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Last active November 30, 2018 16:06
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Chris Okasaki's Queue-Based Breadth-First Traversal and the Reconstruction from its Sequential Representation of Binary Tree
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{- Building a tree based on its bfs result. -}
module BFS where
import Test.QuickCheck hiding ((><))
import GHC.Generics
import Generic.Random
import Data.Sequence (Seq (..), singleton, (><))
data Tree a = Leaf
| Node { left :: Tree a
, label :: a
, right :: Tree a}
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Generic)
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Tree a) where
arbitrary = genericArbitraryRec uniform `withBaseCase` return Leaf
bfTrav :: Tree a -> Seq (Maybe a)
bfTrav t = bfTrav' $ singleton t
bfTrav' Empty = Empty
bfTrav' (Leaf :<| ts) = Nothing :<| bfTrav' ts
bfTrav' (Node l x r :<| ts) = Just x :<| bfTrav' (ts :|> l :|> r)
bfBuild :: Seq (Maybe a) -> Tree a
bfBuild ds | (t :<| Empty) <- bfBuild' ds = t
bfBuild' Empty = Empty
bfBuild' (Nothing :<| xs) = Leaf :<| bfBuild' xs
bfBuild' (Just x :<| xs) =
let (ts :|> l :|> r) = bfBuild' xs
in Node l x r :<| ts
prop t = t == bfBuild (bfTrav t)
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