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Pascal Hadiyanto L1so

  • Tangerang Selatan, Banten, Indonesia
  • 14:48 (UTC +07:00)
View GitHub Profile
L1so /
Last active January 15, 2025 07:22
MySQL init for system without systemd, tested on MX Linux 23, this also solves missing `/var/run/mysqld` directory, this dir is deleted when mysql service is stopped.
# Copyright Abandoned 1996 TCX DataKonsult AB & Monty Program KB & Detron HB
# This file is public domain and comes with NO WARRANTY of any kind
# MySQL daemon start/stop script.
# Usually this is put in /etc/init.d (at least on machines SYSV R4 based
# systems) and linked to /etc/rc3.d/S99mysql and /etc/rc0.d/K01mysql.
# When this is done the mysql server will be started when the machine is
# started and shut down when the systems goes down.
L1so / countries_continents.csv
Created April 27, 2022 00:42 — forked from alyssaq/countries_continents.csv
country and continent codes
continent_code country_code continent_name country_name
AS AF Asia Afghanistan
EU AX Europe Åland Islands
EU AL Europe Albania
AF DZ Africa Algeria
OC AS Oceania American Samoa
EU AD Europe Andorra
AF AO Africa Angola
NA AI North America Anguilla
AN AQ Antarctica Antarctica
if ! [ $(id -u) = 0 ]; then
printf "%s\n" "You need to be root"
exit 1
# OpenSSL
cd /opt
wget -O openssl.tar.gz
tar -xzf openssl.tar.gz && \
ln -s /opt/openssl-1.0.2t /opt/openssl-1.0
L1so / country.json
Created March 11, 2022 13:54
Country Code List JSON
{"BD": "Bangladesh", "BE": "Belgium", "BF": "Burkina Faso", "BG": "Bulgaria", "BA": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "BB": "Barbados", "WF": "Wallis and Futuna", "BL": "Saint Barthelemy", "BM": "Bermuda", "BN": "Brunei", "BO": "Bolivia", "BH": "Bahrain", "BI": "Burundi", "BJ": "Benin", "BT": "Bhutan", "JM": "Jamaica", "BV": "Bouvet Island", "BW": "Botswana", "WS": "Samoa", "BQ": "Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba ", "BR": "Brazil", "BS": "Bahamas", "JE": "Jersey", "BY": "Belarus", "BZ": "Belize", "RU": "Russia", "RW": "Rwanda", "RS": "Serbia", "TL": "East Timor", "RE": "Reunion", "TM": "Turkmenistan", "TJ": "Tajikistan", "RO": "Romania", "TK": "Tokelau", "GW": "Guinea-Bissau", "GU": "Guam", "GT": "Guatemala", "GS": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "GR": "Greece", "GQ": "Equatorial Guinea", "GP": "Guadeloupe", "JP": "Japan", "GY": "Guyana", "GG": "Guernsey", "GF": "French Guiana", "GE": "Georgia", "GD": "Grenada", "GB": "United Kingdom", "GA": "Gabon", "SV": "El Salvador", "GN": "Guinea", "GM": "Gambia
L1so /
Created February 27, 2022 10:35
Install php 5.5.9 from source on Ubuntu 16.04

Installing php 5.5.9 on Ubuntu 16.04

Make sure you update the package index.

sudo apt-get update

Install dependency package before building.

Installing php 5.5.9 on Ubuntu 18.04 - 20.04

Make sure you update the package index.

sudo apt-get update

Install dependency package before building.

L1so / php8-configure-command.bash
Created November 6, 2021 08:03
PHP 8 Configure option
`configure' configures PHP 8.0.12 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
Usage: ./configure [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
To assign environment variables (e.g., CC, CFLAGS...), specify them as
VAR=VALUE. See below for descriptions of some of the useful variables.
Defaults for the options are specified in brackets.
L1so /
Created November 3, 2021 02:56
Integrate php from source with apache2

Integrate php from source with apache2

Add following line to end of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.

LoadModule php5_module  modules/
AddType application/x-httpd-php  .php

Restart apache.

L1so /
Last active November 3, 2021 04:01
Install php 5.6.40 from source

Installing php 5.6.40 on Ubuntu 16.04

Make sure you update the package index.

sudo apt-get update

Install dependency package before building.

L1so /
Last active November 15, 2021 08:10
Adding sites-available and sites-enabled on NginX

Adding sites-available and sites-enabled on NginX

If you install official version of Nginx from their repository, you'll find that there was no any sites-available and sites-enabled directory like in Apache. Good news is, you can add it yourself !

  1. Create a new directory under /etc/nginx.
sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/sites-{available,enabled}