
Pull Request: #3840
Specification: IBM Knowledge Center
- Removed
method that was introduced to convert property values from current specification to previous specification - Refactored code to use current spec property values without changing behavior
- Wrote automated tests to ensure that behavior was unchanged
- Wrote additional tests to make sure edge cases behaved to specification
Issue: #3917
Pull Request: #4484, #4626, #4645
- Rewrote existing code to allow for a non-transactional JDBC driver to be used with Open Liberty while still being able to take advantage of features such as connection pooling and statement caching
- Created custom error messages that customers will see if they configure their DataSource incorrectly
- Wrote tests to ensure that connections were being created and used correctly with a non-transational JDBC driver
- Wrote security tests to ensure combinations of settings that would make a database vulnerable could not be set
- Performed functional testing with the JDBC driver used by the client
Issue: #3873
Pull Request: IN PROGRESS
- Created a new trace category called ConnectionLogic
- Gives more detailed and smart information about connections as they travel through their lifecycle
- Helped to ensure that connections were not being leaked
- Created automated tests to ensure that tracing features were being implemented correctly
All North America interns participated in a hackathon with this years focus being on IBM Cloud.
- Team: Indecisive Iguanas
- Github: KyleAure
- Project Overview: Cognative Article Analysis
- Team Members:
- Kyle Jon Aure - Project Management - KyleAure
- Hannah Reuss - Front-End Development - hannah-reuss
- Gavin Schaeferle - IBM Cloud Integration - gavin-schaeferle
- Katherine Kairis - Python Expert - kkairis
- Jodie Wei - Node.js - Jodie Wei
- Isabelle Nguyen - javascript - ???
Participated in the 2018 Technical Intern Finale event which was a showcase for students to show off their summer projects, network, and perform conversion interviews.
- Presentation: Intern Presentation
- Showcase: Intern Demo
Special thanks to the Open Liberty collaborators and following mentors.
- Alex Motley
- Brittany Duffy
- Kevin Zemanek